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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Given that she lost, it is hard to drum up any enthusiasm about the subject of Hillary's emails.
  2. Power Rangers Movie - My son had been asking for this one for awhile, so I picked it up and we had a family movie night. It actually was much more entertaining than expected. Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Banks seemed to be having fun with their roles (Cranston plays a wall) and the kids we good. It had a bit of a Breakfast Club becomes superheroes feel to it. I honestly expected to lose interest at some point and wander off, but it was well done from start to finish. Blue Ranger was fantastic, reminded me of a few students I've had over the years on the spectrum, but they didn't overdue it and the whole movie was fun and lighthearted.
  3. As others so eloquently pointed out, I am not sure how a once in a lifetime flood justifies major military hardware for the police.
  4. I don't hate Bethesda games as much as some folks here, but given their terrible character development abilities, I would be very skeptical about them creating a character driven world like GoT. But hey, maybe they'd be more successful with a decent template. I also find it pretty unlikely given they already have ES and it sells tremendously well. Why pay for a license?
  5. unfortunate, am betting the initial school district drug test is more efficacious than the nfl's. HA! Good Fun! Ouch. As an aside, my PE teacher wife did have a couple guys in her classes that made it in the pros. The two NFL guys played a few years and seem to make their living off speaking events nowadays. The NBA guy had a longer career and seems to be doing well for himself. edit: Of course, we went to a state school with a smallish program, so anyone who makes it out of there is probably a bit more realistic about the financial situation they are in. I imagine heavily recruited kids in big programs get a lot of unrealistic expectations.
  6. Hey, you can teach PE with. Kinesiology degree.
  7. No, not really. Filing for bankruptcy is a great way to protect yourself from too much debt and overhead. You will lose assets, but if you are underwater on a lot of stuff, it is typically your best bet.
  8. The big thing to understand is they are probably rich person broke, which is different than what most of us face. If they can figure out a way to cut back on spending and live within their means, they should be fine. But a good chunk of players live like they are still making a million bucks every year.
  9. Get with the program Raithe, we are a page into that discussion on the weird news thread.
  10. Geez, the circumstances were bad to start with, now it just looks like mind-boggling incompetence. They didn't even have cause to be suspicious!
  11. It could be a spiritual successor, however.
  12. I have no idea. This is a pretty odd one.
  13. That one bothers me tremendously and I hope that officer loses his job. When dealing with a tense situation where the officer feels threatened, I tend to be a bit more understanding, but this is a hospital and every officer should know that medical staff are in the position of power and they are secondary. Even if he was in the right to ask for a blood sample, he should have never escalated it to this level. He has superiors for a reason.
  14. I had a resistance raid early on where the Hunter showed up, and things went sideways fast. I lost a soldier, and 11 out of 16 civilians died. There were no resistance fighters. I did manage to kill the Hunter and hobble through the mission. There were Lost out there too, they actually helped draw some enemy fire. edit: Mixed up my bad guys.
  15. The one genre I hate MP in is strategy games. But that's because people are crazy in those games.
  16. It also sounds like the changes in the game since 1892 have actually worsened things. Particularly the helmet technology, which you would think would decrease risk, but has become more of a weapon on the line. We know how to train to make everyone faster and stronger than they were 100 years ago, but we know relatively little about the brain and how to treat injuries to it.
  17. Didn't one of the Gabriel Knight games split protagonists too? It's not even a problem just in games, there is a lack of black female leads in Hollywood as well. I'm all for more Pam Griers.
  18. Hey, you try and convince the Garlic Queen to leave Gilroy! My wife will have none of it.
  19. Seriously, we have some of the best Ag schools in the country and I'm guessing they've got a pretty strong Young Republican demographic.
  20. Wals is on Steam, at least. I think it was Oby that bothered him.
  21. Yeah, I think Lord of the Flies with women would result in more cold shoulders and catty comments than boulders crushing kids. But just my patriarchial opinion.
  22. Should they have less say? It's obviously a very tricky situation. Right now there is a decent argument for everyone being unhappy, which probably means something is being done right. You said California isn't marginalized and then justified why it should be marginalized. That's all I'm saying, let's be realistic about what the electoral college does to populated states. I don't think it is that big of a deal, I could always move to Wyoming if it really bothered me. Also I'd argue with California being some liberal wonderland. The reality is it can be quite conservative. CA booted Gray Davis out of office and put in a Republican and it voted to pass Prop 8. I'd argue the problem lies in a weak Republican leadership structure. This the state that produced Reagan, afterall, and he is probably the most popular Republican in recent history.
  23. In California, there are over 500,000 people per electoral college vote. in Wyoming, there are over 140,000 people per electoral college vote. That is a pretty massive difference in voting power. Voters are marginalized in the more populated states, even with the big chunk of electoral college votes they get. That being said, I totally agree the winner take all system is dumb. But if you really want to give everyone a say, get rid of the electoral college all together and of with a popular vote system. Of course, that will dramatically increase the voting power of certain states, because certain states have way more people.
  24. Yeah, the Assassin dazed Jane, the girl from the first mission, and stole a bunch of information from her on one of my missions. She gave a nice little speech about her while doing it. It was a cool moment. The Chosen are definitely interesting.
  25. Welcome back, Enoch.
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