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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. First beer turned out fantastic. I am on quality control pint #4.
  2. I also don't get it.
  3. http://ti.me/2frBdq0 Pretty much in line with what I have been saying for years. :/
  4. That still sounds incredibly controlling. They are making that decision based solely on a religious belief, I assume. How is that any better than what Google does?
  5. PETA has always been pretty crazy, though.
  6. I have The Bureau on Steam too but never played it. I love Xcom, but I think it will upset me more than entertain me.
  7. You're the perfect candidate for the coming Soviet system. Well, except you won't get any gourmet lunches. Give me gourmet lunches or give me death!
  8. His manifesto would be a lot more timely if Google was actually struggling. Companies can tout all the political ideology they want is it doesn't affect their bottom line. Just look at Hobby Lobby. They get to determine what type of birth control their employees have access to. That sounds crazy to me, what kind of person would work under that? But people clearly do, and they continue to attract shoppers. I have a sneaking suspicion Sharp_One would side with Hobby Lobby on the health care case and against Google on the diversity case.
  9. The premise is that people are more concerned with diversity than work, so the guy writes a 10-page manifesto on that subject? Okey dokey. Talk about 1st world problems. Employees at Google get free meals. I don't mean like a lunch here and there. They have gourmet restaurants all over the campuses that serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner to any employees that want it. I'll sit through as many diversity trainings as they want for that perk.
  10. I use a notebook for certain MMO's, and quite a bit for any RPGmaker projects I am doing.
  11. My captain has reached level 85 in Lord of the Rings Online and I am almost done with Rohan. Still have a ways to go to reach Mordor, but I still love the storytelling in this game.
  12. I believe the offensive coordinator in Miami worked with Cutler in Chicago, so there is familiarity. I keep hoping they give David Fales a shot. He has all the records for my alma mater but is stuck as a 3rd string guy. He outdueled Derek Carr in college.
  13. Just kegged my first batch of beer. It needs a couple days to carbonate, and I just added the dry hops, but it already tastes pretty dang good. Success!
  14. I'd say it is fair. He is complaining about possible activism in a game while actively trying to push his own view of what the fantasy game should like like on the creators. Those who criticize should be open to criticism, which is what I see happening here. I wouldn't say it has gotten ugly. His post was well written and I'd say the responses were fairly measured.
  15. Those ultra productive writers have amazing discipline, though. They are practically from another era, nowadays so many writers seem to take forever to release. It helps that you can really strike it rich with one great novel. The greats of yesteryear have to write constantly to keep food on the table.
  16. It sounds like you have personal hang ups about diversity and equality and you are transposing them onto a fantasy universe. My recommendation is to create your own fantasy universe that fits your own world view more accurately.
  17. Some of the positive reviews basically said 'Cleve for President' so I see both being a bit silly. Still, surprised how many are taking this seriously and willing to shell out $40.
  18. I pre-ordered the Splatoon 2 Switch bu dle for my son. There are a few titles I am probably more interested in than he is.
  19. I think you are taking it too seriously (as are too many people on Steam.) It's just some pet project by some weird guy. It fits right in with all the RPGMaker trash that sits on Steam. Of course there are bugs! It's like paying for fanfiction and expecting it to be well-written.
  20. I'm guessing not many people here are going to drop $40 on it. But one can hope.
  21. That really isn't how the system works, or at least is not supposed to work. The government is not supposed to have the power to make things legal or illegal on a whim. You have ballot measures and representatives of the people that are supposed to make those decisions. Now you can argue that there are too many interefering factors at play (lobbyists, courts, etc.) But pot is hardly becoming legal on a whim. It has been a slow climb through local and state legislation to get anywhere near being legal, and it still has to overcome federal hurdles. It is an interesting change to watch, probably the most fascinating shift since prohibition.
  22. Thankfully alcohol laws across the country have actually relaxed tremendously over the last couple decades, making it much easier for both hobbyists and microdistributors to be successful. Plus pot is slowly becoming legal. It all comes down to either public pressure or powerful lobbyists. That soda tax stuff is all public pressure, while the whiskey laws are kept in place by the companies that have the market cornered.
  23. Ok, somehow warmed up to Lord of the Rings Online a bit and I'm working my Captain towards Mordor. I'm level 82 and about halfway done with Rohan, so I've got a ways to go. Still, it is nice to be back in Middle Earth.
  24. I don't see rail happening. Too mich public cost. Tech companies are already investing heavily in self driving cars.
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