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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. There is a smiley for that.
  2. Ok, I somehow forgot to post about my amazing Vanilla Oatmeal Stout: It had an ABV of 6.5% and tasted smooth and a bit sweet. I loved every drop of it. But it is gone now, and I just tapped my Orange IPA. We started with the IPA recipe, and then put it in a Carboy with orange zest and meat. It tastes great, but I wish I could compare it to my last IPA. I'll need to save some for that someday.
  3. To be fair, it's a pretty complex game. You have a tremendous amount of options available to you, so it's no surprise it is easy to break.
  4. Fox only seems somewhat mature right now because there is a (somewhat) republican in the WH. I am sure they will get back to the culture of victimhood when that changes.
  5. Gal Gadot can kick all of our asses.
  6. Walter Goggins caught my attention. That guy is routinely the best part of everything he is in (Except Vice Principals, and that's because Danny McBride is so gosh darned charming.) Also fun to see the guy from Shaun of the Dead. I honestly don't see how it looks anything like the Angelina Jolie films. Those looked like standard action adventures. The tone of this looks more serious with a focus on the story. It might turn out to be a bomb just the same, but it is a different approach, much like the recent games have changed the approach. I'm rooting for a good video game movie.
  7. I find it mildly annoying how buggy the quest log is, but it doesn't really affect the quality of the game all that much. It's just a completionist issue. I'm not sure how it affects the xp levels in the game.
  8. Obviously a very different tone for the Tomb Raider movie. Looks like a pretty solid cast.
  9. Checked in with all my immediate family in Mexico and they are ok. Pretty tragic stuff, hard to watch the updates.
  10. This was pretty well done on both sides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsx-P1IrIVA
  11. I don't know about that, the Lord of the Rings Online story runs circles around the GW stuff. Granted it has better source material.
  12. I kept the black cat alive and he became my familiar after I exited the prison.
  13. No bugs for me, knock on wood. The game is pretty dang hard on classic mode. I feel like I'm on fire all the time.
  14. It benefits from having less combat than the original, at least in the first dozen hours.
  15. Poor Sharp_One. Nobody understands him! It is clearly the fault of everyone else. We can't english enough.
  16. I kickstarted it, so no idea what I payed. That being said, I will get an easy 50 hours out of it, probably more. I didn't even finish the original and got that muxh time in it.
  17. The game is good.
  18. Maybe it has to do with the quality of the Western terrorists. Have you watched Four Lions? Just because you took a four week course in Syria doesn't make you good at your jijob.
  19. When I was in middle school, punching my bully was the best thing I ever did. I try not to share that story with my students, but sometimes it slips out. I also went to 4 schools in 3 years. Middle School was the worst for me. As a parent, there are times when I'm frustrated with teachers, as a teacher, there are times when I quietly question my colleagues, but as an educator, there are also plenty of times where I have failed to see the problem or solve them. I see 170 kids in a day, 35 at a time for a 50 minute block. That's not an excuse though, I try to make a difference for all of them. There are times when I wake up in the middle of the night replaying a moment earlier in the day, there are times when I wander around campus trying to find a student to ask them about a situation or apologize for a stupid comment I made. It's tough, I know I miss a lot.
  20. I posed as a massage therapist to kill the consulate guy.
  21. I'm guessing every country is doing quite a bit to build security and stop terrorist attacks. Unfortunately it is a very difficult problem. You only need one wacko to pull it off. It would be a lot easier if we didn't live in a free society, but how much freedom are we willing to give up for the sake of security?
  22. I'd imagine they were overshadowed by the hurricanes. Montana is a fairly underpopulated state.
  23. Wow, I caught the 9th inning of the Indians game. They made 22 exciting! I need that Ramirez guy on the Giants.
  24. The phone usually comes with the plan, for me.
  25. I enjoy my Galaxy S8. It ridiculous how efficient my battery is.
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