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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. In the recent Spider-Man, they had crates full of all of the Avenger's equipment, so I would guess there are a lot of those shields. But then again, it's just a fun comic book universe and we shouldn't look too hard at the man behind the curtain. ;-)
  2. Isn't Trey Parker and Matt Stone still writing the stuff though? Not a surprise that the developer failed to implement it as well as Obsidian, but the overall tone should be set by the creators, I would think.
  3. It's also just a waste of time. We have a vetting process in place already. This whole extreme vetting thing is just silly posturing. Where is the evidence that this will do anything to increase security?
  4. Pretty sure San Andreas is based on the Los Angeles region, namely Compton. The best way to understand San Francisco is to meld Dirty Harry with You've Got Mail. Kind of a When Dirty Harry Met Sally sort of thing.
  5. It's also billions of dollars in devastation, which I would think would be Trump's language.
  6. Blade Runner 2049 was easily the best movie I have seen in a number of years, and Ryan Gosling is the best actor of his generation. I love the first Blade Runner, but I never got to sit in a theater and experience it like I did with 2049. I am extremely happy I was able to experience it that way. Go see it.
  7. I think braces will cost me a few thousand dollars.
  8. According to my most recent pay stub, my employer paid $2000 last month and I paid $883. I also contributed $106 to Medicare. What a racket. I still get medical bills as well. Heck, basic dental work for the kids costs me a few hundred dollars every 6 months.
  9. When it comes to that private plan, do employers have to chip in anything?
  10. Hah, I'd take that bet. Marvel is a BO monster right now. If Doctor Strange and Ant Man can bring in money, I'm pretty confident this will bring in a tidy profit. Although I think it is pretty obvious why you are skeptical.
  11. Saturday Night Live is definitely benefiting form the current climate:
  12. That looks pretty slick.
  13. Finally finished up my epic playthrough of Xcom 2: War of the Chosen. It was a fantastic fleshing out of the base game. I gave the Ghost Recon Wildlands a try for the free weekend, and it is pretty good. Kind of like a less crazy Just Cause. It's half off the price, so I decided to buy it.
  14. Ballers is pretty great. The Rock is a damn good actor.
  15. NBC should rightly be raked over the coals, but the New York Times and NPR have been all over it, and they are very liberal. Also I'm not sure where you get the impression anyone is defending the media. There is a ton of hypocrisy out there with both conservative and liberal sides of the media. For example, Fox news runs a story about the NY Times changing their social media policies. Fox uses it as a chance to go after their reporters that have tweeted disparaging remarks about Trump. But I'm pretty sure you can find a dozen Fox News reporters that have done the exact same thing with Obama. It's all a farce. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/10/13/ny-times-changes-social-media-guidelines-so-reporters-dont-appear-biased.html
  16. Huh, I have never had that experience at Gamestop. I would never refer to any of the people that work there as friendly. Sorry Calax!
  17. I am having trouble just finding these shows. I don't want to subscribe to hulu just for Orville and I have no idea how to watch Trek.
  18. I've actually been rewatching the IT Crowd because I was looking for something light and funny. I feel like all the stuff coming out lately is grim.
  19. I've been thinking about watching Rick and Morty, but kirottu completely turned me off of it with his review. I've also got some gross mental imagery in my head of his tattoo. The Wire is fantastic. Although I'm not sure about the whole full brain requirement. Yeah, it's thought provoking, but it's not like it is hard to follow. It's just an extremely well put together show with excellent acting, writing, and setting.
  20. Didn't Battlefield 1 start on Origin Access? Is Battlefront 2 going to be there as well?
  21. Yes, of course they do. Edit: they are perpetually costing more than they bring in. But so are states like Mississippi. https://www.economist.com/blogs/dailychart/2011/08/americas-fiscal-union
  22. Also the whole thieving aspect of ESO is very well done. I mean it really does play like a massive online version of all the ES games at this point, for better or worse.
  23. The Morrowind expansion was great, it really captured the feel of the region. I'd say the game is worth a visit. It still has the best crafting system in any MMO to date. Vanguard excluded, but that really was more of a crafting game than an MMO.
  24. GD's gold stash is a drop of mercury away from destruction!
  25. I think it is great that you overcame obstacles to open up your business and find success, and I appreciate you sharing that with us. But I don't think I've ever seen you change your viewpoint here on the forums, so it is much easier to just keep things light than to invest heavily in trying to sway you.
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