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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Yeah, quest boards are nice. As long as they are used sparingly or left for tasks. Morrowind is a great example of a game that relies heavily on telling you where to go based on landmarks. It's a shame to see what happened with Skyrim. Though I do agree it was nice just getting lost in the overwhelming content of Skyrim. I never completed the main quest only did half the guilds and still clocked 100 hours. Though that games works well since it's incredibly dense and essentially a sandbox world of sorts. While Pillars isn't a sandbox. I don't want to be overwhelmed too much in Pillars but I do like when reaching new zones gives a small to medium burst of new content that can organically be encountered.
  2. How would you queue your actions ? Let's take the hypothetical example of POE1 : - Expose Weakness (wiz), followed by Fireball (wiz again) ? Surely if your Expose Weakness misses all targets, you won't be too happy with your fireball ? Queueing up actions assumes that they'll each be successful in turn, which is by no means a guarantee. Would still like a better queueing system here, but I just can't see it as the magic change you're envisioning I can really easily see numerous ways to make it work. 1. Pause on failed action. Let's the player re-queue actions. 2. Not just queues of actions, but queues of chains. Maybe shift-click adds a spell to be in-chain with the last action. 3. Have an AI system that deals with failed actions. Perhaps auto-queuing a fall-back measures are moving into a new line of attack, or just reattempting the chain. 4. All of the above. So you can fine tune some aspects in AI, but have plenty of control to rework things in real-time and during pause.
  3. I live in a "first world country" and I only got novocaine for my wisdom teeth. Not even laughing gas. Took nothing for the pain afterwards, all though there was certainly some harsh pain once the novo wore off. I've since felt even worse pain on opiates though I imagine that was the wound not anything to do with the opiates, because let me tell you, I was feeling those.
  4. Do you mean "range weapons too"? It would be cool if backstab had no range limitation, but instead you had to be behind the target. But range attacks would still work.
  5. I think some specializations should be be about range or melee. A Cipher as a nuke vs a tank. Druid as caster vs tank. Not every class should have paradigms split out that way, but some should.
  6. I wish they choose different priest orders, because I don't really like our options from a lore perspective. We get a lot of Eothas and Magran from Eder and Durance. Durance should have been a unique priest. I guess I understand an Eothas priest. Magran but no Ondra? Wael is clever idea as a deity idea, but doesn't really end up playing out in that interesting of a way. I'd rather they gave us Woedica or Rymrgand for a 'malevolently aligned' route. They seem to have more tact and justification for themselves than Skaen. Which better fits the the watchers path. Berath was a good pick imo. I'd want it to be: Berath Woedica Galawain (Would be good for a Orlan priest) [Ondra or {Eothas and Magran] and Rymrgand}
  7. How much is premature hype just a tactic to seek some immediate invesments. Even if managers believe in a 2018 target I'm sure the engineers and many others in the production pipeline are thinking differently. But what really matters is they keep selling their upswing and comeback.
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world-0/alibaba-founder-jack-ma-has-a-brutal-theory-of-how-america-went-wrong-over-the-past-30-years-a7821396.html
  9. One of the reasons I like rpgs. Is that it's not just sitting back and watching the world unfold for you. It takes some effort to go out of your way and interact. In the real world I'd only have enough time and energy to initiated so many interactions. They'd probably be limited only to certain people in certain places and limited by social norms. So yeah that aspect of just hitting up every patron of a pub is weird in a sense. But I'd hate if we didn't have those moments where a large zone just opens up for you and you're free to explore. Already you can avoid backer npcs, and "padding" npcs like guards. Then you have named padding, named npcs with locked dialogue, and npcs who could use someone to help them. Plus I like when there isn't necessarily a canonical moment when you should interact with another person. That more than anything feels really gamey...
  10. Saw The Lost City of Zed. I hadn't heard about it until looking for a movie tonight, and ended up really liking it.
  11. There was a bit of brooding, because Diana was a grown woman but her mother ruled the Amazons so she was unable to outgrow the role of daughter.
