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Everything posted by Falendor

  1. I knew there was something I used that zoomed on mouse that had bugged the **** out of me. wish google maps had a way to change that setting.
  2. Combat Feedback. I have to really really work at telling what anyone is doing.
  3. +1, as I have noted before action cancels are important to being able to react to the PE battlefield.
  4. +1, double clicking on portrait should center on character, double clicking on ground centering camera sounds like it could be useful too.
  5. I usually find zoom on mouse annoying. id say don't bother.
  6. Was thinking of making my own talents thread, then I notice this one. In any game, but in particular with lower level games like PO, you should be making character development decisions at every level. You should be getting a talent or a new class ability at every level, but I would like to see mutually exclusive talents too. like in XCOM. This would give players many options but also force you to pick and chose what your character is, and just as important what they are not.
  7. I have disliked the stock hotkey bindings of every game I have ever played. after many hours of playing a game if I decide I really like it and am going to continue playing it I set up my own hotkeys. don't know if that make me weird but I definitely don't care how they set up the hotkeys to start with.
  8. could you cancel commands by just ordering them to do something else or is there a cancel hot key?
  9. Now that bugyness is down to a playable level I could really get into the combat and see what's going on and I see several problems. most others have already noticed, but one in particular needs fixing: Responsiveness!!! 1) You cant cancel commands and recovery takes way to long, what gameplay purpose does recovery even serve? (other than reload times) as it stands it takes several seconds for my priest to stop attacking and start casting a spell. way way to long for the type of tactical game we are all trying to build hear. 2) delays in executing orders at the start of combat. something I ran into in the IE games you order your character to hobble/web a target, he walks up to range and by the time he actually starts taking the action the enemy is on top of him and your root is useless. these problems basically punish you for trying to "play smart" with your ability's, every time you try to respond to the problems an encounter throws at you your ability will not go off in time, making swinging that sword harder and faster all that really matters. Been playing on easy, know I'd rage quite if I had to deal with this in a real fight.
  10. [Description of the issue] Animal Companion can pick up items on ground. This can be done until the companions inventory is full. items can not be accessed from bears inventory. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] 1) Create ranger 2) Kill something 3) Select animal companion 4) order animal companion to pick up loot 5) hit take all button [Expected behaviour] Animal companion should not be able to pick up items OR items picket up by animal companion are added to rangers inventory. [Other remarks / Comments] Checked stash/characters/quest items for where items went, could not find any trace. output_log.txt
  11. Try a Full reintall, could be bad update. games running better than ever on my machine.
  12. Don't worry they will add a game option where small children run around steeling all your stuff in every town. it'll be just like the early beta days.
  13. Awesome guys, really great to see how much has been done in just one patch! now we might get some real gameplay balance work done.
  14. OH I know! when you try to leave a area without all your party each character that is not close enough gets a VO customer to that character. "hey don't leave me!" "Slow down long legs" (dwarf character) Etc. Etc.
  15. +1, want to keep pirate style in, always love playing characters that use ranged and melee weapons effectively. what class would use pirate style the best? I think the paladin has the highest Ranged/Melee combined ACC.
  16. Don't know if anyone else realized this but Resolve is actually an offensive stat and perception is a defensive stat. Resolve reduces how often you are interrupted, the less your interrupted the more of your attacks go happen and the higher your DPS. Perception increases the chances of interrupting an opponents attack, thus reducing there DPS. Tanks want Perception to make them tankier, rogues want resolve to get the attacks in. Just something that blew my mind late last night.
  17. I always thought radial menus could be cool but have more often been disappointed by them. would like to see a simple 1 tear radial menu that was just loaded with hotkeys I set, though just using normal hotkeys would be just as usfull, at least untell I lose an arm or something.
  18. actually the first time I triggered the text I thought the lack of audio was a bug. would love to have the old audio or a new version of it in PoE.
  19. In a game where there is no combat XP my first instinct is to say "there shalt be no none storyline/plot combat." but as I have stated before having a few trash encounters about to, well, trash can really feel refreshing compared to constant hard encounters that force you to use 100% of you skill.
  20. I don't think adding ammo into PE is necessary but id like to see it. maybe even infinite normal ammo and you just slot special ammo in when you want to use it. Note: if special ammo is added you MUST add quick select options from normal UI!!!
  21. I thought I'd heard about this bug but couldn't find anyone talking about it so I thought I'd report it just in case. [Description of the issue] Items sold at shop in Dyrford (and sometimes other item) appear immediately outside shops door. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Example: 1) Start new game. 2) Enter weapons store in town. 3) Open trade window and sell items 4) Exit shop 5) your sold items will be immediately outside. [Expected behaviour] Items should not appear without reason. I mean I like getting free $, but from a game balance standpoint it should probably be fixed [Other remarks / Comments] the extra items that sometimes appear are always items I have sold when previously testing this bug. leads me to believe something somewhere is not being emptied/deleted properly. [Files] Log files of two of my uses of this bug are included. Tried to upload save file got "you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" error. output_log_Shop.txt output_log_shop2.txt
  22. My first impressions: 1) character creation was great, could use more character appearance options. No goatee? suppose a fu-man-chu will do for now. 2) Got in game and really soaked up how beautiful the world was. needs some more ambient sound effects to really make it "living" but looked great. 3) walked around picking up quests and seeing the world. 4) got into first fight against thugs outside town. combat was fast and chaotic, tried to keep track of what was happening through the combat log but it reports waaaay to many events. cleaned out opponents with little player involvement (easy mode for first playthrough). 5) got stuck on hangup do to auto-pause load screen bug. Tried several more classes/races for a few hours but haven't completed any quests or explored very far due to running into play ability bugs. Hopefully the first few patches will fix a lot of the big bugs and make the UI more user friendly so we can actually get a good look at how the game plays.
  23. I found the current level of "mobs," for lack of a better term, to map size ratio to make it very hard to explore an are without fighting everything. hopefully the full game will incorporate a random encounter system rather that the current: "look five lions just where they where last play through"
  24. I think you two might be getting skills and talents confused. they have said you get less talents right now so they can focus on how the core class ability's feel. though sadly the UI is to bugy right now to get a good feel for how almost any game play feels. got a good feeling the first big patch to BB will clear a lot of things.
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