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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I only play Wordz Up on my phone.
  2. I expect the male avatars to look good as well, so not really a double standard. They tend to be using it as a funny buzzword more than actual indignation. But I think that glib use of the word at a young age makes it harder for them to have a strong understanding of what racism is. Then you end up with a bunch of kids that think it is funny to be racist and a bunch of kids that think everything is racist. It's ok, I'm taking care of it one class at a time.
  3. Helped along in part by Amazon's pricing tactics in their cool war against major published houses. Why would I spend $20 for either a hardback from B&N or a Kindle edition of a new release when I can buy a new hardback for $12-$16 from Amazon? Crazy thing is since I got my kindle I've read way more books and spent quite a bit less money. Ease of access plus much better deals.
  4. You know it's good satire, when people misunderstand what it's criticizing and only prove their point. I was about to explain it to them, but I like your tactic better.
  5. Not a big surprise. I spent a ton of money with B&N over the years, but now that I have a kindle, I just don't have much reason to go in there. I'm more likely to shop at my small local bookstore for anything not on the kindle, too, because it is easier.
  6. My son has been playing a bit. He was not happy with one of the helmet looks, so I went in to hide the helmet for him. Turns out you need to pay for such a luxury. Lame. He did hit level 21, which is pretty neat for a 7 year old.
  7. Kind of a sketchy way that Equifax set up the security check website. It almost feels like a phishing scam. Still, I trust Malcador so I went ahead and put in my information. It sounds like we get some free security features out of it, at least.
  8. It took me years to learn how to read Gromnir. It is possibly my greatest achievement. The kids are close, but to be fair my wife did most of the hard work there.
  9. Sure but that is arguably a stationary gun that uses the resources of the planet itself to power the weapon. I mean, I think it is silly and the range is dumb, but it could be a much cheaper project than a moving moon.
  10. It's the first I've seen in C&C, at least in a long time. This isn't Bioware.
  11. The Death Star still seems to be the more expensive project though. Wasn't it the size of a small moon?
  12. Sometimes the amount of stuff I have to do after work before relaxing astounds me. Today I got through my 45 minute commute, went to the gas station, then went to the farmer's market for some supplies. Once I got home I got the mail, took the groceries in and dropped my backpack in the kitchen, then got on the kids about homework. I kicked my son off the computer and told him to read, then I helped my daughter with her math. She didn't understand her writing assignment, so I helped her email the teacher and finally put the groceries in the fridge. Then I made a decision about dinner (leftovers!) I realized I had been home 45 minutes at that point and wanted to get a run in. I searched around for my missing backpack, got dressed, and ran away from my responsibilities for a bit. After a quick shower, I'm now able to sit down and relax.
  13. I gave that one a hard pass Yeah, I was pretty ticked off that Netflix had it on my recommended list. I watched a couple episodes expecting it to take a turn or something, but it was just mopey teenage trash.
  14. I love that he crowdfunded to fix the window, ended up with more money, and is donating it to a charity that helps with plumbing in 3rd world countries. Oh and they are still seeing each other!
  15. I don't think they will make an underwater Xcom, I think the undersea stuff is just a tribute to Terror from the Deep. I thought they would do it as an expansion if they were going to go underwater. My guess is Xcom 3 will allow us to take the fight off world in a more developed fashion.
  16. I used to name my Xcom soldiers after hockey players, but it sounds like you need to name yours after the Golden State Warriors
  17. I was on a mission, and I realized that one of my posters was on the wall of an office. Nice touch!
  18. Bummer, but it did lose my interest in season 2.
  19. Thinking on it, making ice is in desperate need of innovation. It takes hours! I did find a neat ice cube tray that might work: http://www.core77.com/projects/48236/FreezTHAT-Ice-Cube-Tray-Freezes-Ice-in-10-Minutes
  20. After writing up a laundry list of things that need fixing on the RV today, I am inclined to agree with Grommie.
  21. If they can get that down to microwave prices, I can see one in every home.
  22. Yeah, I've got a couple POW's out there, and I'm wondering if I'll ever get to rescue them. I've taken out two of the Chosen bases and and ready to move on the 3rd.
  23. So I looked into it, and apparently the MRAP's are being sold to police departments for $5000, which is actually pretty reasonable for an emergency rescue type vehicle. Although they cost the military around $750k, so it's more of an issue of irresponsible Federal government spending instead of local spending.
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