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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. There has been a fair amount of talk about how badly Lewinsky was treated by the media during the entire ordeal. But in terms of holding Clinton responsible at this point, he is no longer in a position of power and so there is fairly limited recourse.
  2. The Joel McHale show on Netflix has a great end credit song. https://www.projections.io/clip/5a89aece0b339346e8c4dca8
  3. He never experienced the hype machine behind that game, so he should be safe.
  4. My son has been asking for Spore, so I will grab that.
  5. I went titanium in case I ever need to stop a steel door from closing. It is basic but durable.
  6. Ever since Columbine, the national narrative of law enforcement is you go in immediately in a school shooting, regardless of circumstance. Hard to believe thus guy did not get that memo. I hear it once a year as part of our staff training.
  7. I was telling the same thing to my wife. Women's hockey in the US has come a tremendous way since I started playing. Those ladies are playing at a very high level. The skill level was impressive.
  8. I'm still swimming around in Subnautica. Must go deeper!
  9. Black Panther was good.
  10. I don't actually know anyone who has ever been shot at. Coincidence?
  11. Yes, let us honor our veterans by giving them low paying yard duty jobs at the huge number of schools we have across the country. *skeptical*
  12. Well, they are very different because Chlamydia will stay with you after you make the choice the one time, whereas you make a choice every time you engage in the addictive behavior. Not quite ha ha funny Raithe.
  13. Finished in 2:07. I felt pretty good. My muscles are a bit sore, as expected, but I think the big surprise was the upset stomach. My wife said something about lactic acid building up. The swim was fast, the bike was a grind, and the run was surprisingly nice. My knee was screaming at me during the bike and I expected it to be an issue, but it felt fine once I started pounding the pavement. Hopefully I can improve on that for the race in a couple months. My pit crew was a bit of a mess. My wife was great, but the kids were less enthused. Logan asked me to play hockey afterward.
  14. Today I am simulating a sprint Triathlon. I'll be jumping in the pool to swim 1200 meters in my new wetsuit, then jumping on the bike for 15 miles, and then a short 5 mile run to finish it off. My target time is as close to 2 hours as possible. Also a good chance to see what kind of pit crew my wife and kids will be. Oh and it is 50 degrees out, so hopefully I don't freeze.
  15. I realize it is a very different reality in the media, but I don't think anyone here has been pushing the whole assault rifle narrative.
  16. Exactly. Oh, cool. Guy who wants fans to be censored wants fans to be censored. Congratulations on your kick ass world view.
  17. Can you re-phrase the question?
  18. Ah, but I did answer the question.
  19. You already did that nearly 4 years ago. You are way past that at this point.
  20. I think this stems from a general misunderstanding of the function, or purpose, of these forums. Obsidian pretty clearly maintains these forums as a place for fans to interact. Even the moderators are fans. There doesn't seemed to be any type of paid community manager. It isn't really used as a platform for the company to interact with the public. The developers occasionally pop on, but in a fairly casual capacity rather than something official. So yeah, just enjoy them. They are free.
  21. Both? It was exactly what you would expect, but also way better than it has any right to be.
  22. I went and saw Book of Mormon with my wife. It was hilarious.
  23. To be fair, the refugee plot was more coherent and plausible than the real plot.
  24. The first person to walk away from this thread without posting will win One Million Dollars!
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