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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The guy has alienated Mexican Americans and veterans. I'm guessing he will implode somewhat soon. The election is a long ways off. It would be a travesty if he was nominated, because there is no way he will win the general election. I think the Republican party has a fairly high chance of beating Clinton if they can field a decent candidate and not self destruct.
  2. I am enjoying a fantastic bottle of Cabernet Franc from a local winery tonight. Sadly a neighbor came by and drank like half of it, so it is all gone.
  3. That's an interesting point. I think the best way to combat an overly PC society is with a mix of context and humor. Yeah, I want my students to be sensitive to racism and sexism, I want them to empathize with one another. I want them to be accepting of each other and create a positive environment that fosters growth for all. There is always room for improvement there. But I also want them to understand how far we have come as a society, as a global civilization. How much better these specific kids have than they would have 5,000, 500, or even 50 years ago. And I don't want them to lose the ability to laugh at themselves and at cultural differences. Should I censor a project group that names themselves "5 Asians and a White Guy" because they focused on race? Of course not, it was playful and fun. Should I tone down my super exaggerated French accent when teaching about the Franks? Maybe, but I haven't gotten fired yet.
  4. This thread turned super awesome. Having driven through Texas once, I can confirm that it is ten gallon hats and T-bone steaks.
  5. I can point to plenty of democrats like Joseph Leiberman and Hilary Clinton that have a terrible track record when it comes to censorship. I'd consider them just as conservative as a number of Republicans. Really I find that the concept of left and right in American politics is completely overstated. They are all pretty much different shades of the same color. You might find this hard to believe, but I'm not a liberal in any real sense. I am a hardcore moderate, and I think both conservatives and liberals are crazy.
  6. That quick transition from, er, the 1950s? Did you miss the 80's and 90's or something?
  7. The 3 month break is pretty much gone. Most districts take 2 months off in the summer. Granted every district and every state is different, so I only really speak for California with authority. But we are a pretty big agriculture state.
  8. Ah, well I definitely don't mean to belittle those who don't share personal stuff. Although really, if you hang around long enough, some of your secrets are bound to come out. I'd say it is tough to distinguish yourself from a one dimensional character if you don't share a little bit about where you are coming from. Some people like to put it all out there right away, like Bruce, and some people share bits and pieces over time. In time you will all assimilate.
  9. I find it interesting how quickly the conservative base has switched from wanting to censor and condemn, to crying about being censored and condemned. It's been such a quick transition. I mean, McCarthy was a conservative Christian Republican who went after people for being communists and gays. Now every conservative Christian is claiming to be persecuted by socialists and gays. Crazy how the pendulum swings. The wonderful thing is all we need is basic capitalism to fix this mess. Reddit can make all the autocratic changes it wants, but if people stop using it, they will sink back into oblivion.
  10. Ok, sounds pretty similar to what we have in the states for the most part. Only difference is the Easter break is shorter and the summer starts earlier and is a bit longer. I think the state mandates 180 teaching days.
  11. Hmm, I'm not sure how schools handle vacations in the UK, but in the US each district has a different schedule and there are usually plenty of opportunities to take the kids on a vacation. As a teacher, 5 days of training sounds like absolute torture. The nice thing about staggering them is you can put them near the end of grading quarters, or before a standardized test, in order to prep for those things. When the district tries to schedule professional development, it usually involves us staring at a presenter blankly.
  12. I'm not quite sure what you mean, why does it not matter when it comes to Bruce? I would hope your sharing of work and life issues would mean something, otherwise it would seem to be a rather big waste of time. I know that I've always appreciated this community both as a sounding board and place of commiseration and debate. It may be a somewhat dysfunctional community, but there are a number that are much worse, and at the end of the day, it is ours.
  13. The Trump continues his rampage towards the White House by calling out John McCain.
  14. Bruce may get under people's skin, but he seems to actually enjoy being here and discussing things. He's also a real person who shares details about his life (or at least has developed an excellent cover story!) Sharp_One has had a few gems like this: I mean it is entertaining, but he's basically like one of the commentators on all the yahoo news stories. I'd probably moderate the heck out of him, but that's why I don't wear that hat. Still, he's not all that original, we've had better trolls in the past. And he will probably wander off before he hits too many more posts, like so many before him. I mean I could be wrong, who would have though Oby would still show up from time to time? But I'm probably right.
  15. Sharp_One may be the worst person one these forums. I know we have a few good contenders, but he has a real strong mix of abrasiveness and ignorance that blends with his obsession with race and gender identity. He is definitely a top 5 candidate.
  16. what? I don't really think they ran away to a tropical paradise, but they got a pretty good chunk of change and don't seem to have much to show for it 3 years later. I have the same concerns with the Quest for Glory folks.
  17. The Charlie Sheen comparison is an odd one, since his reputation was trashed publicly for a number of months when he went off the rails. The difference is he hasn't been accused of the same crimes and he never had much of a stellar reputation to begin with. Bill Cosby was America's Dad, he had a lot higher of a perch to fall from. But yeah, lets make it about race.
  18. I enjoyed all three of Nolan's Batman films. I just think they could have all been 30 minutes shorter. The last one probably could be an hour shorter.
  19. What is 'do right' to you ? Every single game company is trying to release a title that pleases their audience. It isn't like they put a game on shelves, board up the offices and rush off to a tropical paradise to live off the profit for the rest of their lives. (although I think a few of the kickstarter folks may have done that, particularly the Space Quest guys. ) That doesn't mean they can't fail spectacularly. But to assume they are intentionally trying to anger their customer base is unrealistic. It is a balancing act. Every company is attempting to maximize profits.
  20. I don't think you really understand what fraud is.
  21. So I guess when I buy season tickets, and my team puts most of the same players out there every year in the same arena with the same concessions, that is fraud? edit: As a San Jose Sharks fan, I might actually agree with you.
  22. The Kirby game? If it was based on the fountain of youth, then I would imagine it was referenced. That is where Ponce de Leon searched for it.
  23. Yeah, see this is what I'm talking about. This is irrational and hyperbolic. Don't get me wrong, I love my smaller studios. They tend to produce games with more personality, more charm, whereas the big studios with their giant teams lose that in their quest for the biggest explosions and highest resolution facial tics. I'm super happy that the industry is at a place where both the independent guys, the medium sized guys, and the big guys can co-exist. But every one of them is trying to do right by their customers (ok, some indie folks might not fit that ) and every one of them is trying to turn a profit.
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