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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I guess you picked up on my current inclination towards fantasy. o' course sci-fi was in there as well. The examples probably tend towards science fantasy with maybe one of them being hard scifi. But I was indeed leaning towards the fantasy for my next read and figured, while I was posing such a quesiton, I would also poll opinion on scifi. But Gromnir is too keen for this one. Har! Cheers Mate!
  2. I have partial marvel fatigue. Kind of depends on what part of the universe it is. I was looking forward to GOTG2 but that disappointed me. Doctor Strange I thought was awful. Avengers 2 I thought was awful. So now I'm left wondering if I will be able to enjoy the infinity wars. That said I'm still looking forward to Thor 3, Spider-Man, and Black Panther. Of course Cap2 and 3 are my favorites of the whole universe and the directors of those are doing the infinity wars, so maybe there is still hope. But the runaway power quotient kind of leaves you desensitized.
  3. Just only now saw this. This MCA quote is ridiculous. It sounds like one of those parody's of Trump based on him during the election cycle... The campaign seems well put together. Way more so than anything InXile has attempted. I've never experienced anything Pathfinder so I'm not particular interested in that aspect. I can see the cartoony 3D graphics being a bit more appealing to people who aren't into rp-realism. Might make this more of a hit with the youtube crowd.
  4. People that get a few books into Malazan seem to really adore it. I hear the beginning just tosses you in the deep end though. I guess the series was started off of years worth of world building for dnd campaigns. Scalzi seems divisive, but I figure I might as well figure out for myself. I've had more recommendations than dissenters. I like the pitch for his new series, but I thought I might as well give his first series a shot first considering the new series is a long ways off. I didn't know that about The Black Company, that would actually make it easier to consume that series with a few nice gaps for breaks. Maybe I'll save that for winter when things are feeling dark and grim. I'm liking the sound of the 3 primary arcs though. Cosmere was the first series I was considering when looking for something long to get into. It being ongoing wasn't a big deal since it seems he's tied up segments of it. Especially Mistborn. I'm a bit more inclined to read Stormlight Archives but I figured I'd just tackle the whole of the Cosmere in release order. But then I saw he finished off some beloved series and did a good job at it. So I started looking at the Wheel of Time as maybe the next read. I guess if I burn out during the middle that's fine, and can always come back.
  5. I like the battle music, It'd be nice if it changed over time though. Either depending on where you are or where you are in the critical path. Or a mix. I love games with dynamic sound tracks too.
  6. More ambitious than SC? Or just different?
  7. Why would they go with Zur? Cause he did BG2? Justin Bell has worked on New Vegas, Stick of Truth, and Armored Warfare. As well as this fantastic little game called Pillars of Eternity.
  8. Top 5 movie and my favorite movie soundtrack.
  9. Watched Burn After Reading. Didn't know it was Coen Brothers until the end, but I'm surprised I didn't guess that half-way through. The film itself is great, but the content is like watching a train wreck. It's engrossing for all the wrong reasons. The movie was like reading a tabloid on nobodies and you still couldn't look away.
  10. Which series is this? I guess it depends if it's a young women raised with certain expectations or just a self-indulgent scene meant to tantalize with the prospects of a kept woman to be.
  11. Wasn't that posted a few pages back?
  12. They could take a few design cues from Civilization VI as far as skeuomorphic cartographic design goes. I think it would also look better if it was zoomed out a bit, or the dead space was filled with more "here be dragons" iconography.
  13. What should I dive into first: Recommend just one, or one from each grouping. Cosmere Wheel of Time Malazan Thomas Covenant The Black Company Old Man's War Culture Foundation Hyperion Cantos I wont necessarily finish the entire series before starting the next. I don't really care if one of these is ongoing. Other than Cosmere I think they are all finished... not sure. Mostly want to invest in the most engrossing. If you think the tropes in one merit it be read first or something because it's the better of two series that share a lot of similar tropes then that is more or less why I'm putting this question to you. So I don't wear myself out and never get to the better material. I know it's all subjective... but still... Thanks!
  14. Trash, if it wasn't clear before that Marvel is stretching themselves too thin, well now it should be. I guess they are taking the same metrics that Netflix uses. They should be making enough content that they are canceling things. After all, if your not right at the optimal peak of venture capitalism then your leaving money on the table.
  15. So I haven't really seen anyone else mention this from the E3 content. The Beyond. I'm really excited to see what this has in store for us. Seems to be more than just a single level sort of "wizards domain" like in Diablo 2 Act II or Micolash's Nightmare of Bloodborne.
  16. I knew they were a culture, I just was only remembering human representatives of them.
  17. I adore Eels, was just listening to Daisies of the Galaxy the other day in the car. It's one of those albums I listen to both when I'm in a good and bad mood. Always seems to lift me or comfort me.
  18. Man, without maps and migratory patterns laying out Eora's history, I find certain aspects of this world's lore to be untenable.
  19. Oh, I didn't realize those were also Engwithans. Yeah, the Naga will be cool. Always liked them as a fantasy species. Is it my understanding that Engwithans are basically humans right? Humans that populated the Eastern Reach extremely early on.
  20. All kith civilizations are pretty damn old. I wonder if we'll learn more about the vithrack. Also those dungeons we've seen have this new sort of species in Deadfire, so we'll probably learn about them. They seem sort of egyptian inspired.
  21. I thought the Deadfire was the sole source of the rarest most useful type of Adra, which the Aedyr were interested in. I'm not sure they colonized it for living, but I'm pretty certain I've read about there involvement in trade. They probably have setup trade ports or maybe the occasional fort right?? As far as colonies, it seems the Aedyr Empire had enough trouble just holding onto the Dyrwood.
  22. Assuming something like this is true, then transparency would be necessary. Which I don't believe it is.
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