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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Sharpie changed his vocabulary and syntax and then he disappeared. We live in strange times. Thanks for pulling your punches Val. I have a fragile ego.
  2. Hey, at least he isn't calling you the worst teacher in America like Sharp_one might. He has already had his go. My confidence was shaken. ;-)
  3. .... Ah, the judgemental dot dot dot of Val. So predictable.
  4. I am not saying they won't. I am saying if they are, then Bochy will probably be out and they will start shopping the guys that won 3 titles. That is going to be hard to watch, so if they want to make some desperate moves to see if they can capture magic one more year, I can't blame them. They still need an entire outfield, so more moves are on the horizon.
  5. It did sound like the type of tree was an issue more than just trees in general. Definitely fits in the weird news category.
  6. It's only a bad trade if Arroyo turns out to be any good at the MLB level. The Giants have a core group that they are going to try and win with for the next couple years. They aren't going to rebuild or go organic (Their farm system is pretty empty.) They also cleared out Span's contract, so I'm not sure it is that bad financially. If they turn in another stinker of a season, odds are Bochy and a few of the core players will end up somewhere else, so I'm hoping they can compete.
  7. I'm much of a Rhianna fan, but I actually thought she acted pretty well in Battleship. I mean, it was a pretty silly movie, but she pulled off her part.
  8. I'm not sure about the trees, but that comment section sure brought out the racists!
  9. Heh, my kids are 7 and 10, the struggle is real. I'm pretty sure my daughter knows and is just riding it out because she doesn't want to grow up yet.
  10. You'll cut your hand off kid!
  11. This was the first game that hooked me... It had the advantage of a mouse based interface instead of typing in commands, which was pretty huge when I was 8 years old.
  12. I also liked the Porgs. For me, there was a really good movie with Kylo, Rey, Luke and Snope (and Chewie) while the rest was pretty meh. Luke is pretty salty, but then again he live by the ocean.
  13. I'm just not sure which driven and ruthless barbarians are in position to take over. The SJW's?
  14. I'm kind of worried about you, Az. Take it easy.
  15. What do you mean by special treatment? You seem to be implying that being a gentlemen and treating women equal are somehow at odds. On the contrary, I'd say they go hand in hand. If I ask a woman out on a date, I'm going to hold the door open, pay for the meal, and not sexually harass her. But realistically I'd do the same thing if I asked a male friend out to dinner, except maybe the door thing because that is weird. This has very little to do with equal pay or legitimate equality issues. I agree courts should not be biased towards women in regards to kids. I'd say we've come pretty far in that regard, at least in California according to all my divorced friends.
  16. That second group is extremely small, they just shout louder than the vast majority. The former group is likely composed of almost every woman and hopefully a decent percentage of men. Here is an easy test: How many "third wave feminists" have you actually met in real life? I can argue that pretty much every woman I know is a "second wave feminist" whereas the closest I get to a "third wave" type is friends of friends on facebook.
  17. No. Isn't that why feminism exists? To continue to drive equality?
  18. I trust KP implicitly on such matters.
  19. Ah yes, the valuable time lecture here on an obscure video game developer's forum. Is that satire?
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