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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I have one episode left of Narcos. Netflix has put out some pretty good programming, but this might be the best so far.
  2. I believe I have a classic case of dry socket. It is not great. I stayed home today, and tomorrow I go to see the doctor. I guess it is pretty typical though, just need to stay on the Motrin.
  3. You could say the same about certain video game critic harassment victims... Anyway. Good that most people at least have their head in the right place. Sure. I've always been impressed by how Sarkeesian cashed in on her controversy.
  4. Hmm, to be fair, that IPA probably has a bit higher of an alcohol content than the cheap beer you drank back in the day.
  5. This woman had children and got back into shape. She posted a picture of herself with a comment, "What's your excuse?" She got swarmed by outraged SJWs who accused her of fat-shaming. The outrage was loud enough that this was a "controversy" for a little while. It also turned her into a bit of celebrity and resulted in her making the rounds of the talk show circuit, so I'm not sure how successful you can really call the 'fat-shaming' accusations. I actually think we are in the midst of a cultural revolution when it comes to nutrition. There are crazies on both sides of the issue. You've got the folks freaking out about GMO's, and then you've got these weird people yelling about fat shaming. But in the middle you've got more education spreading about what fast food does to you, you've got the rise of healthier alternative groceries and restaurants. It is probably going to take a couple generations to show real progress, but much like with smoking, I think we may be near the peak and hopefully will see a downward shift in terrible nutrition. On the other hand, physical activity and exercise is still in a big rut. Too much boob tube. We need a revolution there.
  6. So...this thread hasn't been deleted yet? I kind of figured it would be a quick and easy one.
  7. Ironically, this is a super lazy attempt at humor. How edgy, making fun of fat people.
  8. My running shirts are nice and bright. It's really more self preservation than style. I am regretting going into work. One side of my mouth is killing me. I feel like something is trapped back there but I don't want to mess with it because of the stitches.
  9. I had some fun going through the huge section Target had set up with my kids. I settled on the big looking speeder lego thing, my daughter got some Darth Vader Headphones, and my son got some micromachines.
  10. Volo has been calling everyone nazi SJW's for awhile now, I'm assuming we will get a firmware update soon with some new programming.
  11. Hah! It's against my religion to work hard, I expect my co-workers to pick up the slack and still get paid... Actually that does seem to be the strategy of a few people I know.
  12. I once read a Star Wars novel set after the original trilogy. They killed Chewbacca, and I threw it in the trash after that.
  13. I definitely have an issue with parts of it. Namely, I agree with Roberts about the consequences for religious liberty. I would have preferred a majority opinion that was more clear about the limits of the 14th amendment here. I believe we are going to have another decade or more where this is still a major issue in the courts and in the press. That being said, I support civil rights fully. This isn't the first time our country has taken a messy route to ensure equality for its citizens. This pales in comparison to the Emancipation Proclamation and the 19th Amendment. And don't forget that when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, Barry Goldwater made almost the same arguments about states rights and individual liberty in regards to ending segregation. As someone who knows a number of fabulous gay couples, I am extremely happy to know they will be treated equally under the law. We are progressively becoming a more tolerant society in many respects. The idea that we are sacrificing religious tolerance for this is overstated by many, but it is something that we need to be aware of. I will protect religious liberty with the same zeal that I do civil liberties.
  14. Dell has owned Alienware for a long while now, so I don't think that is it. They do seem to be launching a new product line though.
  15. Yes, I am much more comfortable with the Supreme Court interpreting laws than a country clerk from Kentucky. I am not a fan of anything that is currently being done in regards to immigration in DC. Both the Congress and the White House are a mess on the issue. There is no amnesty by the way, just a ham handed directive that has pretty clearly failed. We didn't really talk about it here, and it's quite a bit off topic, so cheers. edit: You seem to still think I'm a liberal. I'm a hardcore moderate. I just look liberal because you are so far out there.
  16. While I'm not a fan of focusing on her private life, I do think it is important to understand that she is the one bringing her private beliefs into the public spectrum. But as I said originally, all this is doing is increasing her martyrdom.
  17. I didn't know she got friggin' jail time! Wouldn't a simple dismissal have been sufficient? Kinda goin' overboard there government. She is an elected official, she cannot simply be dismissed. She is free to resign, or follow the court order. Because she refuses to do either, she is being held in contempt. It's quite a pickle, no one in their right mind wants a government that can simply remove an elected official from office without due process, but you also can't have every county clerk across the country trying to interpret the law based on their 'feels'
  18. I'm planning my summer trip, and I'm planing on going to Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore. Given my route, I'm thinking about swinging through Colorado on the way home. I am not sure whether to stay in Fort Collins, Boulder, near Denver, or something on West 70. Obviously I'd like to try a good brewery or two. I'm leaning towards Fort Collins for Equinox and New Belgium.
  19. Bleh, my rent is being raised by $250 a month. Not too bad considering it has been the same since we moved in over 3 years ago, but still a bummer. I think I'm still about 2-3 years away from having enough to try and buy, and the extra cost won't help that. I hope the housing market gets back to normal soon, it is crazy in the Bay Area right now.
  20. I find life is much easier if I don't read more than the first two sentences and the last two sentences from some posters. It saves time and sanity.
  21. Interstellar - It was good, moved along well for a 3 hour movie. I thought it had a nice mix of science and fantasy. Spoiler:
  22. Considering all I can eat comfortably is Ice Cream, I just might.
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