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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yikes Nep, my wife had that. It was worse than the colonoscopy according to her.
  2. My thinking is that in 1000 years people will look back on what we know at this point in time just like we look back on the people of 1000 years ago. We are really just getting started.
  3. Given the size and scope of the known universe, I doubt we are close to the upper limit.
  4. Debating whether to go to bed or watch this through.
  5. I suppose that is your punishment for playing on a console.
  6. You have to actually type something special in.
  7. You must have played a different NWN2 than me.
  8. This is clearly the work of Satin.
  9. Since Murphy has been giving credit to God for all of the homers he hit earlier, I wonder if that means he can blame God for the errors?
  10. Before I had kids, I would daydream about raising them to be spiritually versatile and adaptable, along with the standard physical and academic range of skills. But then I had them and the reality is it's a big deal just to keep them alive.
  11. I have no idea what this means. Probably time to start drinking, like GD.
  12. I am watching my 5 year old run around at gymnastics, and it is pretty hard not to see life as special while doing that.
  13. Yeah, the camera angle bothers me as well in Wasteland 2.
  14. Not me. I am of the mind that people are just slabs of meat and our existence is short and pointless. Nothing about us is special and life is ultimately without meaning or purpose. I think it's a pretty optimistic view of things. Ah, the self assurance of youth.
  15. Relevant: http://www.cfr.org/saudi-arabia/us-saudi-relations/p36524 Not really sure what the point of this discussion is. It doesn't make ISIS any less terrible.
  16. Yikes, that's a bit pricey. It's hard to compare it to Wasteland 2, but I wouldn't say it is better. I think as a console game (which is why I assume it is $60) it probably will have better gameplay and graphics than Wasteland 2. But really, we are comparing two gems.
  17. It does not seem likely that Obsidian and Bethesda will work together again. While I do not think there is any bad blood between them, I'd say that Bethesda has grown too large to let anyone not under their umbrella work on Fallout.
  18. If you have kids, there is no such thing as a "day off"
  19. Why is "take care of kids" in quotations?
  20. I'm not really opposed to a remake of Big Trouble, but the casting of the Rock makes me nervous. The guy is a good comedic actor, really, but he's also a larger than life action hero. Russel was basically out of his element surrounded by a bunch of kung fu masters, but I don't see how The Rock will pull that off.
  21. I'm pretty sure I'm buying Age of Decadence on Friday, but now I'm also think Mordheim.
  22. I took the wife to it a few years back. It wasn't too bad. Although I'm not much on musicals in general, the only other one I've seen was Les Miserable.
  23. Relevant to masculinity:
  24. I'd say the most hilarious part of the activist thing is that she is on Tinder trying to meet guys. Really?
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