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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Wizard+Paladin = Diviner / Divinator Barbarian + Wizard = Viscerator Cipher + Druid = Sage / Dreamwalker Cipher + Ranger = Wisperer Monk + Ranger = Glaive Chanter + Monk = Bonze / Vagabond (credit to Osvir, but I agree this is a good fit too)
  2. I don't know... Ed Nua level 9 I was resting every other encounter because of those damn Fampyr. I think I even started resting on level 8 because I found I wasn't built for certain types of elementals with all those blights. I thought I was pretty over leveled for Od Nua while doing it's content until I got to those floors. The need for "rest spamming" seems to come in bursts when certain conditions are met. It gets annoying when your only option becomes "back track through dozens of load screens because you can't make it to the Caed Nua short cut 2 rooms away."
  3. That was a really jarring segment of the game. Maybe the most jarring. It opens up to you way too early as well. I think TWM1 did it's siege much better.
  4. Oblivion hasn't age well, but it was magical at the time.
  5. Without sneak attacks on aloth I have very little reason for his displaced image or Pallegina's reviving exhortation. I need these challenges in battle, otherwise things get really dull. If you never make me think about weak holes in my party then I'll never develop good builds to handle those events in more involved encounters. So yeah, I agree with Josh here.
  6. They did shut down technically. Most likely someone else put money into re-opening their studio. Doesn't surprise me actually That would be the Turkish government. A 500 million injection. They have a studio in Istanbul so the government probably wanted to retain those jobs. I'd wager their military is probably getting training simulations or something else in the deal too, but who knows.
  7. I also really like custom tailored game systems. There is value in built in limitations. I wonder if there is a way to pull something like this alongside more bespoke spell/melee systems without making either feel gimped or incomplete. I've yet to play Tyranny so I don't know how that system, but I just looked up some videos and it certainly seems neat. The PoE world clearly has precedence for people creating new spells, e.g. Concelhaut. I don't think we'll see this in Deadfire, but maybe in 3? I think Obsidian probably has enough work on their hands making 20 levels worth of abilities for 11 base classes with 3 additional sub-classes each.
  8. Maybe he was toying with implementation ideas at somepoint? As far as I know though, the second option you describe is how it is going to be in Deadfire. The question that remains for me, is more of a usability issue. Will they lock you out of multi-classing if you disable it? I know not the official word on this at all, just going by what I'm hearing here. I can trust myself to keep the multi-classing option open. I'd just hate for other players to get locked out of the option because they at first think they want to roll a pure class. Of course I can see the opposite issue happening were someone feels compelled to pick up a second class only to find it's not working for them. I guess you can't protect the player in the end. A think as long as I can defer picking up a second class until way later I'll be most happy. Though I think I may have read you have to at least pick up that second class at level 2 or something... not sure...
  9. Sounds about right. And there's your reason to use one. Nice for melee that isn't meant to tank or engage.
  10. I guess that forces you to read up on the trade-offs. I'd probably leave it enabled even if I was single-classing though. Unless that forces you to pick up a second class at level 2. Which I don't think it should. I should be allowed to pick up a second class for the first time at level 12 because I've made some realizations over the course of the game.
  11. All I know is that you pick your second class at level 2. I don't get why you would want to disable it before seeing how the game plays out, unless there is a way to enable it again. Seems to me the level up screen can just default to your own and only class, leaving a little button somewhere to multiclass if you so choose. If you already have to classes picked, then it should just prompt you for which class you'll be level at this particular level. Doesn't seem all that complicated, and why permanently hide away options. These games are dense you don't want confusing players away from multiclassing, let them warm up to it over a few levels. Retraining is in the game again right? So no big deal really.
  12. Do dagger's get any bonuses? I can't recall. But it would be neat if they got a bonus to reflexes and maybe increase chance of crit on pierce damage attacks. I'd imagine it's easy to stab where you want to with a dagger than a sword.
  13. I think I need that AI scripting in Deadfire. Otherwise I'll never use Priests to their full potential outside Dragon fights and the such.
  14. Pretty sure that tech is just (or 'just') modified Unity and some scripting/ dialogue tools. Someone like Larian could very easily do a Tyranny 2 using the same engine as DivOS/2 if they and Paradox were interested in doing it, and so long as the deal with Obsidian allowed it. It's still their tech. Larian might be the only other studio with the proper in-house rp tooling to whip something up like that. But as we've seen even InXile needed to borrow Obsidian's tech to get Torment up and running. I would be hesitant to throw around the word easy in regards to game development. Especially wrt unorthodox practices like dynamically lit per-rendered environments.
  15. Huh... so Crytek is still alive and they've shown off a seriously impressive game. I thought they were dead as a game studio. I seriously wonder how they are in business though. Maybe they'll finally hit that second stride that they've been chasing.
  16. His take on the importance/need for Priests in PoE1 is interesting. I'm not in a great position to agree/disagree with him. But I found I almost solely used Priests for healing. Maybe I'm just stuck to the old ways. But I tend to ignore most Priests spells for general encounters. I just try to be as aggressive as possible on raw damage and aoes as possible. Only very occasionally will I pull out all the stops with a Priest. But I still used Durance for pretty much the whole game because I found I just needed that safety net if I was going all glass cannon. Maybe I just need to play a harder difficulty...
  17. Tyranny was fully Published by Paradox and Paradox owns the IP. What they don't own is Obsidian's tech so it's not like they could give that IP to anyone else. The IP is the brainchild of Obsidian.
  18. Paradox technically didn't Publish PoE, we did. They were the distribution and marketing partner.
  19. I like the sorts of games Paradox publishes and develops, but their DLC policies are just awful.
  20. I thought he was a good interviewer too. A bit too smarmy though, like Nardwuar. Nardwuar works because he brings artists down to the mortal level, but this felt a bit off given the context. I generally prefer if the interviewer isn't gushing their own personality everywhere but I guess that's what you have to do these days. But I couldn't do any better, there is a lot of pressure in these sorts of things.
  21. Well, I for one like when game recognises my strengths and weaknesses. Opening different paths, and dialogue options, based on who your are and what can you do does vary things up when replaying the game. If it is easy to fill all the skill slots, than what is really a point of choosing between them? It is better to have every choice, than limited choice. At this point skills become a busywork rather than a choice e.g. Torment TotN and Wasteland 2 Yeah, I like trade-offs. It's neat to find out that things play out very differently when you build a character with different strengths. Even if your trying to make similar decisions.
  22. Yeah, functionally I like the new chat. But it is a bit too vertical. Not sure if there is a better way to organize it or not. But While I'm reading text its not like I'm looking at much else, so It's not really a huge deal to me.
  23. Nothing has been revealed along Publisher lines. I think I can speak on behalf of everyone here, we hope Obsidian can self-publish Deadfire.
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