  12. Haven't seen Baby Driver. I do really like Edgar Wright as a director. But I really only like Three Flavours Cornetto. So it leaves me wondering if I'm really just a Simon Pegg & Nick Frost fan. Which I am. I just don't know if I'm an Edgar Wright fan in addition to that. I'm expecting Baby Driver to give me my answer. While he's good at interesting shots, as much of that could be the cinematographer and editor that he happens to be working with.
  13. I think the idea is that you ignore all nobles all the time. But hiding amongst them will be an important npc, but they are essentially in "stasis" until it's time for them to enter into the story. I guess it's the type of thing that could work if you had a really unique looking NPC standing with a bunch of generic ones. That really wouldn't work in PoE1 due to the low fidelity character models. In Deadfire I imagine the affect would be "oh neat, look at that special looking npcs I can't interact with. I bet he/she/they will be important to something down the road." But then either your just on the look on for anything exotic and you are denied the ability to start a quests from an alternative source.
  14. Hah form youtube comments someone noticed that the smoke from a guns barrel moves with the gun as you move after firing. I doubt they will make the smoke more elaborate, maybe cancel that animation upon a move command?
  15. The combining buff thing just sounds like a macro, unless you mean they actually all cast at once. I could imagine a high level spell taking twice as long to cast. But... it fires off 3 buffs. So it's worth the trade off if you can protect your priest from receiving any interrupts.
  16. I didn't even know shift could do that... but yeah a UI that reflects queuing would be nice. Or just have queuing be default. Now that they have more space (5 member party), I'd think they could squeeze something in. Though I'm not sure where and how they would do that...
  17. I love The Big Lebowski but I don't really get the cult following for the dude. I'm a big Tarantino fan but Kill Bill is just okay for me. Totally agree with Birdman. Other than the cinematography, I thought it was a rather garish and pretentious. However, I'm certain that it helped Michael Keaton get cast into Spotlight which was a fantastic film. I much preferred The Revenant but that was itself marred by the ghosty wife visions, which really messed with what the movie had going for it. It broke the continuum which kept your fixed in the tone and format, and when trying to get back into it, you felt like the film had revealed how it was manipulating your emotions and you felt kind of peeved for it for pulling down it's own curtains. The Titanic was a tour de force in filming. I think it seems overrated because of how much it grossed. There is no doubt the Cameron is the master of aquatic filming. One of the best examples of a hybridized narrative approach as well. Forest Gump I'd agree with you. It's a nice feel good and I can't really be upset for people liking it. More than anything I think I just like Tom Hanks, and it's a nice humanizing role for him to be in.
  18. My first impression is I like this idea. Thinking a bit harder on tradeoffs, I am also finding some downsides and wondering if it will really work how you think it would. I like finding a new area and sort of introducing myself to the locals. Getting that first leg of a handful of quests and pursuing them all at the same time. I tend not to want to be running back and forth, I'd rather spend a day in one district, then spend the next turning in or advancing a number of different quests.I think your method would work for characters that aren't quest initiators. The downside is you'll just skip over nobles as you naturally do, and you'll miss out on flavor text that is there for running into someone prematurely. It's also neat to get quests from multiple interactions and makes the world feel more natural and more tailored to how you approach the game. The way you describe basically just b-lines you to all the content. I'd imagine it would involve a fair amount of overhead to coordinate something like this, that it wouldn't be worth the developers time. Especially when they are trying to create quest paths that are dynamic, that have both asynchronous and synchronous qualities, that have multiple starts, and possible affect other quests.
  19. I think the more variety to empower the players preferred setup the better. I think they need action queuing more than anything though. Kotor style. The new AI/Gambit system will hopefully go lengths to cleaning up party management.
  20. The overtone is actually a whistle generated at the tongue, the undertone is the throat singing. I can do this too, but of course I don't have the throat of an angel so it sounds awful. I can modulated and move them independently too if I practice on something for a bit.
  21. Something Wicked This Way Comes is fantastic and it took me a while to realize that. It was required reading so I naturally had a sort of a attitude against it going on. I may also have a knee jerk reaction in the negative direction against anything carny related. The book really made any derivative work in that style worthless and that's saying something,
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