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Everything posted by Hurlshort
But there is a difference, I know and respect Quinn and what she went through, so yes I would care I don't like or support Anita anymore so I would also stay out of it I don't know TB, I don't think I have ever read one of his links so he has no identity for me? Then why are you even commenting on it? I don't know the guy either, but I sympathize with anyone dealing with cancer. However it really isn't my place to comment on it because I am not familiar with his work, and would rather leave that to his fans. Have some decorum.
Ugh, dog got sprayed by a skunk. My son woke me up around 3 AM because he heard something. I helped him get back to sleep, then I let the dog out to go to the bathroom. I was clearly tired, because I should have put it together that there was probably a skunk outside. When I went to let him back in, he blew by me and it was clear he got hit full bore. We spent about an hour cleaning him and the front room he had walked through.
Starting pitchers are gone, should be an interesting finish!
They tried to address those concerns, for example you now get more skill points. How well they've succeeded you'd have to judge for yourself, it's not an easy balance. If only they had more time to balance! I keed I keed. I have been enjoying Dead State, so I'm hoping this is as enjoyable.
And what would you suggest be done about those? Assuming you are concerned about them. As I said, there is nothing wrong with the quad protest route. I am too old for it now, and in college too busy with work and trying to get laid, but I think college activism is an important part of our cultural identity. But since you asked about KP's list, this is what I'm doing: 1. Big Brother State - I try and vote for candidates that will not infringe on privacy. It is not as easy as it sounds. I teach my students about Habeas Corpus and how it is currently suspended for non-citizens. Given that many of my students and their parents are non-citizens, that hits home. We tend to talk about this stuff throughout the year. It is not my job to preach at them though, I simply supply information and hope they develop critical thinking skills. 2. Corporations - I try and support local and small businesses. I sign those Change.org things on ocassion. 3. Foreign Wars - Again with the voting. It isn't the taxes that bother me here, it is the fact we go in and make the same mistakes over and over again. We need a new foreign policy. 4. Corporate lobbyists - I'll support anyone who can get this crud out of politics. Again I can vote with my wallet a bit here. 5. I support local charities. So yeah, I agree with KP on every problem. That is why I said there was nothing wrong with him protesting in the quad. It wasn't snark, it was just an observation that amused me. I do differ with him on one thing tremendously though. I'm deeply in love with the US. I think the good far outweighs the bad, and I have no desire to live anywhere else. I love the diversity, I love the ingenuity, I love the open spaces and the busy cities.
I'm pretty sure ambition, drive, and bravery are by-products of hard work. Also I've known a lot of lazy smart people and they don't get very far in life.
I'd rather be that than be blindly accepting of the USA Freedom Act or TPP. Are those the only two options?
KP sounds like the college students who stand out in the quad with posters. Not that there is anything wrong with that, mind you. Fight the man!
I think it is weird that people don't criticise their own countries more. We have a few Russian posters thay come to mind.
I'm not really opposed to scholarships based on race, culture, or gender. They are often offered by heritage groups, and the goal is to break students out of the cycle that is often pervasive in certain cultural groups. Loans are typically based on parent income. You get better loans (and more scholarship choices) when your parents are poor. That tends to favor minorities due to socio-economic conditions. But really, we are often talking about very close cases here. You have a straight-A student from a private school with good test scores and extracurriculars, and you have a straight-A student from the 'hood with the same stuff. In the past, the private school kid is going to get into college over the one from the ghetto. So what is the solution here? It's not really an easy fix.
I can't believe you shut down a 9 year old thread Ros.
I'll be picking it up at the end of the month, it looks like they really pulled it off. Huzzah!
I'm rooting for a Houston versus Texas series, since I think that will be a pretty cool Battle of Texas deal. Although I like Toronto too. Now that the Yankees are out, there aren't really any good villains in the American league.
You can go back pretty far on the whole "toss dead bodies over the walls" history.
Heh, I'm pretty sure that is a fair description of people who live on the internet.
But it's not really viewers, it is internet folks. Like Ron Paul, Bernie has captured the attention of the people who live on the internet. It did some pretty amazing things for Ron Paul, so who knows?
What media are you watching? Her qualifications are a huge part of the discussion, and for good reason, since she does have the most experience in the crowd. Her mistakes are super magnified, I hear about Benghazi regularly and the stupid emails are finally starting to fade into obscurity. I'd say the talk about her gender has been fairly minimal, particularly compared to the amount of attention race received with Obama. I'm not voting for her, I'm not really a fan of her policies by and large, but some of the people going off about her are just off their rockers.
Usually those go in reverse order for me.
I made my new Hurlshot Family Wasteland Survival Team. I'm a smart ass with a bit of pistol skill, my wife is a hard ass with a shotgun, my daughter talks to animals and can tinker with toasters, and my son is charismatic and like to hit things with a bat.
Well yeah, it's easy to be a team player when your team has been winning.
I can predict the future: Hillary = Obama part 3, more sneaky freedom act stuff, foreign affairs will stay the same. Bernie = Heh, he ain't gonna win. But if he did, big business will tie everything up and he'll get little done. Trump = Seriously? Probably won't be able to get anything done, and might be the first president to lose interest and resign. Bush = Health care plan might see some changes. Foreign policy will take a hit. Off the top of my head that is it.
I always like to point out the fact that the Big Bang Theory was originated by a Catholic priest.