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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah I haven't found any of the games all that replayable. But thankfully they are knocking out new stories fast enough, and there is also user content if you are desperate for me.
  2. I'm not sure about the Guardian, but Breitbart just looks like another gossip rag to me. I should probably add that I haven't actively read Gamasutra in about a decade. I find I get all the gaming industry news I need from you fine fellows.
  3. I think it is a bit more complex than that. I have a problem with the idea that every yahoo with a website or a youtube channel is a professional journalist. I take the industry very seriously, but the people who play and review games are rarely deserving of such status. If you want me to point to a journalist I take seriously when it comes to the game industry, I am going to point to a guy like David Kushner. I used to read Gamasutra pretty regularly, so they were about the only one I was disappointed in when this whole gamergate stuff came to light. They used to be a pretty decent source of information about the actual industry, instead of reviewing games. I have no idea what happened to them.
  4. It is early in the morning and it took me way too long to solve your riddle.
  5. I really want to get a keg of Stone Ruination for my new mini-bar, but I'm the only one that really loves IPA's among my group. I think I might have to get a Widmer Hef just to keep people happy.
  6. The idea that the internet is just a cesspool and that's the way life and human nature are seems incredibly cynical and short sided. Humanity has a long history of making social progress. I'm certainly not saying the internet is going to change quickly, but we are barely into a second generation of regular internet users. This is the first generation to have access at all times to social media. It will change drastically as we move forward.
  7. Dry bar, I am right next to the kitchen. I do have a kegerator as of yesterday.
  8. I am in need of some new furniture, but I'm not sure I'm willing to drop too much on the really good stuff. I need a bar, some stools, an entertainment center, and a couple comfy chairs.
  9. Wait a sec, that is great news! That is the kind of movement I can get behind, I am glad to hear that it is happening. That also seems to be completely contrary to everything Fighter keeps saying.
  10. Oh no, Hurlshot made a sarcastic remark about GG. Everybody freak out!
  11. Yes, why fight against harassment when we can bicker over important issues like ethics in game journalism?
  12. So now that I have a kegerator on order, I've been thinking about building a little bar area. I even got permission for the wife! It will take a bit of work and a bit more money, but I've got a decent space for it and some ideas. Actually it will be nice, my kids monopolize the family room and my wife takes the bedroom, so I could use a decent area for a TV and some nice chairs.
  13. Wow. Kind of hard to have a reasonable conversation with you when you act like that. Enjoy your time here making friends.
  14. I'd be happy if someone just copied the combat. I don't understand why they ever try and change the best system ever created.
  15. Let's not pretend that either of us are constitutional lawyers. But the Supreme Court did not make any laws here. They looked at the laws that were designed to keep gay couples from marrying and found them unjust. I actually think there is a case for the fact that this opened the door for a lot of possible religious freedom issues, and you can argue that the Supreme Court did not do a good job of clarifying the extent of this ruling. That would be a logical argument. But trying to argue they've set aside the Constitution and have gone mad with power smacks of shock jock radio tactics.
  16. Are you reading a different thread? Everyone is gushing about it.
  17. The Constitution makes it quite clear that the courts are designed to challenge laws that are unjust. Why else would the supreme court exist? This also wasn't decided willy nilly, it took a decade going to through lower courts, there were hearings, evidence, testimonials. It's a long process, and it worked exactly as it is supposed to according the the Constitution.
  18. Only if you define "tyranny of the majority" as "I didn't get my way, no matter what the laws and the Constitution says". If you don't like a law, work to change it, the courts are not a legislature. When a law is discriminatory, the courts are the place you go to change it. That is exactly what gay couples did, they worked to change the law because it was discriminatory. You really think civil rights should just be at the whim of the largest group?
  19. Really having trouble settling on a character for Shadowrun HK. I keep starting over.
  20. I noticed they have a rye based IPA, that is definitely the hot new flavor base. It definitely adds a unique taste. I'm trying to decide what to put in my kegerator when it arrives, I will stick to 1/6 kegs, since I should be able to get through one of those over 6 weeks or so. I've got a few local breweries that sell them for a good price, thinking about a double IPA from Strike Brewing.
  21. As opposed to the tyranny of the majority?
  22. That is my chosen coping method as well.
  23. I'm going to have to say Manifested has said it best. Of course a physical attraction is important to any developing romance. Of course we all have certain desirable physical traits. Every girl I've ever been serious about was a 36 D. That is shallow. I can own that. But I'm certainly not going to tell a girl on the first night I meet her I'm only interested in her because her boobs are big. I might compliment them, I might even ogle them a bit, but I need to show some etiquette. This is important in the long run for her. Those boobs will change some day, and if I can't hide my disappointment on the very first night we meet, then I'm not going to do a good job when she needs support in her later years. I'm wearing my shallowness on my sleeve and it is a deal breaker. edit: Oh and ew, my wife was a professional dancer and beauty queen, not a hostess.
  24. This girl was sizing you up as relationship material, and you failed pretty horribly. I mean, you are shallow, that is hard to get around. She picked up on it quickly and that is probably for the best. I could try to explain it to you, but it would be easier if you just went and watched Shallow Hal. Why don't you answer the question she asked? If she was overweight, would you still have been able to connect with her like you did? It sounds like the answer is no, which is unfortunate for you.
  25. Not really. But it would be a good start. I have a nook where my computer and bills are all set up, and I'd set it right there.
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