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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Our district IT disabled javascript because of security concerns, and now everyone is having trouble accessing a ton of different apps.
  2. I'm more worried about the bombing of Midnight Suns affecting Xcom 3, but this does seem to be another cause for concern. That being said, 23 years is a great run and I'm glad he rejuvenated the Xcom brand.
  3. Heh, I think I'll pass on that one.
  4. I mean, they do replace your buddy with one of these guys... I'm also less annoyed with Silverhand this time through. I guess I've developed more patience in my old age.
  5. I agree, the first time I played, it was like "here is your new best friend!" and then he was dead 10 minutes later. This time around I tried to slow down and really enjoy that first act. He's a pretty well developed character once you dig in. I also bonded with my neighbor and his dead turtle, so as I said, I'm trying to slow the pace down and get to know the world more. Of course, that probably means I'll burn out long before I get to the end.
  6. Cyberpunk - I have a newer desktop computer now, so I wanted to see how much better Cyberpunk looked, and I am pretty impressed. Also driving is much smoother now, although it is no GTA. I started a new character, and I'm trying to be more melee based. I've been kind of putting off the main storyline and doing side quest, and that has been a good change from the last time I played, where I probably zoomed through the story too fast. I'm still bummed how fast Jackie dies though.
  7. I believe that was peak Statham.
  8. I got dismissed from a jury today for asking questions. I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it though.
  9. Laser Squad Nemesis is the only game I remember enjoying that had that asynchronous turn based format. It makes a lot of sense in multiplayer, but I'm not sure it has the same feel of control over the battlefield as a traditional turn based game.
  10. KD wasn't the issue on the Nets though. If he is healthy with CP3 and Booker, they will be dangerous.
  11. Field of Dreams and Bull Durham. I really miss GD, he would have gotten them both.
  12. You guys keep talking about Kevin Costner movies without listing the two most important ones. Bunch of lollygaggers, the lot of you.
  13. Ravenclaw 4 lyfe, yo.
  14. Keyrock is clearly roleplaying a 21 Jump Street scenario at Hogwarts. That kid looks older than the professors.
  15. I made the change to 11 and it is barely noticeable. The start button moved a bit, I guess.
  16. To be fair, every sport I've done has its share of vomiting athletes. The last 8 miles of my Ironman were spent shuffling forward with a space blanket draped around my shoulders and the occasional vomit break. Someone gave me a breathe mint before the finish line, and I'm pretty sure it was an angel. But I got a nice T-shirt at the end, so it was worth it.
  17. I haven't watched Dances with Wolves in 20 years, but I remember enjoying it. Honestly all of those Kevin Costner vehicles are slow and plodding, but they typically have great scenery and the kind of pace that makes them perfect to have on in the background. Although the best part of Waterworld is the stage show that it spawned at Universal Studios. That thing is phenomenal.
  18. It's pretty much a new cast this year. Kenan Thompson is the exception. I can't believe he has been there for 20 years! I wonder if he takes over when Lorne retires...
  19. Finally sat down and watched The Banshees of Inisherin. I had just finished a rough bike ride, and I had a nice pint of stout for the occasion. That was the right way to do this type of movie, as it was slow and fit well with my slow sipping stout.
  20. Florida gonna Florida. *this post is brought to you by the American Education System*
  21. If you are writing it out language arts style, it is going to be February 3rd, 2023. If you are a math nerd, I guess you can put the year first.
  22. I didn't know him personally.
  23. I got like 20, so firmly in the GenX camp. Do grass burns count as a slip n slide injury?
  24. Bobby Hull, the Golden Jet.
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