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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Sounds like the T-band, which stretches from the butt down to the kneecap. It can mess up lower back all the way to the knee. Physical therapy can help.
  2. Yeah, I got 2 episodes into FUBAR before giving up. His documentary will hopefully be better.
  3. It looks like they have Dark Ages of Camelot and Ultima Online right now, but I don't know what they've done to those games. TOR is also kind of stuck with the narrative experience of the game. Like, you can't rework the leveling system without messing up the storylines of the level 1-60 experience. They'd benefit from new classes or something fresh to attract people, but I don't think it would be simple to implement. WoW and LotRO have rebuilt the starting areas and introduced new classes numerous times to make it fresh.
  4. Hopefully this works out well for TOR. Plenty of MMO's have changed hands and continued on alright. LotrO going for Turbine to Standing Stone (a smaller group made up of former Turbine employees) and that worked out pretty well.
  5. This has definitely become my favorite youtube channel. Tim has some great stories and clearly took good notes. I also really enjoyed his gay pride video and was happy to hear Obsidian was one of the most tolerant and accepting of the companies he has worked with.
  6. I'm always surprised when people complain about the pricing of indie games. They are usually less than $30, and you can guarantee indie developers are pouring their blood, sweat and tears into those projects with almost no compensation up front. Your $30 doesn't go as far as you think. But yeah, DLC like this is silly.
  7. Hah, Young MC is so wholesome and innocent compared to the first two.
  8. Current century is most definitely better in comparison, given that all of those conflicts are in a relatively small area, outside of the Ukrainian war. You also have a remarkable amount of cohesion (or maybe a better word would be reliance) economically and politically in comparison to the previous century.
  9. LotRO actually lets you play as gollum in sections and it is pretty well done as a story telling device.
  10. I started up Outer Worlds again, thanks to Tim Cain and his youtube videos. I went for a supernova playthrough at first. I love the need to actually consume the food and drink. In my first time, it all just kind of stacked up and I used very little of it, but this made me pay attention. I don't like the lack of saving though. Pavarti gets killed a lot, and I feel like I end up having to re-do too much stuff. I think I'll just restart in normal or hard. It's been awhile since I played it, so it feels pretty fresh, but I don't want to burn out in the first area.
  11. Desantis doesn't exactly have stormtroopers at his disposal. He's got quite a cult of personality going on in Florida, but he's facing off against both Trump and Mickey Mouse, and my guess is Disney will win out in the end. Book banning (and book burning) is also not a new thing in the US, but it's always been limited in scale. Getting anything like that done on a Federal level is a lot more complicated. There are always outlier states. Florida and Texas seem like crazy places to me, but they say the same thing about California.
  12. Malkavian was the best play through, for sure. I really got into the madness of it all.
  13. I never understood the appeal in the first place. I didn't read the books or watch the movies and think, "Man, I really want to be this gross creature that lives under a mountain."
  14. I was actually thinking we were going to get clean sweeps in both the NBA and NHL finals. That would be pretty bizarre.
  15. White Men Can't Jump (2023) - This was very good. The premise is similar to the original, but the story is very different. The actors were all great and it was a lot of dialogue. Like, I probably need to watch it again to catch more of the conversations. It was fast paced and fun.
  16. Good to see Total War getting back to a non-fantasy setting, and one that doesn't get enough coverage to boot. I'll definitely pick that one up.
  17. I finished Ironman Morro Bay on Saturday. It was a fantastic race and a beautiful course, and I took about 7 minutes off my best time for the distance. I finished in 5:43. The big difference was fueling well on the bike, so I was able to run well. I ran a 1:53 half, and I felt really good for most of it. The swim was cold and murky, but you got to stare at Morro Rock for most of it, so it was still fun. I struggled to get my hands to work and get out of the wetsuit, but I'm really glad I wore aquasocks because my feet were not numb. Once I got on the bike I really felt good, and we had a tailwind on the second half. I averaged 19.7 mph. So close to 20! It was a very good day, for sure.
  18. Man, 58. Life is too short.
  19. This was pretty predictable. The Lakers had to play AD and Lebron a ton of minutes in a fast, physical series against the Warriors. Denver is rested and very capaple of being physically dominant. They've got a pretty good path to a championship.
  20. I remember watching a Mario and Luigi TV show as a kid. That theme song rocks.
  21. Aw, but you get a medal and a t-shirt when you go on a race-cation. Honestly at my age, if I don't exercise while on vacation, I just feel terrible. I can eat and drink merrily if I go run it off in the AM.
  22. I think soapboxing has more of a lecturing connotation to it.
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