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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. My birthday is coming up, and I'm thinking about asking for a kegerator. I've wanted one for awhile.
  2. That is great stuff Raithe. I've had a number of autistic students, and I'm always terrible uncomfortable listening to co-workers complain about their behavior in class. It's uncomfortable because they are often my favorite students, and I am frustrated that they cannot see what is special about them. While they are all incredibly unique, I've found they are the first ones to really be able to look outside the box and get me to think about things differently.
  3. Hah, I probably hit the back button instead of post about half the time I type up stuff. I do a lot of self-censorship.
  4. He is nowhere near the first president to do this.
  5. Geez, that's a lot of customization. Pretty impressive.
  6. I learn quite a bit from these discussions we all have. Sometimes it encourages me to do more research, sometimes my viewpoint changes over time. I definitely have different opinions than I did a decade ago when I started spending time here. Although I would say I have less in common with the folks here than I used to. The demographic has changed a bit, I'm a bit more curmudgeonly, etc.
  7. I have plenty of problems with Clinton, but I think both the emails and Benghazi are more political theater than actual substance.
  8. Just wanted to point out Bumgarner, who shut out the Nats two games ago and hit a double and a long bomb, got to pinch hit tonight in the 7th inning. This was against the top team in the national league, the Cards, and he went up, got a hit, and scored a run. Giants win 2-0. They might just need to name the Silver Slugger award after him if he keeps this up.
  9. SRR is definitely worth playing. It has a good story and it is set in Seattle, which is pretty dang important to the whole Shadowrun lore. They definitely got a lot better technically with Berlin, but the first is a excellent starting point.
  10. Hey, we are getting old. We've earned the right to repeat the same conversations.
  11. Hah, I'm in stitches over that one. It's a good thing we have the Knitgaters to needle the journalist into ethical yarning. We can't let them pull the wool over our eyes.
  12. Some of the trooper companions are entertaining. The doctor lady and the big robot are fun. I enjoyed the first act, but it got pretty dull after that.
  13. These are basically just trade magazines and media. I have the same expectations of journalistic integrity from a game magazine as I do from Knitting magazines.
  14. That's exactly it. If I really want to be able to play all my old CD's, then I can run an older OS, and I'd probably buy a laptop with a CD drive. But that isn't unique to games. My VHS tapes and my cassettes aren't all that useful anymore either. The idea that I have to purchase something again in a different format is hardly a surprise. I actually expect my digital media to last longer, since it isn't tied to a physical CD that can get damaged. It's easier to keep track of as well.
  15. To be fair, I was more rolling my eyes about the worry that my CD's from 10 years ago will not work. My current gaming computer doesn't even have a CD drive anymore, so those games are useless in more ways than just the DRM. I never really expected my games to last forever. Thankfully we have plenty of digital marketplaces where we can pick up old games cheap if nostalgia hits.
  16. What exactly is my social justice platform anyways? I'm curious, I feel like I should know.
  17. Huh, I'm surprised that is the impression you have TN. It's far from the truth. http://www.pacific.edu/About-Pacific/Newsroom/2014/September-2014/California-and-Metro-Forecast--September-2014.html http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ucla-economic-forecast-20140911-story.html California was hit hard by the recession in 2008, that is for certain. It also did not fare well under the previous governors who had no idea how to work with the state congress and balance a budget. But with a fiscally conservative governor, the budget has been in the black for a number of years now. There has been slow and steady growth since then, and (sadly) property values are back to their pre-recession levels in most of your larger markets. Another recession may be on the horizon, there is little California can do to prevent that, but they have taken more steps to be prepared for it. I still think the tax system needs an overhaul. http://wolfstreet.com/2015/06/11/what-does-california-gov-jerry-brown-know-about-the-next-crash-and-recession-that-we-dont/ The drought is obviously a big concern over the last few years, as California is a huge agriculture state along with the tech. Conservation efforts are in place, but really we just need rain. It isn't the first drought we've been through. So yeah, I'm not all that worried about California. We still have a GDP that is tops in the US and rivals a number of European countries.
  18. Uh, California is not poor. It's also not as liberal as most people make it out to be. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you guys are both morons.
  19. Crime Wave is actually the game that led me to Mean Streets, the first of the Tex Murphy games. Kind of an odd pairing, but they had a bunch of similarities in terms of box art and cut scenes.
  20. I thought the Death Star campaign was better.
  21. Already mentioned, renegade is beat em up, this one was shooter. I dont know, there is no list of old games, something like IMDb for movies? Abandonia or Moby games is your best bet.
  22. My favorite, and maybe first, sidescroller on my dad's 386 was Crime Wave, but that doesn't really fit your recollection. After that I really only remember Contra and Metal Slug.
  23. Good reason for that, though you'll never see it, heh. Is it because I don't hang out on twitter? I mean I have an account, but all that I get on my feed are updates on the Giant's game and deals on Vegas hotels.
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