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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. This just in: Bart is a bad person for hating on 5th Element.
  2. I like the idea of having access to an HOA pool, because pool maintenance is a hassle. But other than that they are a pain.
  3. I think it's a matter of perspective for him. He comes across as a guy that really has trouble with authority, even when he is the one with it. Nothing wrong with that, not everybody is a good fit with a corporate type structure, but he does seem to lack awareness about it. Of course, this is all speculation, but there simply hasn't been anything egregious that he has brought up, instead it has just been hints and slights.
  4. Has anyone noticed what is happening to the air in New Delhi?
  5. I can see it being terrible, but I will still watch it. Tom Bombadil should be played by the Robert Baratheon actor.
  6. I will add on to my AC: Origins impression, it has one of the worst forced actions I can ever imagine pretty early on. You start the game out on a path of revenge, and it becomes pretty clear that your son was killed and that is the motivation for your vengeance. But they way they handle it, via cut scene, is just lame. It's sloppy. There would have been plenty of motivation just by having the son die, but they decided to make it way worse in an attempt to be edgy. :/
  7. AC Origins definitely has a lot more variety to the combat. That's what I've been playing lately. Exploring Ancient Egypt is fantastic.
  8. Speaking of Netflix, I have been watching Mindhunters and it is fantastic. I have Netflix and Amazon (for the shipping as well, although they've also become my place to buy digital movies.) I splurged on HBO Now (or is it Go?) and I've been happy with their mix of content and newer movies. But that's probably my limit, I can't imagine holding more than 3 subs. It's a great time to be a content creator, I'd imagine. All of these networks are trying to attract subscribers with original content. I don't think it can last, but my hope is the cable model where a couple companies make you pay one price for a ton of content you don't want will die off soon. The problem is local news and sports are still a big pull for the traditional model.
  9. It's strange to me that people are toting it as the year's top shooter when there wasn't much competition to begin with. Call Of Duty... and? Maybe Destiny 2 and Battlefront 2 of those can be called shooters. Hmmm. That actually sounds like some pretty major competition. Call of Duty's return to WW2, Bungie's first full sequel to their major property, and a Star Wars game are pretty big deals.
  10. Louis CK also doesn't have quite as far to fall as a comedian known for saying dirty stuff. He can probably recover. Kevin Spacey was a well respected dramatic actor.
  11. My RV has a good amount of water damage to the front cabover section. It will probably cost a few thousand dollars to fix, at least. I put in a claim to see if my comprehensive insurance will cover it, but I'm not holding my breath.
  12. Yeah, I petered out during the 2nd act, just like I did in the original. Still, I had a blast with it for about 30 hours and will probably try and get back into it eventually.
  13. Morrorwind is really all about the questing. It adds a ton of flavor to the whole world. I'd say you are missing out on a ton without the DLC and Morrowind.
  14. Spoiler alert, the dog in Marley and Me dies. edit: My apologies, he goes to live on a farm out in the country.
  15. Driving a car is not compulsory though.
  16. Did they accept blame, or are they saying you rear-ended them?
  17. Most forms in the US let you decline to answer questions on gender and race.
  18. Pretty interesting race to upset an incumbent in Virginia. Bathroom bills are dumb.
  19. The 2nd Thor movie did a great job of salvaging Loki. I've been having a blast with all of these MCU movies. They've created a very fun universe. I'll probably go see the new Thor this holiday weekend.
  20. I would put Split next to Unbreakable. Although it is a much darker film.
  21. The other day I made it about 3 miles in 30 minutes, so I just turned around and called in sick. I made a decent day of it though.
  22. I'd say it was as good as the first one. It was an easy to watch action flick. Colby Smulders wasn't very good.
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