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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I thought this must be wrong, but then I looked at the list of Burton movies since Mars Attack! and it is fairly limited. In his defense though, a lot of the movies he has made since the 90's are geared towards kids. Corpse Bride, Frankenweenie, Alice in Wonderland, and Miss Peregrine are all very good family fare. I have no idea what Big Eyes is, and I have no interest is Dumbo, so I guess it really has been slim pickings for the last decade. Strange. Michael Keaton will make it worth a watch, though, so I'm not worried about Beetlejuice 2 being bad.
  2. Picked up Space Haven on GoG. As a kid, I would always build spaceships with legos. It wasn't too fancy, I'd just take the base plates and connect them, and then build quarters and engine rooms and a bridge. This game lets me do that. The nice thing is it lets you control characters directly for certain events like exploring ships. It's a pretty fun game.
  3. That is time spent bonding with your crew. At least they added the fast travel posts to the towns. When I played a year ago, they didn't even have that. I'm surprised they don't have a way to retire and get an ending, but I'm not close to that point yet. Also, did you use pitons to speed up travel around the map? You can make quite a few shortcuts that way.
  4. White folks been playing minorities for over a century, so I'd say this is no big deal. I hope Egypt got upset about this abomination as well.
  5. He is a force. Last year the Warriors had to surround him with 5 defenders to slow him down even a little. This year is very retro. Harden is winning games. Lebron is back in it. I'm enjoying watching all the old guys try and get one more shot at it. These guys are all in their mid-30's, so we are getting close to the end of the era. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  6. Curry is still pretty good for an old man. Looks like the beam will have to wait another year.
  7. People are blithely unaware of the fact their 2-ton vehicle with 200 horsepower is extremely dangerous. I swam 100 yards, rode 50 miles, and ran 5 miles today. It felt pretty good, so hopefully I am ready for the Morro Bay Half Ironman in a few weeks.
  8. I can't tell the difference between that and actual Bethesda writing.
  9. I know a lot of people have issues with Draymond Green, but he basically controlled Game 5 and got the Warriors the important road win. I'm loving the gray beard taking on all the young Kings.
  10. We are getting some good Cali matchups this season. If Kawhi had stayed healthy, we might even have had a full slate of California games in the West. As is, LA is playing Sac or GSW and it will be a sweet series. I'm hoping for another Lebron versus Steph moment. Basically if the Warriors can win tonight, they probably get to play Lebron next round and KD in the finals. That would be phenomenal.
  11. One could argue, but one would still be wrong. But really I'm thankful for a free media, even though that means we end up with vile screaming lunatics on the 'news'. They only exist because they have an audience, and the best way to counter them is to offer that audience a better option. The truth does tend to win out. Building your house on lies and hyperbole is really only going to work in the short term. Eventually it will catch up with you. Both Fox News and CNN are dealing with this to some extent right now. I think they both will survive it, but certain mouthpieces will need to be sacrificed to make it through.
  12. I'd say they are trending closer to criminally insane rather than your garden variety terrible Hollywood celebrity. I'm surprised WB went forward with them as the face of the franchise, to be honest. I guess WB figured it was already a sunk cost.
  13. You have to use the deflection ability to get the 70%, or I think you can use protection. But yeah, he's tough until you get a few levels under your belt.
  14. Mattias Lund? He is pretty tricky. Make sure you spread everyone out. That fight is all about turn management and having a couple tanks that can absorb blows. edit: It's actually worse if you have the scaling difficulty on. He gets much harder at the higher levels.
  15. Candlemaking is a separate DLC.
  16. Story is probably too strong a word for M&B, but there is a backstory to the factions. That being said, Bannerlord does have a bit more of a narrative path that you can follow, and it gives you a family at the start. Ballers Gate is now the official name.
  17. It was cancelled. The team is now developing a first person shooter version of Pentiment.
  18. I'm a big fan of Robert Howard and the whole Conan world, so I'm probably biased. That being said, it is the best game I have ever played.
  19. Ah, my bad. I guess the new one is called Bannerlord, which is technically a prequel to Warband? I don't know, I just loot and pillage.
  20. Just to eliminate confusion, I was talking about Wartales. Warband is the new Mount and Blade game. Which is actually really good too. What times we live in!
  21. Wartales has sure added a lot since I played back in Early Access. The fact that you can set up pitons and climb mountains is a pretty interesting mechanic. My band is pretty strong at level 5-6, and we have one lucky wolf named Fang who has surprisingly survived from the early game. I've buried a lot of animals, so this pup is clearly lucky. I think it might be better than Battle Brothers. It definitely is much deeper. It might not have the same replayability, mostly because of a more set narrative, but it does give you a lot of interesting options on how to construct your warband and still creates some great storylines amongst the team.
  22. It is the best game ever, so get it. If you play on Civilized, the combat is pretty forgiving. Enemies are basically level locked, so as you level it will be easier to dominate areas that might have been hard early on. Also on Civilized, death is not too serious and is actually an easy way to get back home quickly if you have travelled too far. The only time you really need to use strategy is when you fight bosses, and you don't need to rush those. You can even go into admin mode and change the combat settings if you are having trouble. I've done that with a couple bosses. It's a pretty flexible game when you are playing single player or co-op. You can basically adjust the setting to any play style you want.
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