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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It's supposed to be the Gulf of Mexico. I'm doing a little Age of Exploration project with RPG Maker 2k3.
  2. I stormed out of a Ford service department today. It was pretty cool. I took my two cars to a new shop (actually my old shop) and I think I will be happier for now on.
  3. Critic can refer to any reviewer, regardless of positive or negative feedback. For the negative nellies on the internet, the word dispraiser is probably a more fitting one.
  4. You asked what the difference was in the two strategies and what their ultimate end-goal is for those strategies. I gave you an answer. You respond with sarcasm bordering on a strawman. I'm disappointed in you, Hurl. You're usually a better poster than that. My apologies. I suppose I am just tired of the constant 'EA is teh evil empire' talk we get on here regularly, while CDPR is a bastion of maturity and integrity *winks at mkranky* I just see them as video game companies trying to turn a profit.
  5. I ended up buying like every RPGMaker thing through the humble bundle for about $16. It's overwhelming. Came with a ton of assets too.
  6. So CDPR is a benevolent company. Wonderful.
  7. I'm not praising or vilifying them. They are just a video game company. My post was in response to this: I'm simply saying that, when it makes good business sense, they have no problem releasing free content. As an aside, how is the DLC that CDPR is releasing any different than the multiplayer that EA is releasing? They are both free, they both require infrastructure to maintain. I believe you can still make purchases for the DA multiplayer though, which would seem to be a wiser business decision, but I am sure some will see as avarice.
  8. I'd probably define a game like Deus Ex as mature, in that it tells a fairly adult story without relying on the standard action pieces of the rest of the genre. Although, really, in the end you are still relying on fighting and blowing stuff up to get through the story. Maturity is overrated anyways. Games can be about the fun, nothing wrong with that.
  9. How the heck do you complain about Will Smith, a legitimate actor with tremendous range, when Jared Leto looks like a keebler elf with a drug problem?
  10. It fleshed it out a bit, at least taking away the whole 'trapped on the planet' ending. It's still pretty open to interpretation.
  11. It's best to just think of Gromnir as a lawyer. That explain a lot.
  12. In Search for General Tso - This was a very entertaining documentary about the history of Chinese food in American culture. It has a wonderful payoff as they track down the original creator of the dish.
  13. I have no idea how that relates to tipping. Legally we have to provide a safe place for a transgender student to use as a changing/restroom. It does not require a separate facility, but is more an issue of scheduling and access. We haven't had any cases at the middle school level, but at my wife's High School, they simply give the student access to one of the designated staff bathrooms as well as changing after everyone else has headed out.
  14. This is the same company that released an extended ending for ME3 free of charge. Of course it isn't simply an act of goodwill, they are running a business, but it is in their best interest to keep the majority of their customer base happy. Weighing that against cost and profit is obviously important, they want to stay in business.
  15. It's typically just a double of whatever the sales tax is, at least in my state. I've been out to dinner with math teachers, they calculate the crud out of that thing. Me, I just round up. edit: Crazy thing is they tax tips in the US for waiters. Not sure how it works, exactly.
  16. 15% is low, 18% is average, 20% is high. That is the standard rate pretty much across the US for waiters. I tip everybody. Masseuses, bellhops, maids, concierges, bartenders, waiters, taxi drivers, dry cleaners, etc. Granted I don't go out often, so I try to do so with class. If you don't want to tip, stay home and service yourself.
  17. I finished with an archer. I liked it in that I just got to sit back and kill stuff. The combat wasn't for me, really.
  18. Expendables 3 - There were some very entertaining performances and some headscratcher moments. Antonio Banderas was probably the highlight, along with Wesley Snipes. Ronda Rousey was also pretty fun to watch, although she can't act to save her life. Kelsey Grammar was good, Harrison Ford was bad, etc.
  19. We get it, you have authority issues. That's really special. I didn't know it was time for our regular 'cops are bad, m'kay' thread. Time flies when you are discussing ethics in journalism and Bill Cosby, I guess.
  20. I don't know why they would need to stage anything on a ride-along. Your average patrol is going to be pretty boring no matter what. I know you think most cops roam the streets knocking over old ladies and roughing up shopkeepers, but that is probably only done on special occasions.
  21. You would be better off requesting a ride-along. Most police departments in the US have programs where you can ride along with an officer for a shift. It's pretty fun, and a good way to see how law enforcement actually works. Although that might only be an option in the crazy US.
  22. Wow. Looks like I'm getting Starz in October. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unnLg1TPCYM
  23. You have free speech on the internet. You are free to make your own site and say whatever you want. I like how Luzarius basically wants to strip companies of their freedom to do business so he can be free to spout bad stuff on their forums.
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