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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm hoping for around 30 hours. I'm too busy for anything more.
  2. Hey, you were looking to change anyways!
  3. Typically the classroom management is what drives people out of education, because you are basically dealing with a hostile audience for about 180 days a year. Thankfully my soul is nourished by the pain and suffering of middle schoolers. You get a lot of different situations when subbing, and really it is up to the sub to make the most of the situation. I subbed for two years before becoming a teacher. Many of my one day assignments were simple, but as I became better known to teachers and administrators, they would challenge me with more involved assignments. For example, I did all the lesson planning when I took over a kindergarten class for 8 weeks, and came up with a few of my own activities that fit my personality. I also got to assess student speeches once, and that was memorable.
  4. I agree with everything you are saying except your analysis of the US Executive Branch. It is very limited. Even when one party controls congress and the presidency, they can barely get anything done. Just look at the Affordable Care Act, which is basically the one big program Obama has pushed during his time in office. It's a bureaucratic mess that has faced roadblocks and rewrites every step of the way. One big part of limiting executive power is the fact that each state operates independently, meaning when the President wants to make a big change, he has to deal with 50 different states reacting to it.
  5. I like Channing Tatum, but he's not a Ghostbuster. They've already failed on the casting. The women one will be superior.
  6. But that's an issue that the US avoids by: 1. Term limits 2. Limited executive power 3. Having a group that trashes the President no matter what he does, regardless of party. It works surprisingly well.
  7. Teaching is definitely not for everyone, and there are some tough schools that will basically chew you up, but it does have its benefits. I'd recommend getting your substitute credential, all you need to do is pass the easy CBEST and apply at a few districts. There is a shortage of decent subs in the Bay Area, so you can get plenty of work, and it will give you an idea of what it is like. Gromnir, when I was last involved in a Native American studies class (which was about a decade ago) I had a professor who had written a few books on different tribes on the West Coast. He basically said that American Indian is just as good as Native American, because really most people would rather be called by their tribe name and don't care about the general label.
  8. Wals tends to get busy with work as a government assassin. He should be back soon, now that Boris Nemtsov is dead.
  9. I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but I like it.
  10. For Shady, who is thinking about getting a WiiU to replace his PS4, just be aware that the WiiU does not play DVD's at all. I was a bit bummed by that, as I was hoping to set it up in the family room and have it be an all purpose entertainment device for the kids. Also MLB The Show comes out at the end of the month, which is my main reason for owning the PS4. Best sports game ever.
  11. My kids loved Hotel Transylvania, so it did hit the market audience appropriately. It's one of my daughter's favorites.
  12. I replayed arcanum with the widescreen mod a couple years ago, it looks pretty good actually. So I don't think we need a remake. I did enjoy the universe and would love another game in it, but I'm not sure who owns the IP. The music is top notch.
  13. So I've gotten into my second playthrough after stalling out the first time. It is still a very impressive and engaging game, this time I need to just stick to the storyline more so I don't get burnt out searching for mosaic pieces and plants.
  14. As Gromnir said (I think) it is about making a lifestyle change, which is hardly a simple thing to do. Sure, the concept is simple, but actually changing everything around you and positioning yourself for success is incredibly tough. As I've said a few time before, Woldan will have an easier time understanding all this stuff when he hits his thirties. Maybe he will lead a charmed life and have great metabolism, injury recovery time, and less responsibilities in life, but I doubt it.
  15. I kind of take it for granted that most people don't trust politicians. It made me wonder the other day, does Oby have complete trust in Putin?
  16. Well I guess that explains why Jillian Michaels keeps quitting the show.
  17. I have played the new version of Avernum a bit. While it is good, and I did give it a few hours, I still lost interest rather quickly. I guess I'm just a shallow guy in it for the looks.
  18. I wouldn't worry about UC Santa Cruz, they are too busy eating 'shrooms and running through the forests.
  19. Well to go along with the theme, some dumb college kids voted against displaying the American flag in the campus lobby. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015/03/06/uc-irvine-students-vote-to-remove-american-flag-from-campus-lobby/ Glad I went to a state school instead of a UC.
  20. It's nice to see that they are continuing to work on it though and recognize it is pretty flawed.
  21. That's the cheapest Alienware I've ever seen.
  22. The Biggest Loser makes it pretty clear that just about anybody can get fit if they put the time and energy in.
  23. Just got a $400 bill for some work on the RV. It's actually pretty reasonable for all the work. I got an oil change for the engine and the generator, they serviced the AC, replaced one of the vents that had fallen apart, resealed some spots on the roof, and then installed a disconnect switch for the engine battery. But now it should be ready for summer adventures.
  24. I've been fighting that a bit with the impending release of Pillars of Eternity. I'm unhappy with everything else because I know it is just around the corner.
  25. I waited until I was almost 21 before I had my first drink. I still drink pretty infrequently, it is rare to have anything during the week, but I've come to appreciate the way different alcohols can compliment food. There are some meals that simply shine when paired with the right drink. I'm also fascinated by the whole brewing process, and I love trying to pick out the different flavors and aromas that go into well crafted beers. It can also be plenty relaxing. Oh, and apparently drinking red wine is like exercising, so drink up.
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