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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I haven't watched Dances with Wolves in 20 years, but I remember enjoying it. Honestly all of those Kevin Costner vehicles are slow and plodding, but they typically have great scenery and the kind of pace that makes them perfect to have on in the background. Although the best part of Waterworld is the stage show that it spawned at Universal Studios. That thing is phenomenal.
  2. It's pretty much a new cast this year. Kenan Thompson is the exception. I can't believe he has been there for 20 years! I wonder if he takes over when Lorne retires...
  3. Finally sat down and watched The Banshees of Inisherin. I had just finished a rough bike ride, and I had a nice pint of stout for the occasion. That was the right way to do this type of movie, as it was slow and fit well with my slow sipping stout.
  4. If you are writing it out language arts style, it is going to be February 3rd, 2023. If you are a math nerd, I guess you can put the year first.
  5. I didn't know him personally.
  6. I got like 20, so firmly in the GenX camp. Do grass burns count as a slip n slide injury?
  7. Bobby Hull, the Golden Jet.
  8. Josh Johnson is still in the NFL, apparently. This is not good for the Niners.
  9. I ran my first official half marathon today. It was pretty good, I put up a 1:35 time and ended up 3rd in my age group. We will see how the legs feel in the morning.
  10. Speaking of mayo, I switched to Avocado Mayo a few years ago. It took a bit of time to adjust my palette, but I enjoy it quite a bit now. I was having issues with the oil they use in most mayo, I think. edit: I use it as a sandwich spread and the occasional artichoke dip.
  11. Sounds like and Elder Scrolls ripoff. I started a new character in Outward. The male faces are terrible. They look like they have spent the last few decades polishing off all the alcohol in the village. So I made a female character. I also went with a halberd instead of my sword and board build from before. The halberd is much easier to use against the early enemies. It lets me keep my distance much easier. I haven't decided if I'm going to even bother with magic this time around. My first character had a couple spells, but managing mana is tricky and you lose health and stamina to attain it. But it is early and I'm still deciding on my path.
  12. My wife eats her scrambled eggs with ketchup too. I guess it makes sense if you throw some hash browns in the mix. Good mac and cheese is rare.
  13. Anyone who has driven around California has probably wondered about this weird road... https://www.sfgate.com/travel/article/the-mysteries-of-zzyzx-road-california-17726000.php
  14. That's why Crossfit and gyms like F45 are so popular. They provide the plans and the goals, and even gamify the process quite a bit. Granted they are stupid expensive because of it. Also Crossfit can be super risky, since they focus on speed and reps over form. I'm terrible at getting in gym work, but I know it helps to have a workout group that you regularly interact with. Most gyms also have classes, I think. I've done a few HIT classes at my gym, and those are fun. edit: I know we are all anti-social here, but you can probably find at least one workout buddy.
  15. There must be something going around, because my dad has also recently gotten back into building a model train layout. We had one in the garage when I was a kid. I think it was supposed to be something we did together, but he did most of the work. My daughter has a train and track around her room that she set up with my help. It isn't a large setup, just a few decorations on slightly unstable shelves, but it looks cool. As a renter, I've always cleaned out my own gutters. I guess I'm either a good tenant or a chump. My current house has these cheap plastic gutters that don't really work anyways, but when I get up there to put on Xmas lights, I might as well clean he crud out of them.
  16. I love it. Can I write off my bikes and running shoes? I think my gym and swim center actually is tax-exempt. It is run by the city.
  17. I just signed my wife and I up for a marathon, so that's something. We are doing the California International Marathon in Sacramento. It isn't until December, so lots of time to work on the mileage and regret my life choices. I'm not worried about the distance, but I do want to hit a certain time, and that is going to put some pressure on. This will be the first for both of us.
  18. See How They Run - This was a fun story set around Agatha Christie's Mousetrap. It had a great cast. I enjoyed it as much as the Glass Onion movies.
  19. Outward has me hooked. Last night I managed to travel to a ley line and unlock my ability to do magic. I was ready for bed, so I took a boat back to a beach and looked for a place to camp. There was a fortress nearby, and the guards seemed friendly enough (they didn't try to kill me on site). I asked for shelter, but they knocked me out, took all my stuff, and threw me in a cell. So I guess I will be trying to escape the next time I play. At least I have a couple spells now, so I'm not defenseless. Not having a quicksave or reload option puts you in some strange spots.
  20. edit: I guess he was playing an Angel named Metatron, which I didn't remember at all.
  21. There was a nice looking mousepad in there, but I'd like to see some more Pillars gear. It's fairly amazing we've gone this long without having some annoying ads on the forum. Everywhere else on the internet is inundated with flashing banners.
  22. Outward - This is an interesting RPG. No save system, and death works as a mechanic that puts you in strange situations. It has taken some getting used to, but the world is engaging and the gameplay is decent. It reminds me of Risen quite a bit, but it seems more complex.
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