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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. My wife and my daughter had a steak competition this weekend. I went to the store and got a fair amount of Round Eye Steaks for a decent price, and my daughter has been taking part in FFA (Future Farmers of America) and learning to judge meat (that's what she said.) My wife did a dry rub, seared it, and then baked it with rosemary and butter. It was decent. But my daughter seared and then basted it on the stove with onions and broth. She won! Now we get to bug her to cook steaks until she moves out of the house.
  2. I finished Cyberpunk. I was fairly happy with the ending I got. There was still a ton of side missions and gigs left to complete, but my vacation is almost over, and I wanted to be done. Watching the credits for a bit really makes you realize what a massive undertaking this game was. It scrolled for about 10 minutes. We are talking about thousands of hands in the pot. I played on normal difficulty and was really enjoying the swordplay in the later levels. I wouldn't say it was very challenging, but there was enough style to keep it enjoyable.
  3. Ok, this is a pretty deep response. Your last sentence about negative feelings is the real crux of the matter. I disagree that there is practically nothing to reverse course for negativity. You have the power to control that (and it doesn't take a special ring.)(Did you see what I did there? I would use an imbecilic emoji here but that comment hurt me.) As to the first paragraph...it's unreasonable to call most shows today poop. There has been some pretty bad Tolkien content in the past. That being said, if this is your favorite Tolkien content, it doesn't detract from my experience of other content. It obviously bums me out that many here didn't like Rings of Power. As my favorite online community of gaming buddies, it is always enjoyable to discuss what we are watching and playing with each other. It's also ok that we have different tastes. Calling someone's tastes crap is toxic though. That's basically what you are doing in that first paragraph. You are calling my taste crap. That's negative and unreasonable. The other day someone posted here about drinking diet soda. I was aghast at first. Not only do I think diet soda tastes bad, I also have serious concerns about the health impact of drinking it. I thought maybe I should post about it, but then I remembered we are adults, and the person is aware of the health concerns, and I don't need to lecture people here. Except when they call my tastes crap. Then I get to lecture about how insulting that is. *emoji redacted*
  4. It's pretty hard to gauge how successfull RoP was, but I doubt many Prime shows are ahead of it in streaming numbers. It was extremely good, so I hope to see quite a few more seasons. It's weird how negative people are about stuff like this. I have no interest in Picard, but I certainly don't root against it. I hope it improves and continues for the people that like Star Trek.
  5. Carnival Row just released season 2. I thought that was cancelled, so I'm glad it gets another season. I really enjoyed the first season.
  6. So I thought this was the obituary thread for a sec, and I googled that trying to figure out who died.
  7. I feel guilty for not picking it up, but the Marvel angle just held nothing for me. I usually try and pick up these good turn based games ASAP. I even bought Chaos Gate at full price, and I knew I'd struggle with the setting in that one. It is getting great reviews, for the most part, but I also have to be somewhat careful with my gaming budget.
  8. Our district IT disabled javascript because of security concerns, and now everyone is having trouble accessing a ton of different apps.
  9. I'm more worried about the bombing of Midnight Suns affecting Xcom 3, but this does seem to be another cause for concern. That being said, 23 years is a great run and I'm glad he rejuvenated the Xcom brand.
  10. I mean, they do replace your buddy with one of these guys... I'm also less annoyed with Silverhand this time through. I guess I've developed more patience in my old age.
  11. I agree, the first time I played, it was like "here is your new best friend!" and then he was dead 10 minutes later. This time around I tried to slow down and really enjoy that first act. He's a pretty well developed character once you dig in. I also bonded with my neighbor and his dead turtle, so as I said, I'm trying to slow the pace down and get to know the world more. Of course, that probably means I'll burn out long before I get to the end.
  12. Cyberpunk - I have a newer desktop computer now, so I wanted to see how much better Cyberpunk looked, and I am pretty impressed. Also driving is much smoother now, although it is no GTA. I started a new character, and I'm trying to be more melee based. I've been kind of putting off the main storyline and doing side quest, and that has been a good change from the last time I played, where I probably zoomed through the story too fast. I'm still bummed how fast Jackie dies though.
  13. I got dismissed from a jury today for asking questions. I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it though.
  14. Laser Squad Nemesis is the only game I remember enjoying that had that asynchronous turn based format. It makes a lot of sense in multiplayer, but I'm not sure it has the same feel of control over the battlefield as a traditional turn based game.
  15. KD wasn't the issue on the Nets though. If he is healthy with CP3 and Booker, they will be dangerous.
  16. Field of Dreams and Bull Durham. I really miss GD, he would have gotten them both.
  17. You guys keep talking about Kevin Costner movies without listing the two most important ones. Bunch of lollygaggers, the lot of you.
  18. Keyrock is clearly roleplaying a 21 Jump Street scenario at Hogwarts. That kid looks older than the professors.
  19. I made the change to 11 and it is barely noticeable. The start button moved a bit, I guess.
  20. To be fair, every sport I've done has its share of vomiting athletes. The last 8 miles of my Ironman were spent shuffling forward with a space blanket draped around my shoulders and the occasional vomit break. Someone gave me a breathe mint before the finish line, and I'm pretty sure it was an angel. But I got a nice T-shirt at the end, so it was worth it.
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