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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Did people actually consider the eu anything other than fanfiction? Maybe very early on but at some point, given the volume, I'd expect people to wise up. Lucasarts merely opened the flood gates to rack in licensing revenues.
  2. Nah, it's best DLC policy I've ever seen from a company. Fite me IRL if you think different. Paradox is that you?
  3. The various forms don't need to be wholesale superior, just play to different strengths. But being able to pick and choose for the occasion is a strength unto it's own. So unlocking more overtime seems like a fine way to handle it. Just as you pick a skill, you might pick a second and then 3rd form at say. Level 9 and then level 16.
  4. I wonder what the design decision was to just allow one spirit form? I guess they wanted to guide the player into a particular build? Unlike priests and paladins it seems to me druids should get to be more jacks of all trades. Maybe not give me all forms, but eventually getting 2 or 3 would be nice. I'd also like special skills attached to being in a particular spirit form. I don't know if that is too blizzardy or not, but I find it makes the shifted form of a druid far more interesting. Especially if you already have a caster and healer on staff. Let me focus on having an off-tank/melee-dps frontliner, and not just by equipment or stats. I'd like to pick my skills in a way that I can craft my forms to be one thing or the other.
  5. I had to look up what a ketch was. Those are beautiful. The also look really fast. I might be siding with Kana, screw trade when you have the wind in your hair.
  6. Yeah, at first I was thinking Rauatai ships might be like Proa, since those are really fast. But they seem more suited to the Deadfire, and even the largest of those probably couldn't handle cannoning. But catamarans could be very likely for the Rauatai and certainly could fit cannons. I vaguely remember Kana saying catamarans, maybe that's why I was thinking proa.
  7. Rauatai ships are apparently incredible fast, and look weird. Pallegina implies that Kana's pride in his nations ships is misplaced because what matters is efficient trade, which the Vailian Republics exceed at. No fast gunships. Rauatai is a gulf so the ships probably aren't made for long distance trans-oceanic transport of goods and people. I kind of imagine Rauatai ships being like Malay Junks.
  8. Pull a Pokemon and just make them hover above ground. Or as previously covered, Street Sharks / Sand Sharks. But, seals, walrus, crocodiles, and hippo would all work. Something based on the Galapagos iguana or an octopus would also work. Or just pull the mystical torrent of water that elevates them everywhere solution.
  9. Yeah, the horrors of the depth. I can imagine a sort of beloved community druid shapeshifting into a seal, but maybe a more hermit like druid turning into some vile looking repulsive creature.
  10. Some ocean themed stuff would be cool. I'd only expect a new form for Takehu since they seem to do custom class variants for companions. But maybe a sub-class would unlike a variant or something.
  11. Yeah, even Durance goes on his maniacal diatribe over gunpowder bringing fire to the commoner. No longer being just the weapon of the elite wizards.
  12. I enjoyed MCA's writing, but it didn't make or break the game for me. I thought Durance was a strong device to lore drop. GM was fascinating but far weaking overall. A lot of my favorite parts of PoE were more critical path quest writing, Eder, and Aloth. Which I don't think MCA played much a part in.
  13. The only times I actually take notes, is if I find something that I need to return to. Which is typically just locked chests, or maybe something that requires an high athletics check early in the game. But there is something satisfying about making notes. I always write them in character too, as if I'm making a real journal entry. The automatic in-world dating of each note is a nice touch.
  14. PoE1 I didn't have many gripes with usability, but for games that I have mods have been a life saver so to speak. Skyrim's inventory made me want format my hard drive at times until the mods started rolling out.
  15. Journalist mode would easily add hundreds of hours to the game if you did it on your first try. That actually sounds pretty cool.
  16. I personally don't mind the way they have it setup. It would be nice to hide completed quests though. Honestly I don't really want more categories, especially ones that break quests down further by type. I don't need to know I'm about to do a fetch quest. Tasks(One and done)/Quests(chains) seems to work. Maybe they could allow you filter by critical path vs expansion vs side-content. Collapsing the categories already seems to do almost the same thing. Further filters I feel either reveal too much about the quests and I don't think regional filters make much sense when quests cross to many different zones. Plus I like there being a reason to actually read the quests logs.
  17. Can't they just study pictures of historical ships? Or you know, watch Master & Commander?
  18. I don't understand the whole giving up the farm by suggesting constraints comment. The point is to move away from a constraint...
  19. I think stealth boosts perception so once your perception get's high enough you start seeing stuff early. Yeah, I use the auto-pause for traps and hidden objects. One of the few non-default settings I turn on.
  20. This could work if you started an event and it simply started your party spread out on a map. Certain paths are blocked unless other characters do certain things. Your success could depend on earlier decisions before the sequence. I like it!
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