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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Only the ones that rely on Breitbart for their news.
  2. I'm certainly no expert on all the economic realities of different European countries, but you do have a surprising amount of data showing that immigration plays a positive impact on economies, not a negative one.
  3. Not all religious icons are equal. Mohammed's life is much better known and he was a warlord in his time. Much of what ISIS is doing, is exactly what Mohammad was doing in his time - including decapitations, destruction of anything "pagan" etc. Liberals need to outgrow the childish manner of treating all religions as the same thing as a way of taking the moral high ground. Most religious texts are open ended and can be interpreted in many different ways, but the Quran, and Islam in general is an extremely militant religion, has been since its creation. It was stopped by endless wars at the gates of Europe, and the downfall of its empires - not because anything about it changed, or because it was internally pushed aside by new ideologies like Christianity in Europe. Europeans may like to think they've outgrown religion, but muslims don't and treat that very idea as an insult. The only thing worse to a muslim believer than a Christian is an atheist and there is no way any of them can, in good conscience, like that sort of liberal, sex drenched,"gay rights" pride parade society. I'm not even much of a believer and I don't like where Europe is heading, so I can only imagine what they think. This leads to the creation of a parallel society where the entire immigrant class socializes internally and is closed off to the rest of the society and vice versa. When they're a few hundred thousand in a society of millions, you can say that's irrelevent, but when there are millions of them living an entirely separate existence it doesn't take a genius to see that that can't lead anywhere good. Conservatives need to stop generalizing all Muslims as the same. If that were true, why would all these Muslims be fleeing ISIS? My rolling of eyes over the dig at Mohammad has nothing to do with liberalism and everything to do with historical context. Judging a 7th Century figure by modern standards is weak. It's funny, because a liberal group was just protesting Junipero Serra gaining sainthood in much the same way that you are going after Muhammad. Not acknowledging how religions adapt and change to modern times is short-sighted.
  4. I think I need to learn carpentry skills. I'd like to build a bar, but I'd also like to redo the cabinets in my RV. Maybe I can take a class or something. I do have access to a woodshop.
  5. There is a very real possibility that David Fales of the Bears will face off against Derek Carr of the Raiders in two weeks. Please make this happen. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000289832/article/david-fales-derek-carr-combine-for-12-passing-tds-in-shootout
  6. Yeah, I'm into MMO's for weird reasons. Basically I like to slowly develop a character in a persistent world setting while seeing other people but not having to interact with them.
  7. I have like 900 commendations and I have no idea what to spend them on. It seems like a waste to upgrade my gear when I am sure it will be obsolete with the new expansion. I'd be happy with some cosmetic stuff, really.
  8. As true as it is for acting in general. You can pull a random dude in from the street, if he's a natural. It is more true for voicework in a video game though, where so many components trump the voice acting. Also you took out my smilie for some reason, which is supposed to be a clear indication that I made the comment tongue in cheek.
  9. Doesn't seem all that insane. Good programmers and artists can command a premium because they have a special skillset that takes years to develop. They don't really need to unionize. Voice actors, on the other hand, can pretty much be pulled off the street. But yeah, I don't have a problem with an actor lobbying for bonuses based on the game's performance. It sounds pretty reasonable.
  10. Jagr rocks. My first helmet was a Joffa because that was what Jagr wore. I am a bit more excited about the Sharks this season than I have been in the past. Still think they need to ditch Wilson as a GM, but hopefully I can just enjoy watching Thornton play the game.
  11. Very sad about Yogi Berra, he was quite a character. The Giants have a .4% chance of making the postseason, but isn't stopping them from making it exciting. The Dodgers have lost 4 in a row and the Giants are winning games with a bunch of minor league call ups.
  12. I think I remember this being a big issue about a decade back. I think it had something to do with SAG credit. I'm on the fence. Not really against unions, per se, but I also think your programmers and graphic artists are more important to the industry. Many of my favorite games don't even have voice acting, and it has rarely stood out to me.
  13. Can we maybe post more funny stuff instead of unreadable gibberish? I'm pretty sure the ethics in game journalism thread is where all the weird stuff belongs. For example, a guy walks into a bar. He says ouch.
  14. So my twitter account was hacked. Considering I never really use it, it seems like a waste of time for whoever did it. I just deactivated it.
  15. I couldn't get into it, but it's worth a spin. Some people really enjoyed it.
  16. I heard someone on the radio postulate that Trump only plans to get far enough along that he can say he would have won, and then drop out for bragging rights. I mean, realistically why would he even want the job?
  17. Ah, very edgy, bagging on a 1300 year old religious icon. Let's throw in some carpenter jokes as well.
  18. I did shell out some money to change my haircut in the game the other day.
  19. It doesn't really matter what type of person Mohammad was, it matters how the vast majority of Muslims see him. They do not see him as a violent warlord. You could just watch "The Message" if you want an idea of how the more moderate Muslim sees his faith and the Prophet. Despite its age, it is still a pretty relevant film.
  20. Raiders had a super exciting game today, nice to see Carr lead them down the field for the game winning drive.
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