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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Was that for Teknoman? I haven't. I have an English copy and I've read some parts of it, but it's pretty thick. Of course, I wouldn't claim to have read the bible, either. I grew up reading passages out of it and have probably covered all of the NT at some point or another, but I've never really sat down and studied it from page to page as an adult. I've read a fair share of religious history books, but I'd never call myself an expert on theology. A hobbyist at best. That's why I was curious about Teknoman's education on the matter.
  2. I reached level 93 in Lord of the Rings Online and I'm still busy saving the people of Rohan. This place is huge, but there have been a lot of solid quests and storylines along the way. I'm still not a fan of mounted combat, but I've become a bit better at it. It's almost like a dogfighting game (Red Baron style, not Michael Vick style.) My captain is pretty close to moving on to Gondor, and then I can walk through the gates of Mordor. Or something like that. edit: Oh, and my house is looking amazing with all the stuff I've collected over the years.
  3. Teknoman, are you a student of Islamic studies? You just seems to have a lot of information on the subject and seem pretty confident about its accuracy. I would certainly not consider myself an expert in this stuff.
  4. No, but the comparison doesn't really work because they are completely different games. I wouldn't even put them in the same genre. The original was very much a shooter, albeit a creative one for its time. The new one is much more of an action RPG.
  5. With talk like this, I really don't get why there is so much tension between the Islamic and Western world. We are building strong bridges with a foundation of understanding here.
  6. Of course, the comparison would work better if the Digital Arts Center voted as a board to move the statue, and then a bunch of Ewoks marched in protest. edit: Yeah, I am saying Ewoks are racist. They live in the forest and were ready to kill everyone until Threepio showed up.
  7. You can go here and look at the actual statistics for Harvard: https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/admissions-statistics I'd say you are simplifying a rather complex issue, but as I said, I'd agree Affirmative Action is problematic. Hence my statement: You can find a metric ton of information on the Racial Achievement gap in this country. The numbers aren't pretty and there is no simple way to narrow that gap. As much as I sympathize with the Harvard situation (my students are in that demo) it is nowhere near as tragic as the educational disparities we have across this country.
  8. Hmm, maybe you are right: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/28/world/europe/mystery-about-who-will-become-a-terrorist-defies-clear-answers.html?mcubz=0 That still doesn't mean I agree you can paint 1.8 billion people with the same brush, however.
  9. It's pretty interesting looking at the other companies on that list. Motel 6 is a -15 and Super 8 is a +4, so I guess I know which one to stay at if I need a cheap room. Bit surprised Amazon Prime is so low, I get a ton out of that service and it has always been easy.
  10. Agreed, neither party really cares about the individual. edit: Didn't even remember this is the funny things thread after reading it. We need to get away from the politics in here.
  11. Again your assumptions have no basis in fact. There is an actual profile of the type of person that is vulnerable to radicalization. Saying that any moderate Muslim has the potential to become an extremist is baseless fear mongering. It's like saying every Black person or Mexican has the potential to be a gang member. Does that sound racist?
  12. Except they are not the exception, given that there are millions of people already living peacefully in the west. Realistically there are very few extremists compared the 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. You are making assumptions that have no basis in fact.
  13. So by your logic if Jews are successful there must not be any antisemitism. Here's an example of institutionalized racism: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/11/18/rejected-asian-students-sue-harvard-over-admissions-that-favor-other-minorities.html Here's an example of anti-white racism just from today : http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/08/24/aclus-twitter-account-gets-lesson-in-political-correctness.html So your examples are some people didn't get into Harvard and the ACLU took down tweet? That is institutionalized racism against white people and Asians? I'm not arguing that racism doesn't exist, I'm arguing against your idea that it is institutionalized in anywhere near the same aspect as it is against other races. The Affirmative Action story is a legitimate policy issue. It's not a new complaint, and I'm pretty sure we've debated it before. It's a a matter of letter of the law versus spirit of the law. The spirit is to give more opportunity to groups typically subject to inequalities, but the reality is it can shift the discrimination to another group. I'm not in total disagreement with you on that.
  14. Institutionalized? I don't buy it. Have the police started targeting white and asian people more than other races? Did the vast majority of the people in the government suddenly changed skin color? Are all the hedge fund managers, bankers, and CEO's being pushed out by minorities? White oppression is a ridiculous narrative pushed by people who want to play the victim card. Given the election results, I'd think that'd be a hard one to push, but people keep trying.
  15. Spider-Man is probably my best bet, it starts the earliest and is at the closer theatre to me. Thanks everyone!
  16. I'm stuck near work for a couple hours before my Back to School Night, and I'm thinking about catching a movie. I'm having trouble deciding between Atomic Blonde, Lucky Logan, or Spiderman. Suggestions?
  17. Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series seems pretty tailored towards an RPG or MMO. I think there is an Apocalypse Now game in the works, but I'd love an actual Heart of Darkness book as well.
  18. Look, I have plenty of issues with the media, but I'm scratching my head over a few of your examples. 1. What is the proper timeline to jump on the Muslim terrorist story? The big hesitancy I saw in the Orlando nightclub shooting seemed to center on whether this was anti-gay or something else, made even more confusing by the fact the guy seemed to be a regular at the club. It is a fair criticism though, but I'd hardly call it a conspiracy. If the media really is trying to cover up the religion of people who commit these acts, they are doing a piss poor job of it. You have plenty of conservative sites that jump all over the religion angle right away, so I don't see this as a huge problem. 2. I'm not sure which college shooting you are talking about. Sadly there are a few of them. 3. I have no idea what cities are implementing Shari'ah. That sounds like a sensationalist headline you get from some clickbait website. I live near a bunch of Sanctuary cities, and we don't have anything like Shari'ah. 4. We ARE doing quite a bit to prevent terror cells. Since 9/11 we've already sacrificed a number of our rights withe bills like the Patriot Act so the government can crack down on this stuff. At what point have we given up too much of our liberty for protection?
  19. I will chip in to let Volo buy Obs. He will probably ban me but I look forward to the Dwarf focused rpg he will develop.
  20. Heh, I established that I only hold purses in emergencies early on with the missus.
  21. There are already millions of Muslims living in the West with no problems with the laws or the culture. There are plenty of Mosques and Imams that preach tolerance and acceptance. It isn't some pipe dream. edit: teknoman gets mad when we point out historical precedents, but then keeps talking about stuff Mohammad did in the past. Pope Julius II would quite likely agree with his "Allah guides my sword" principal.
  22. of course they aren't. as i said before, according to their religion allah takes all responsibility. they do not kill of their own free will and take no responsibility for any action, everything they did happened because allah decided that at that time and place it was supposed to happen. What, like predestination?
  23. That's pretty lame. I'm glad I didn't buy it yet.
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