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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You've really opened my eyes to the plight of the disenfranchised VO workers. I weep for them, quietly of course, so as to fully represent their struggle. Somebody already said this earlier, but if I'm really going to feel bad for a group involved in making games, it's going to be the bug testers.
  2. Anyone who trivializes the bull**** that these people are fighting against down to this is worth an ignore, in my book.
  3. I wonder if Ros typed 'Bald no' into google to get that image?
  4. You must be designing the Bay Area. ba-dum *tsk*
  5. Oh no, we might need to go back to reading stuff.
  6. I'd back him, but I doubt my administration would go for it. The focus of the lesson revolved around a couple documents from the 9th and 10th century that we were analyzing the role of imams in legal matters. I was comparing it to the Constitution of Clarendon, and then trying to make it relevant with some of our legal issues of today. But Gromnir is right, we barely get to scratch the surface on this, and honestly very few 7th graders have the critical thinking skills to understand the issues in depth. But it's a start.
  7. Are facial veils a big problem in Canada? It's more of a cultural thing anyways, very little to do with Islam.
  8. I spent a bit of time trying to find a decent student friendly recap of the whole Kim Davis situation to go along with my lesson on Islam, separation of church and state, etc. It didn't go well. Our news options suck.
  9. Have you tried the Good Old Games version? Probably your best bet at getting a working version. Although 'good' might be a stretch when it comes to Lionheart.
  10. Egads! I hope it isn't an expensive one. Mine is $100, but I'd lose it if my wife lost hers.
  11. First you post Twilight and now this? Either you have very questionable taste or you are a very bad man. Whoa whoa. I'll admit the Twilight reference was a low blow, but if that song didn't make you want to get up and dance, you need to recalibrate your sense of rhythm.
  12. I imagine there will be. They are finishing up the expansion, so they are probably already working on a decent pitch.
  13. I usually get right into developing a game before the summer ends, and I spend a couple weeks digging it, and then I go back to work and all my energy is sucked away into a black hole.
  14. I always give up on crafting about halfway through the levelling process.
  15. In my opinion, with the way we've moved into a global economy, the global effect of environmental issues, global media, etc.; I'd say the melting pot is pretty much the future. As an optimist, I just hope it will be a slow and peaceful transition. But that may not be realistic.
  16. I thought it was Henry the Navigator who was 'given' that honour. He is the first guy I teach the students about in the unit.
  17. I am immediately changing my lesson plans and putting Bugs in as a central character.
  18. No, but telling them they are all violent savages who follow a savage religion isn't exactly going to help either. I should probably add that economic prosperity tends to solve all these problems, while economic crisis magnifies it. Where I live, you have a tremendous melting pot of cultures and religions, and yet you have very little conflict. Stabilize the economy, get everyone jobs, and it doesn't matter what religion they are. Obviously that is harder to do than it is to say.
  19. I will definitely concede that point to you, it is hard to imagine what type of impact this surge of immigration and refugees can have on a country. I am definitely speaking as an outsider on this, and I appreciate your perspective. My main point isn't that this isn't a dramatic issue for Europe, but that I believe it has less to do with the religion of Islam, and more to do with culture clashes and human nature. We can look at numerous situations throughout history in comparison where Islam was not in the picture, and yet the issues all look very similar.
  20. Yes yes, historical figure is not a nice guy, yada yada. He still kickstarted the age of exploration. Wait...Tim Shafer had the first big video game kickstarter...and now he is vilified. Coincidence?
  21. A warning put in front of content that may "trigger" someone. An obvious example being newscasts that warn about "shocking imagery" such as dead bodies or what have you. Naturally with the internet being the internet it has been reduced to basically "anything that may offend". E.g. content that discusses sexual dimorphism would require a trigger warning for those who don't "identify with" or "believe in" biological sexes. Wouldn't your first example simply be a warning? I have no idea what you are saying with the rest. Look, I get it, somewhat. There are some crazy people, I assume on twitter, using crazy terminology. But given that I spend almost no time on twitter and zero time reading what those crazy people say, the only time I hear about 'triggering' or sexual dimorphodons is from the nice folks that hang out in here. If you know they are talking crazy gibberish, why would you adopt their speech patterns and terminology?
  22. So...that article is unreadable to the average person. I don't even know what a trigger warning is. I'm interested in knowing more about the case, but there is no actual information in what you posted.
  23. Really? I thought being in Africa and dealing with Malaria was a pretty great concept, even if the execution was lacking.
  24. Far Cry Primal - Gotta hand it to them, that is a great way to keep the franchise fresh.
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