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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Thanks to my wisdom teeth surgery, I now have Marlon Brando's jawline and speech pattern.
  2. Yeah, next you are going to compare whiny twitter people to Nazis!
  3. Please tell me she is not ....surly Heh, as if only a Republican can be a religious nutjob.
  4. They are putting me under for it. I am old and it is a bit of a complicated procedure. It is a 3-day weekend, so I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday.
  5. I get that she is an elected official and cannot be fired, but isn't there some alternative other than jail when dealing with an official who isn't doing their job? What if someone has a mental breakdown in office, or is in a coma? Don't they have some sort of 'no longer fit to serve' procedure?
  6. It seems really weird to me that this whole ridiculous thing ended up in a Federal Court.
  7. Speaking of teeth, tomorrow morning I get my bottom wisdom teeth out. I expect misery.
  8. I think we've all learned through Assassin's Creed that you can easily scale to the top of that tower.
  9. That totally makes me think of No One Lives Forever.
  10. I'm amazed that they just kinda arbitrarily drop your stun abilities to drag the fights out longer. It was like they said, "Hey, there was a bunch of build up to this fight, we need to make sure it takes a long time, even if the player is at a high level." Pretty annoying. Thankfully I'm still enjoying the story.
  11. I think she is angling for a reality TV show. Someone has to replace the Duggars. edit: Also, I feel a chance at a Kentucky Fried Chicken reference was missed in the topic header. Let's brainstorm and come up with a better one. edit: This lady has been married 4 times. There is very little reason to take her seriously as a Christian.
  12. I was torn between making a joke about grammar nazis or one about German language teachers. It paralyzed me.
  13. I don't think I'm doing a great job of explaining myself here, but really all I'm saying is that the changing of language, social issues, etc. is just not something new, and I'm not really sure it is that big of a deal. Show me some evidence that our society is really changing, that we are banning stuff. It's hard for me to do while watching episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and staring at my copy of the South Park RPG. We've got Trump polling well for goodness sakes! Political correctness is dead, long live political correctness!
  14. I spend the majority of my exercise time thinking about the beer I will drink when I am done. It works.
  15. I'd hardly call academic language an imaginary thing. But yes, part of being a student is being able to adjust to the different expectations of your teachers. This is one of the more useful skills in the real world, as your bosses are going to care very little about your personal opinions and much more about your ability to meet their expectations (however arbitrary they might be.)
  16. and what the heck is hurl to do in 20 or 50 years (am assuming good health for hurl) when "colored" becomes the appropriate language for any non-asian? will hurl simply move on and embrace the new language conventions or is he gonna question the validity o' labels and the power we give to them. I'm a big fan of changing language, really, I find etymology fascinating. If you are in an academic setting, I think it is an important skill to master the language of academia, and to also understand that it can change over time, or even from professor to professor.
  17. Colleges as a hotbed of liberal gibberish? Le Gasp! A liberal studies professor talking crazy? Double Le Gasp! If only we could go back in time to the 60's and 70's where everyone at American Colleges was conservative and respectable.
  18. So I am playing through the prologue for Shadow of Revan. This is a pretty long prologue. It was fun, but it's pretty combat heavy and the bosses take way too long to get through. Maybe I'm just not a flashpoint guy.
  19. Just because some crazy people talk crazy on twitter does not mean: A: you are going to lose your rights to free speech. or B: you need to adopt their language and start talking like a crazy person.
  20. Even in a history class, I don't know why I would even need to use the word colored to describe black people, unless I was quoting an older source or talking about etymology. But yes, context is important. I doubt this professor put this in the syllabus on a whim though, clearly they have been dealing with students who lack the ability to grasp how to use academic language properly.
  21. The right to offend is extremely important and I will defend publications like Charlie Hebdo with my last breath. But that doesn't mean I want the editor of Charlie Hebdo running the country.
  22. If you are describing people with words like tranny and illegals in an academic setting, you should get docked points. It's pretty sad that even needs to be in a syllabus. The whole female male thing sounds pretty unclear. But yeah, how hard is it to use academic language in an academic setting? You can go back to the frat and talk any way you want.
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