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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah, I'm itching at the $125 pledge, the physical rewards sound cool. But for now I'll stick to $25. It's flying along though, they will hit a million easily.
  2. Ah, preserving freedom of expression by censoring people who want to censor. Instead of trawling twitter and getting angry and frustrated with crazy people, I prefer to be dismissive of them. You know, like most of the world is. I can't even find any major news organizations that have covered the UN report. Have your games changed? Nope, so calm down.
  3. Are we reading the same thread? Vitriol is pretty much what has kept this thing alive.
  4. ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, so I'm still not sure what your point is about Iraqis. It's definitely a war torn country. Although I'm surprised to hear there are waves of Afghanis.
  5. So the Giants are pretty much playing a roster of AAA players, and they still look better than the Dodgers.
  6. Been playing Dead State: Reanimated the last few days. I have trouble with zombie stuff, I end up with all sorts of horrible nightmares. Last night for some reason my dog howled in his sleep. It sounded just like the zombie howl. I might need to stop playing. But the game is pretty awesome.
  7. Heh, first you play the perpetual victim card, and then you tell someone else to not get their panties in a bunch. Delightful.
  8. Yes, he waited until she was 9 or 10. Also this is still common in some Muslim countries. Which, of course, is inexcusable. You cannot look at something that was happening 1300 years ago and use it as a justification for abuse in the modern age. Thankfully Muslims are the only ones trying to keep marriage from changing with the times. Oh wait...
  9. So...you spent your childhood yearning to become a lich? I just wanted to be Rocky/Brenden Shanahan.
  10. Heh, nevermind the political aspect, this is pretty funny. I can't believe they made this 4 years ago!
  11. The whole controversy about Muhammad and his child bride seems to ignore the very clear fact that that is was a political marriage above all else. She was the child of Abu Bakr, who became the first Caliph. Muhammad was also married to a woman 15 years his senior. Putting historical figures under a modern lens is bad academics.
  12. I watched Army of Darkness the other day with my kids. I was worried that they would not be able to handle it, but as it played I was reminded what a great action comedy it is. It was good family fun.
  13. California and Texas are probably the two states that could feasibly break away and establish an independent government. According to this, Alaska and Hawaii are the states that would struggle the most: http://business.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/20/13283087-hawaii-alaska-and-the-states-that-get-the-most-federal-money Pretty interesting read.
  14. I agree with GD that the Federal government would likely let a state go rather than go to war at this stage. We live in a very different time, we also won't see a draft anytime in the future, or a World War, so those are all positives. But realistically, I doubt you are ever going to get enough Texans to go along with a plan to secede. I tried to see what data I could find on it, and this is what I found: http://dallasmorningviewsblog.dallasnews.com/2014/09/a-third-of-texans-support-seceding-from-the-union.html/ So I mean a third is a pretty good number, but that's just a poll, and it is much easier to say you want to secede than it is to follow through. Would there really be enough pros to outweigh the cons? Would it really even make much of a difference?
  15. Technically, the Giants could still win their division if they win the last 9 and the Dodgers lose all of their games.
  16. Keyrock's fascinating descriptions convinced me to buy the game. But then I tried backing up to a loading dock, and I crushed my truck and my spirit.
  17. So is there a difference between cyber bullying and cyber touching or cyber violence?
  18. Who exactly are you large font bold print yelling at?
  19. It was pretty fun watching Chuck in a not so Chuck role on Heroes. Other than that, I'm not sure what to make of it.
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