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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. People get defensive and angry, because they actually DID work hard and made huge sacrifices to make their lives better and create a better start for their kids. And when some punk says they had it easy and they are privileged it diminish their hard work and newsflash "teacher", people who struggled for years for success will not put up with some punks insulting them.
  2. Never seen so many weaklings and deadbeats. I would not make a single step forward based on those answers and I would still get those 100 bucks based on my history. Some people just like to get excuses and free pass, pathetic. Welcome to the forum, Mr. Usain Bolt. What are you basing the weakling and deadbeat label on, anyways? They don't interview them and you know nothing about them.
  3. Privilege isn't a bad thing. The video certainly doesn't say it is. It's kind of weird how defensive some people get when it is pointed out that life isn't fair. It's really just about awareness. I mean, the right thing to do would be to look for ways to help bring all of those people behind you along, but that's much easier said than done.
  4. I was expecting more minerals and alloys.
  5. Speaking of tweets: https://t.co/tMM6MMXawL
  6. Not sure what Sharp_One is talking about, I buy food direct from farmers regularly. Now those farmers are subject to certain rules and inspections. A few years ago a farm was caught using human compost. Thank goodness for the inspectors in that case. Alternatively, my neighbor can also raise animals and share them with us, but if they try to sell them at a market they will be subject to rules.
  7. It sounds like this woman had a few options for sharing her bad advice, but it was the 1 on 1 stuff that got her in trouble?
  8. I like that last one, it is believable.
  9. I'd probably be more supportive of the licensed dietitians if so many of them weren't involved in those terrible fad diets. It's a huge industry, no pun intended, and it's a total crock.
  10. I haven't played in twenty years, and I really forgot how slooooow pen and paper gaming can be. I find myself thinking of all the other things I can be doing while people are rolling to perceive stuff.
  11. I need to figure out how to break up with my D&D group.
  12. Baseball is huge in Asia. You are definitely projecting.
  13. Another player speaking on it: And more: https://www.sbnation.com/2017/9/25/16362950/eric-reid-colin-kaepernick-op-ed-nfl-protest I mean, this stuff is all over the place.
  14. I would think you would just need to put up a disclaimer that you are not a licensed dietician. That's how private schools get away with hiring unqualified teachers.
  15. Are they protesting for the right to protest?
  16. Hitting a baseball off a major league pitcher is the most difficult thing to do in any sport, period. Point me to any statement made by NFL players that said so. There were no press conference, no speech after kneeling, no nothing from those players. And that's part of the problem, and that's why NFL approval rating fallen face first on the ground: http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/354365-poll-nfl-drops-as-favorite-us-sport Not a big surprise that Sharp_One is in the dark about this stuff, given the sources he reads. http://www.npr.org/2017/09/25/553539767/how-every-nfl-team-responded-to-trump-s-national-anthem-protest-comments http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/news/browns-national-anthem-protest-pregame-video-racial-inequality/kfr6xh6m8t9y1vxh9obcus5kj It's not hard to find this stuff. It's completely fair to to disagree with the way they are saying it or the platform they are using, but pretending it's about something else entirely is at best ignorant.
  17. Is Seal Team the one with OJ Simpson?
  18. The only thing offensive about the term Indian (other than the factual inaccuracy, Happy Columbus day everyone) is the fact that most American Indians prefer to be identified by their tribe. That's why nobody complains about the Braves. Ok, I'm sure there are probably people who complain about the Braves and their tomahawk chop, but people complain about everything.
  19. NFL Players - "We are kneeling because of racial inequality and police brutality in the US." Trump Administration - "NFL Players hate the flag, the anthem, and soldiers!" Originally I thought the protest was silly and didn't see how it would be effective. I saw it as a distraction more than anything because people were too stupid to really understand the purpose. But I certainly didn't expect the PotUS to jump in to the deep end with that stupidity. Do they know they won the election? This whole political theater they are engaging is ridiculous. Pence attended an NFL game with the intent to leave after the anthem. Why is our VP wasting time engaging in dramatics with NFL players? Everyone knew a sizable chunk of 49ers are going to kneel. Why go to the game at all? The current administration is purposefully (I hope!) misconstruing the protest to serve their own political interests. Police brutality and racial inequality are real issues in our country, and the administration seems more interested in political theater than actually addressing them. This is crazy.
  20. Chuckled a bit when I heard he was survived by his children, April May and August.
  21. Sadly I don't see how the 2nd Amendment prevented any of those situations from happening.
  22. Without the second how long do you expect the first, or fourth, or any of them to last? A generation? Less? There are a number of countries that have way harsher gun restrictions and still manage to have free speech and all the trappings of a modern democratic society. I support the 2nd Amendment, I think it is an important part of our culture, but I think it is a false sense of security against a real government attack on our freedom. I'd say our best protection against that is the fact that our military is unlikely to cooperate with a fascist regime that targets American civilians.
  23. I have a lot of Mandarin speakers in my classes, and at the end of the year I would often show a couple episodes of Firefly. They would roll on the floor laughing at how bad the pronunciations were.
  24. One positive thing I've seen is the NRA has come out in favor of restricting bump stocks. I've been very critical of their handling of these events in the past, but it is encouraging to see them enter the discussion in such a way.
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