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Everything posted by injurai

  1. A thread isn't good until it's had its first derail. But it seemed pertinent because joke weapons inevitably have to fit existing weapon/armor types. So you have to find some category to which they belong. Doing that is even part of Obisidian's requirements for backer items.
  2. I don't even need to see the new mummy to know it's bad. The OG is basically the inspiration for Nathan Drake. Even the Mummy 2 was pretty charming in the character department, despite the obviously worse villain plot. Hollywood is basically in "see what sticks" mode these days.
  3. The amount of times I had to read that in order to understand, was not worth the expenditure. edit: But ultimately I think how you use the weapon determines its class.
  4. Elektra isn't new marvel, I don't count it. Yeah MCU/DCEU is more apt, those are the media empires that are micromanaged. Which is different from licensing/auteur work like Sony Spiderman or the Nolan-verse. In fact Marvel has seemingly written some of it's best female characters out of prominent roles that would mature with their current runaway power-level problem. Captain Marvel right now is their only hope, and even that film was planned 3 years ago now.
  5. Speaking of enchanting, I know a lot of peeps around here have been vocal critics of it. I barely used it personally, so that already speaks to some of it's problems. I have no clue how it'd fix enchanting itself, but it's certainly be nice to have it reflected better in the lore and writing of the world. As of now it's sort of the "untalked about profession" even chefs get more attention in Pillars than enchanters.
  6. I'd say that's pretty long. That's sort of the classic depiction of a harpoon.
  7. To think Marvel still hasn't put out a movie with a female lead, and the flood wall shows no sign of breaking any time soon. I'm left impressed by WW.
  8. Yeah, pike is an apt class for a harpoon. The scythe was already confirmed to be of the hatchet class.
  9. Let's not forget that the current processors are still part of a family that launched when Intel was still on the tick-tock cycle. Personally I'm waiting to take a sniff of hot silicon off the die until Intel kicks off a proper process-architecture-optimization cycle. So basically Tigerlake at the earliest which is 2019. Intel got caught with their pants down, because AMD while still lagging is killing it in the price per power arena. Big data centers prefer to scale linearly and throw cheaper power efficient blades at their problems. AMD has locked in enthusiast consumer gaming devices, and is on the path to not only continue winning those contracts. But will encroach on Intels annual margins by selling to enthusiast "whales." At this point I think Intel is in hail-mary mode. Basically they got ahead enough that they thought they'd try to revolutionize themselves before AMD caught up, all while sitting pretty for their investors. Only thing is Intel may have cut too many costs and bleed talent into the competition. Plenty of young graduates with fresh research hearing horror stories of Intel being swepted up by AMD. Nevermind AMD unilaterally integrated with it's GPU department. A far more promising company to work at than just Intel or just NVidia.
  10. Lol, but harpoon guns are a thing. Poleaxes are axes on poles to deliver a blow with reach, halberds are poles meant to pull men down from their mounts or other entrenched positions.
  11. This probably needs a constraint on it like: both parties in the switch need to recover from their current action before the swap can occur. Or maybe just the one invoking the coordinated positioning does, the recipient then incurs an idle penalty that gets added to the recover that it still has left.
  12. A harpoon usually has a rope or chain attached to the butt end to "reel in" the catch. A harpoon also has a hook on the end of it.
  13. They said when you hold tab while the combat is paused, particle effects will fade. Cool, sounds like my ideas are more or less covered. And there it is: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVDjIuJlZiE/ I'm experiencing pre-bliss right now. This is a killer feature.
  14. It's sort of like curtailed and constrained version of level scaling that is narrative backed in it's justification. Which I think is preferable to giving bandits glass armor or whatever stupid **** bethesda pulls. It's a neat way to take things, you just have to be too careful that you don't end up writing drastically different content that gets locked out or opened depending on how far you have progressed and when.
  15. I know deadfire is supposed to have more environmental hazards. Perhaps bandits become more cleaver to take on a more challenging opponent. Like assassins maybe they start showing up in areas that its preferential to their position. Maybe there are traps that you can't disable. Maybe they rush your healer first.
  16. I too am gutted that we didn't make it. At this point they have their resources tightly allocated. What we should really be wanting is that Sea Monsters and Fishing lands in an expansion.
  17. A civilian taking precautions at a protest/riot in Egypt. edit: Look he even has a life jacket as 'light armor'
  18. No way that is reggae, and whatever post-reggae is, it sounds just like another music scene has rediscovered drone/noise.
  19. I assume they meant pot lid to be something like this: Make shift protection in an extreme pinch.
  20. It'd be "neat" to see a sci-fi take by Bethesda Games. But I've more or less put the studio on ice ever since Skyrim. Would this end up as just another Elder-like? FO is basically just vats slapped ontop of The Elder Scrolls. I'd much prefer a custom gameset for whatever neat setting they want to explore. Which brings me to my next point. I don't think I can play another Elder Scrolls if it's just built on a rebranded gamebryo. I don't like the mods that much.
  21. Oh yeah, I've heard of those guys. Fun fact. The vocalism in that iconic bali inspired song is actually Bulgarian in origin.
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