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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Not to mention Donnie Brasco, Fear and Loathing, and Blow. I guess you can argue that he has a stable of characters that he repeats a bit. He has the lady's man character, the drunk, the street tough, the quiet thinker...etc.
  2. Still crazy that he has managed half a million votes so far.
  3. Ah, see this is an interesting line. Despite our sensitive Polish friend not being able to vote, the fact is a bunch of real people from Alabama will because they believe exactly this. I mean even with quite a few Republican leaders disowning him, and those that support him basically saying policies are Moore important than his past, people are still going to see this as a fairy tale concocted by the evil left. It's comical because I have confidence that the Ethics committee will make short work of him if he is actually elected. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/12/11/should-conservatives-vote-for-roy-moore.html Has anyone noticed some odd changes to the posting style of Sharpie in the last few months? I know some of it may just be that he cuts and pastes from other sources, but his grasp of English seems to have changed. Man, every day I miss WoD.
  4. Smith has turned in some pretty good dramatic roles, even though he does kind of stick to a character type. Honestly if he never did anything after Six Degrees of Separation I would still respect him as an actor. That was a shocking performance from him.
  5. I customized my Wasteland 2 party to fit the personalities of my wife and kids. I let them add input and choose their avatars. It was pretty engaging, but I definitely had to keep them all alive. I ended up taking all the skills that no one else wanted. Which parallels well with reality.
  6. Hopefully everything checks out ok Azdeus
  7. Finished Dishonored 2 with Emily. I tried not to kill anyone, but apparently a couple people did die from untimely accidents. That being said, it was a great playthrough and I enjoyed the challenge of not using any magic.
  8. It's a tough case. I mean I can see why a jury doesn't want to send the officer to prison. The reality is he was trained to handle this type of situation in this manner. We need to drastically think the way we are training officers to respond to these scenarios.
  9. If the Yankees land Stanton, it is pretty clear that Jeter is still working for his old team.
  10. I remember losing terribly for a couple matches.
  11. I'm guessing Tarantino's ST would just be a couple crew members stuck in a cave on a planet talking a lot and trying to figure out who the bad guy is. Which I'd totally watch.
  12. That 2nd one isn't in an area I frequent much, but in the first thread you've got a lot of regulars like Shady and Monte supporting the idea that women struggle to meet certain physical requirements, while others argue that women can fire a gun as well as a man. Hardly comes across as anything like you characterized it. Of course, maybe I'm just reading what I expect to read out of your statement.
  13. I enjoyed that book. It might turn out pretty well.
  14. Hah, I remember that discussion. No one said anything of the sort. That's really the thing, a lot of times people hear what they want to hear rather than actually engaging in a discussion. I am sure we all do it. We post something and expect that people will react in a certain way, and tailor our response to our expectations instead of the actual response.
  15. Do you think you can explain the humor here? I don't get it.
  16. Pretty impressive work by this guy: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-mosul-eye-20171207-story.html
  17. I get the impression that being critical = hating in Sonic's eyes. In reality, being critical of politicians is a great American past time. This isn't Russia.
  18. Oh I like the Bosch actor, that is why I gave it a chance. I just couldn't get into the character. It may have improved, I only watched an episode or two.
  19. There is nowhere near 10 trump haters posting in the politics thread.
  20. Super Mario Odyssey is amazing and video game award shows are dumb.
  21. While choosing knives for my wedding registry, I really wanted knives with stainless steel handles. My wife said no. 15 years later I am pretty sure she made the right choice, since I still have all my fingers.
  22. Welcome to the forums
  23. Yeah, that would freak me out as well, particularly if it was intentional. Also, of course a student of mine being a murderer would freak me out. edit: It SHOULD freak you out. You should take a moment to think "Was there anything I could have done to make a difference there?" Most of the time it is probably a no, but I'd say it is much more irresponsible to not acknowledge the situation. Volo is right that it has little comparison to selling a wedding cake, but maybe he should spend less time trying to derail the thread because of a silly meme.
  24. If I found out I sold knives or ropes to a person that used them in a murder, I would be pretty freaked out.
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