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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Of course, he wouldn't need to be in Mexico in the version Sharpie mentioned. It's not a matter of political correctness, it is simply a more timely joke as currently constructed given the border situation. I'm surprised they didn't work ICE into the response team. The Rangers does seem an odd target. It's kind of like how all the jokes about Polish people were turned into blonde jokes during the 80's and 90's.
  2. Not quite. I average about an hour to get home on a Friday. On a bad day it might take 90 minutes. Still, it is a lot more fun pushing myself on the bike than sitting in traffic.
  3. Today I biked home from work. It was 32 miles and took me a bit under 2 hours. Nice way to beat the terrible holiday weekend commute.
  4. I started a game of Fallout 2, got a bit into it and his F5 to save. Turns out that is the load button. So I lost about an hour of play. Ah well, I didn't love my character build anyways.
  5. Legend of Grimrock is a solid successor to the Wizardry and M&M style game. Also did you play M&M X? Darkest Dungeon is pretty great too. I will second Dragon's Dogma as well.
  6. I actually really enjoyed the most recent Ghost Recon.
  7. Got into Ozarks on Netflix. Has a lot in common with Breaking Bad, of course, but that isn't a bad thing. Jason Bateman is good in it.
  8. I suppose the big question is whether it is better to falsely imprison someone, or let a guilty party roam free.
  9. I'd say a list of games that failed to meet their potential would be good. Obsidian would have a few on the list.
  10. I started a game of Fallout 2 today, and when I went to set my age, I realized it won't go past 35. Ageism!
  11. I finish an average of 2 games a year.
  12. I put the SNES version of Zelda in, that was better than Ocarina of Time for me.
  13. I like Jade empire, but I don't see it in my top 25. Maybe top 75.
  14. I give Ike a lot of credit for limiting military power. Patton would have been dropping nukes on every problem.
  15. Loaded up Shroud of the Avatar, the Richard Garriot game that is supposed to revive Ultima Online. I played it a year or so ago and it was rough, but they have made a good amount of improvement. It is a nice looking game now and the interface, while complicated, does seem to give a lot of options. Still, control and hit boxes are still a bit wonky. Reminds me of Elex, actually.
  16. It will be: 1. Fallout 2. Baldur's Gate 2 3. Fallout 2 4. Planescape Torment 5. Jagged Alliance 2 v.1.13
  17. Kind of hard to have a soldier win an election when we haven't had any clear victories lately.
  18. Clearly my many enemies here made sure JA2 didn't get the top spot just to spite me.
  19. We already do live drills for this stuff. I'm not sure how the 'simulation' will really be better than that. Also people need to calm down a bit. It isn't a reality that teachers are going to have to deal with gunfire in their job, it is still a tremendously small chance. It's good to be prepared and aware, but this comes across as fear mongering.
  20. I can't help feeling PoE placed as high as it did because we are living in their house. Not that it isn't a great game! Don't ban me please. Let's predict the final 10... I know Baldur's Gate will get on there, I'm assuming both 1 and 2. Then you have Jagged Alliance 2 of course. Fallout 1 and 2 will get a spot as well. What else?
  21. Ugh, the Chiefs just can't find a way to win.
  22. This is kind of problem that I want to pick one of the serries (lets say Civilization) but which one, the first one, which defined genre, the other one which popularized it, or the last which is still rising in power. I doubt the original has aged well. Civ 4 is still a pretty decent looking game, so it is worth the money. I recommend the Colonization stand alone as well.
  23. Interesting to see two Civ games tied, and also that most of the voters were different. Xcom probably should be higher, but what evs
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