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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I don't know about being evil, but there is this weird thing where people assume super rich people are experts in everything. Clearly they are experts in some things, hence the success, but that doesn't translate into general expertise. In a lot of ways being incredible wealthy should preclude you from being able to relate to the real world reality that most people face. All of us are probably only experts on maybe 2-3 things. Unfortunately everyone here has used one of those expertise areas on obscure video games.
  2. You say that, but there is a point where the money offered for a haul doesn't cover all the expenses involved with operating a rig. My mother-in-law had to close the doors of her trucking company because her small fleet couldn't compete with the bigger fleets that could lowball offers. $4k seems like a lowball offer for an actor.
  3. It seems like they should have a decent point system like movies do. I think all of the other departments should also be getting a decent cut as well, so it doesn't have to come at the cost of artists and such. edit: How much does majestic think nurses make? They should be making six figures in most places.
  4. First off, those Bethesda offices are pretty swanky. Secondly, was that voice actress in the first two games? $4k does sound like a slap in the face. Even if it is a day's worth of work, she has contributed to a successful franchise. This isn't a hobby for her.
  5. They brought attention to their cause though. Sure, it was head scratching attention, but their cause is plenty important. Why are we still so reliant on fossil fuels? Do people still think that's a positive thing? My hydrogen car creates H2O and the long term potential is that it might be able to replenish the fuel cells with ease. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2022/02/new-catalysts-steer-hydrogen-fuel-cells-mainstream But hey, gas guzzlers gonna guzzle.
  6. Hah, I mean, it's his face. I'm not quite sure what you want done.
  7. On further reflection about RoP and the conclusion of Season 1:
  8. I thought this was pretty standard TV misdirection stuff. I just watched it. I'm going to add Celibrimbor's forge as one of my favorite sets, too. I'm also happy with all of the acting performances. Galadriel is great. Elrond is a little jarring because Hugo Weaving sets a high bar. The Harfoots were even better in episode 8.
  9. Nah, it's the kid with the mark of Sauron, I think. Theo?
  10. 3rd person action games like Assassin's Creed or the Batman games tend to play better with a controller.
  11. There is nothing mind-boggling about the Harfoots. They are adorable. But this LA Times column seems to break it down pretty well in terms of reception: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-10-13/lord-of-the-rings-rings-of-power-amazon-season-1-audience I'm enjoying it tremendously and look forward to a 5-season run. But I'm also not hung up on the lore. I see a lot of debates about the lore when I play LotRO, which makes me chuckle. The whole premise of LotRO is that you make a character that as basically standing next to Aragorn and Gandalf during all the biggest moments. It's totally lore-breaking. But it's fun and the world is a joy to live in for a bit. I enjoyed the visuals of Numenor, and the making or Mordor, and the Dwarven halls. The high price tag shows in the eye candy. Unlike this guy from WoT: I think they hired the same people that did the Kilrathi in the Wing Commander movie.
  12. It's only going to get cancelled if people don't watch it. I doubt anything else matters.
  13. The Raiders are going through some crazy stuff, man. They've lost 4 games this season, none of them by more than 6 points, and they've had a 1-point and a 2-point loss. They've got a nasty curse on, that's for sure.
  14. The swim might be a bit dangerous, but I'm down for it. What was his time?
  15. Laat week I was just going over the fact that Russia and Ukraine have the largest Eastern Orthodox populations in the world.
  16. Honestly, I doubt most watchers know any of the names outside Galadriel and Elrond.
  17. I finished the battle of Minas Tirith in LotRO. They did a good job of depicting the largest battle in Middle Earth history on a 15-year old gaming engine. It felt frantic and a lot of NPC's that have been giving me quests for 100+ levels died. It helps that they have a great source template to pull from, but the storytelling by Turbine/Standing Stone Games has really been remarkable. I imagine I'll be marching on the Black Gate soon. Or maybe I'll buy a house and relax a bit with some festivals. That was a pretty intense week of fighting.
  18. RoP Episode 7 was a bit slow even by my standards, but the harfoots were in it, so I was still happy. They are definitely my favorite part of the show.
  19. This weekend I completed the Tour de Cure. I was able to reach the Championship fundraising level with the rest of my team, and we raised $31,373 total for the year. Our group was the biggest non-corporate fundraisers at the event. It was a perfect day for a long ride and I managed to complete the 100-mile route at an average speed of 18.9 mph. I hung with my team until mile 66, and then the group started to split and I ended up in the 2nd group with a partner. We rolled together for the rest of the time. I felt really good about my nutrition, which is always the tricky part of these 5+ hour rides. Special shoutout to my mysterious benefactor from these forums.
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