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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Huh, it doesn't look anything like a negative.
  2. John McCain is pretty elderly and not necessarily the picture of perfect health. Who knows how his health would respond to the rigors of the presidency? (That's actually an interesting thing to think about with Hilary Clinton, given her health scare as Secretary of State.) But yeah, the VP may not be worth a bucket o' warm spit, but it is one step away from being extremely important. And Sarah Palin is soooooooo bad. In terms of 2012, I actually didn't vote for Obama. I voted for that Libertarian candidate. Not sure how much that helped, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
  3. Well I do believe that Islam as a whole needs to undergo a reformation. The current divisions, both political and cultural, are simply unsustainable. In a lot of ways, this whole refugee crisis is a very clear sign that the current incarnation of Islam is coming apart at the seams. It's not like we don't have a historical roadmap to look at for this. The parallels to Christianity are pretty clear.
  4. What are the actual numbers here though? Like what percentage of the population in Germany is going to be Muslim, how many Lutheran churches are there compared to the new number of Mosques, etc.? edit: Darn Ros beat me to it.
  5. Carson backtracks a bit at the end, coming across with a much better answer when it comes to Muslims in Congress, but the premise fascinated me. First off, we aren't exactly close to having a viable Muslim candidate. The US is around 70% Christian, while Muslims represent about 1% of the country. So yeah, it's not even an issue. But really, would we elect any candidate that said he would place the Bible above the constitution and the law of the land? How is the Qu'ran any different? Also, we have precedent here. JFK went through the same questions as the first Catholic President.
  6. I've never understood the appeal of Bill Maher. True story, I once got in trouble when I was 12 for carving my initials into a chair at school. They had an administrator talk to me, then they had an on-campus police officer talk to me. I was suspended. At no point was I put into handcuffs. I was not interrogated for an hour and a half. Honestly it's like there was a complete lack of common sense among all the administrators and officers involved. You can expect a 14-year old to lack some common sense. Bringing a briefcase clock to school wasn't a great idea, it looked suspicious, and if I was his teacher I probably would have told him to let me keep it in my class and have him pick it up at the end of the day. I've had students bring worse things to school. But the adults involved in this situation all showed a remarkable lack of empathy. It's a 14-year old kid.
  7. Yeah the whole outrage over Trump not saying anything is really just a smokescreen. There are plenty of policy issues to nail him on instead. I do love the McCain response though. It's clearly a different situation, given he is really face to face with that woman, but it shows what a stand up guy he is. He had my vote until he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. What a terrible turn that was.
  8. There is a surprising amount of people who think Obama is a Muslim. It's like the plot of some crazy movie where Obama is going to laugh maniacally and roll out Shariah law across the land for those people. Pretty funny stuff, but you can see why they are terrified I guess.
  9. STEM is the hot new acronym in education, it means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  10. Got to Rishi for the first time with my Jedi Knight, this is one of the better planets I've seen in the game. The storyline is pretty fun as well. I just hit 59 and I'm hoping to finish up the story before the new expansion hits.
  11. Don't forget that Microsoft turned Shadowrun into a mediocre MP shooter too. Thankfully that was rescued by HBS.
  12. Every time I hear about Tinder and these other dating apps, I thank the heavens I am already married and met my wife the old fashioned way; in the basement of a fraternity while we were drunk.
  13. I can't figure out if that means it was terrible, or you just got really drunk and literally put a mop in your mouth.
  14. Over the summer, I started jogging without a shirt on to get a bit of color, since I'm blindingly white. It was a bit embarrassing though, so I found myself running at a faster pace, as if I could outrun the shame. I may have told this story already.
  15. Chris Christie was pretty good. Although he is clearly a more moderate, which means he has a great chance of winning the general election but no chance in hell of winning the primary. Huh.
  16. There was a brief time where they were handing out custom titles like candy, but I think that was just a result of the excitement from the Kickstarter.
  17. Hmm, doesn't really look like it will help me.
  18. You know, there are actual economists and immigration experts that do reports and studies on this stuff. But hey, lets ignore the experts.
  19. You guys and your liberal propaganda. They are here to suck on the teat of the government! (I just felt like our normal posters were slacking off a bit)
  20. The 49ers didn't exactly inspire confidence last night. That game was pretty horrible for all players involved. Honestly I thought there was a somewhat decent chance the Vikings would lay an egg, and they did. They are a pretty young team.
  21. Nope. I make a point of avoiding chain stores. The point remains, even if neither of us buy our groceries there, many people do. I'm not really sure what you point is though. It is hard to find a chain store that doesn't have some sort of connection to a horrible vendor. It is unrealistic to expect them to have perfect oversight AND manage to get products to stores at the lowest prices. I do support consumer driven protests that bring this stuff to light, of course, and you tend to see the chains cut ties with vendors with this type of reputation pretty quickly once the consumer protests start rolling in.
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