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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm still really into Dead State. I think I'm about 25 days in and I've got a big group with a fair amount of supplies. I'll probably pick up Age of Decadence in a couple weeks when it gets the official release, Iron Tower has impressed me enough.
  2. That would be obvious, although really there are probably better doorways for actual organized and funded terrorists. Ideally it would be great to be able to swoop up any extremists with background checks, but it's probably not entirely realistic.
  3. Ah yes, the 'bad apple spoils the bunch' philosophy. Very good.
  4. I've been playing hockey for 25 years. The stuff that causes brain damage has nothing to do with the sport. Fighting is dumb, and I never cheer for a big check. I celebrate skill, not brutality. With football, the equipment IS the problem. Those hard plastic pads and helmets are used as weapons.
  5. How is this even open to debate? You know, this stuck with me for a bit, because it didn't sound too accurate. But my copy of an English Koran was at work, and I didn't look it up until just now. Needless to say, it doesn't match up nearly the same. My copy is published by Tahrike Tarsile Qu'ran, Inc. in New York, and I have the 14th edition, dated 2005. As for the Tabari, that is a book written by an islamic scholar. It his record of something someone told him that Muhammad said. It is hardly what can be considered a central teaching. Much like the bible, translation, context, and interpretation can vary dramatically. We can cherry pick verses and engage in internet theology all day, but the fact is very few Muslims are out trying to behead unbelievers and conquer the world. Most just want to live in peace.
  6. Heh, where is that quote from? At least Obsidian delivered a product, pretty much as advertised too.
  7. Wait, what is Wild Space? Is that just an area? I had a brief flutter of hope that we would be able to fly around in space freely.
  8. Been watching The Muppets with my daughter, it's pretty dang good. My favorite moment was Ms. Piggy getting a hot stone massage and the Swedish Chef popping up muttering something about bacon.
  9. It was ridiculous that they couldn't make the achievements retroactive.
  10. Nope. Everyone here joined to celebrate Obsidian taking on Armored Warfare.
  11. I think you spend way too much time on the internet.
  12. Yes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OqqNG0vuO4
  13. So...Dead State is a pretty long game. I've got 20 people in the shelter now, and I've visited a good chunk of the nearby locations. My kill team is pretty solid.
  14. Picked up a keg from a local brewery called Hermitage, it was a Citra single hop IPA. Not only is it pretty good for a great price, they gave me a tap handle! I'm super excited, makes my tap look professional. I always enjoy Hermitage, they are always willing to talk about their craft beers when I go there.
  15. Stoked that there will be a story, I was actually a bit hesitant to pledge without it.
  16. Yep. Thankfully I can pick up 1.5 more quarter units and move over by February. Just frustrated I didn't realize it earlier.
  17. Psh, bed of nails is where it's at, people.
  18. So...quarter units are different than semester units, which means I have 59 credits when I need 60 to get all the way over on my salary schedule. It's easy to take another class or two, but that may mean another year at a considerably lower salary because of the window to submit this stuff.
  19. My RV is a poop free zone by the way. I make everyone hike over to the public bathrooms for number 2. I have to clean those tanks and hoses out myself, thank you very much. Sometimes the kids get away with it. But not you Gfted!
  20. The Giants are officially out. It was a crazy fun season though, so I'm not too bummed. They kept it interesting, I got to see pitchers hit home runs, rookies bat .300, and more grand slams than they've ever hit before.
  21. I'm a bit shocked someone would copyright a story like that. It made me curious how much it costs to do so, it seems to range between $35-$55. Crazy. It also takes about 8 months to go through, so I'm guessing it would be copyright pending.
  22. My impressive multitasking skills allow me to condemn trollish douchebags while still telling whiners to toughen up buttercup.
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