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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Are you under the impression that has not already been done? I just don't get why you are so worked up over this. How is what you are doing any different than someone yelling "That's offensive!"? You are fighting fire with fire. Just replace "That's offensive!" with "Stop whining!"
  2. You do not pay to unlock the tiers, at least from what I can gather. They will unlock as more people pre-order. So your one pre-order simply puts you in the pool. It's a weird system, it is supposed to generate interest and get people pre-ordering, but it isn't quite a nickel and dime scheme. edit: I think they just unlock progressively no matter what actually. It's kind of unclear. edit 2 : Ok, I see. Each tier unlocks over time. When a tier unlocks, you choose a reward. Everyone who pre-orders gets 4 rewards and the 4 day access. You do not pay more for more rewards, although I think there is a collector's edition.
  3. I assume we are talking about Trump. If his offensive remarks are taking away from his actual substance and platforms, that is completely on him. Although oddly, it seems to be helping him in the primary. Hard to say how that would translate in a general election, you would think offending large swathes of the country would be a bad strategy. Way to dodge my question btw. edit: Just to rephrase it, what is your 'suggestion' for people that are offended by what Trump has said?
  4. See there is a huge difference between your two sentences. You make it sound like they are inextricably tied together. You can be offended by something, you can point it out and explain what is wrong with that something, etc. That is not censorship. It isn't even close to censorship. I mean, what is your plan here? Do you want to censor anyone who ever gets offended by stuff in order to keep society from being politically correct? Overzealously committing yourself to offensiveness is no better than overzealous political correctness.
  5. Uh, you can a bit of decorum without being a tyrant.
  6. Oddly enough, I avoided Divine Divinity for like a decade because of the Diablo comparison. When I finally gave it a try, it was way more story and exploration-centric than I ever expected. I enjoyed it much more than the button mashing that was Diablo.
  7. There is a fair amount of trashy cyberpunk novels, but decent might be a stretch. Ready Player One is the only one off the top of my head that I really loved.
  8. I'm pretty partial to Giada myself, but she is pretty entertaining.
  9. I avoided wine for a long time. My parents were super into it and my wife is actually a descendant of one of the first wine makers in California. But I just never enjoyed more than a sip or two. Then a couple years ago I took my wife on some tasting event for her birthday, and I got into it. Since then I've come around, my favorite part is the way it pairs with different types of food.
  10. Larian's writing is pretty much the same as it has been since Divine Divinity. It has some charm, but if you expect them to improve on it, you will be disappointed.
  11. It's not my fault I'm not 40. Blame my folks for not getting started earlier. At first I was like "How dare you say I'm 40!" and then I was like "Oh wait, I am almost 40." Aging is weird.
  12. I've been spending the last few days working on my front room after work to create a bit of a man cave/bar. Now I've got a pretty decent setup with my sonos player set to the baseball game and a cold beer in hand while I play around on the computer. Life is good. I still need to buy or build an actual bar, and get some good chairs. I've got a TV coming next week. I wish I had carpenter skills.
  13. My toughest job will be maneuvering my son past all the other toys out and trying to get him to want the Star Wars stuff.
  14. For my first ever keg in my brand new kegerator, I got Deschutes Fresh Squeezed IPA. It is fantastic. It took a couple days to settle down, get cold enough, and for me to master the right carbonation, but now I've got an amazing pour on a Friday night. It's a perfect mix of hoppiness and citrus, refreshing and flavorful.
  15. Actually there is something to shows having a time and a place where they appeal to you. I tried to get into It's Always Sunny for a couple years, and then one day it just clicked with me. It was probably when I started to daydream about owning a bar, and I found comfort in watching terribly incompetent people do it.
  16. Ah the wonderful judgement of young people who lack the context to understand most of the humor.
  17. With time and practice, I am sure you can get some people in the real world to hate you as well. I recommend getting a job at the DMV or in telemarketing to speed up the process.
  18. Well, all you really need to know about how to handle blackface can be learned from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  19. I certainly don't care whether they change it or not. I'm more surprised that it is even a thing.
  20. It is a waste of time to even pay attention to such ridiculous comparisons.
  21. I had never heard of Zwarte Piet, crazy. Considering blackface has been a pretty big cultural taboo for a couple decades, I am surprised this is just now becoming a debate. Not sure how this compares to a recognized terrorist organization destroying historical sites. People can be upset about more than one thing at a time. edit: Not every tradition is worth continuing just because it has always been done. I'm all for preserving history, but you can do that and still recognize when something is ridiculous. To use Hoonding's sloppy analogy, that would be like having people live in the ruins of Palmyra just because people had been living there for so long. You can move into a new place and still remember the old one.
  22. I probably should add that I bought it as a former rental car, which was a big mistake. Never again. It is probably a pretty nice car if you buy it new.
  23. I have pangs of sadness whenever I see a Jeep Grand Cherokee, because I miss mine so much. But every time I fill up at the pump, I get a reminder of why I had to let it go. Although my Ford Fusion Hybrid has been a pain in the rear with maintenance. I'm not getting a hybrid ever again, I'll stick to something that is simply more fuel efficient. I'm thinking about the Mazda3 or 6.
  24. This was a pretty interesting article for me to read about the difficulty in covering Gamergate: http://www.gamepolitics.com/2015/08/27/play-it-straight-and-theyre-still-irate-year-hostile-feedback#.VeB3KtNViko
  25. So...I really hope this is a staffer or some underling. If Trump is really wasting time getting into twitter wars...ok, I guess we can just add it to the list of crazy crap about him.
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