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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It doesn't even make sense that Williams would intentionally lie about being on the helicopter. The actual narrative is compelling enough without him embellishing on it. It is much more likely that he has a bad recollection. If he was actually attempting deceit, it would be a pretty poor attempt, as the story was quite easily revealed as inaccurate. As for holding people to higher standards, as has been stated, our 24 hour constant update newscycle has pretty much killed high standards. There are places to go for better research and analysis, but they don't get the ratings.
  2. Thank you very mutch ill give it a shot why not might get ride of the couple of have. Psst, he was talking about his poop. How dare you sir!
  3. There is a difference between being ignorant and being deceitful. I expect my news reporting to have a fair amount of ignorance, as we all should.
  4. I thunk the Brian Williams suspension is ridiculous. The guy was in a helicopter flying around in a war zone 12 years ago. It's not like he was back in the States sitting in a studio. Try to remember specifics about what you were doing 12 years ago, it isn't easy. He interviewed a helicopter crew an hour after they crashed while they were still on the ground repairing the thing. He didn't need to make up anything for that to sound impressive, it already is. It is clear that he struggled to recall the full story and he apologized for it immediately. I don't get why this is a big story, and I certainly don't think a suspension is appropriate. So seriously, try to clearly recall the events in your life from 12 years ago.
  5. Yikes. You look like you are running a pharmacy.
  6. I'm actually not even a big fan of ESO as an MMO. I think it is a very good game that excels when it is being like the Elder Scrolls games, but struggles when it is being an MMO.
  7. Yes. It's way better by every quantifiable measure. More people, more crafting, more land, more quests, more items, more monsters, more...you get the point.
  8. I'm enjoying it. You really need to take your time and read through everything to get a feel for it. It's definitely a different sort of game, reminds me a bit of Space Rangers.
  9. I think you might be missing out on something if you really like the Elder Scrolls games and don't give ESO a chance though. It can be played solo, but the world is much more alive with other people running around in it. That was always a bit of a rub for me with the Elder Scrolls games, the people in the world never seemed very dynamic. Other than that, it really does stick to the ES formula. You can even go around pickpocketing and killing NPC's now.
  10. I'm actually expecting them to try and drum up attention for their launch of ESO on the consoles.
  11. Lord of the Rings Online did player housing well too, I love the idea of having a neighborhood.
  12. How does it compare to the player housing in EverQuest 2 (still my measuring stick when it comes to player housing in MMOs...how I wish that game wasn't left to wither like it was by SOE, *sobs quietly*) Anyway, still playing through Guildwars 2, made it to level 65 or so with my Sylvari Thief, currently I'm just exploring and completing areas to make it to level 70 (though I have a bunch of level up scrolls from rewards chests and such) to get access to the next bit of Personal Story content. Looks like my Bioshock playthrough might have stranded in the theatre level once more... I'd say it is better. While it doesn't have the absolute freedom that Everquest 2 had, it has a ton of hooks for items and you can change the templates to mix up small, medium, and large objects. The houses themselves are brilliant, they are big and scenic with a lot of rooms. It's also very easy to have all your characters access your houses, so I have an Imperial room with all my NPC's from that side, and a Republic room with the others.
  13. I too suffer from floaters. I find a good flush helps to get rid of the worst of it, but there is still a residue left even after that. Good luck in your quest.
  14. And we're back to sticking it to the man. No or not necessarily in regards to anything you're saying above. As I've said a few times now, what to do, why to do it, and any given scenario is entirely situational. Sometimes they're simple scenarios, but often they are not. I'm not taking this conversation further with you as you keep imagining things that were never stated and are not true, such as equating questioning authority to 'sticking it to the man'. They are certainly not one and the same, and this has now been repeatedly mentioned. If you truly think that, then my sentiments toward you are as they are towards anyone who thinks 2+2=5. That's fine, as I mentioned before I didn't think that there was to be a productive dialgue, but I do appreciate your attempts to explain your position even if, ultimately, I cannot fathom it. However, regarding "Question Authority", I will admit that the phrase sticks in my craw; perhaps I'm projecting an incorrect analysis on your words, but my experience with people who use that phrase is that they are the kind of people who are anti-government conspiracy theorists, the kind who believe that the police are an fascist army ready to take their personal liberties away who must be defied at all turns lest any freedom (real or perceived) be lost. EDIT: This perhaps makes it hard for me to be neutral and understanding in the discussion. I tell my students to question authority regularly, but I hardly think I come across as a conspiracy theorist. Val, however, has lambasted enough posters about brainwashing that his general tone seems patronizing. It hardly makes him the only know it all on the forums, but it is hard to relate to. Sometimes we get a glimpse of the real person behind the persona (just like when Gromnir starts sharing his personal stories) and I start to like Val.
  15. Divinity: Original Sin and the Shadowrun games.
  16. I finally decided to revisit The Old Republic and check out the housing. Holy moly, they did a good job with that! I bought a place in Coruscant and unlocked all the rooms with my stash of credits, and then spent awhile decorating it with my stable of characters. I've got a lot of cool stuff, but it still feels pretty empty. Definitely a welcome little diversion from all the story stuff. I visited a public house in Tatooine just to see what other people are doing. They give you a lot of real estate to work with!
  17. That looks fantastic, but it was this:
  18. Ubisoft owns the Might & Magic trademark. And guess what? Ubisoft was involved with Might & Magic X. Ubisoft is the publisher. Might & Magic X requires UPlay activation. BTW, I looked through the Might & Magic X wiki page on information about its development, and it does not say anything M&M X being a crowd-funded project. I do not think it is. I know Ubisoft partially if not entirely funded the game. Where did you get the information that M&M X was crowd-funded? M&M X used early access to help drive the development of the game. Early access is a form of crowdfunding, the game was in the very early stages when they opened it up to people. They kept detailed developer updates and used the feedback of the crowd.
  19. Since the thread is about Sony Online Entertainment, I tried to see what type of money they are pulling in. They have a huge stable of MMO's. But it is hard to get a clear picture what is doing well there. I would guess the Everquest games and DC Universe Online are stable, I've played those a few time over the years and they are always healthy in both players and content.
  20. You are entirely correct MW. TOR is a really bad case. They simply spent way too much in development. There is really only one game that has ever managed to maintain a high subscription rate over the course of years, so it should not be the model, it is the exception. That being said, they cut back on staff, changed to a different business model, and now they aren't bleeding money every month. In fact they have become a healthy contributor to EA's profits. They are operating in the black on a monthly basis, but I have no idea how far they have to go to recoup the initial investment. Elder Scrolls Online has kept their profit/loss reports close to the vest. The fact they haven't released on consoles makes me think they are struggling, but with the success of so many others going to free to play, I no longer see that as a sign of doom.
  21. Considering the MMO market is thriving with a number of titles, it seems to me like you don't know much about the market or the genre. You don't need anywhere near WoW numbers to turn a healthy profit.
  22. Might & Magic X was pretty much crowdfunded, despite the developer being under the wings of Ubisoft, and it turned out to be a great choice for all parties involved, including the gamers. If EA was behind a developer looking to kickstart a new and interesting game design, I don't see why that would stop me. It gives us a chance to see good studios branch out in different directions.
  23. That may be my fault, I read it and thought you folks might find it interesting, and I didn't know where to place it. I did not feel it merited a new thread, and given the fact this thread has addressed feminism before, I assumed it would fit well here. I haven't really kept up with this thread all that well until I posted the article, so I apologize if it came across as baiting.
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