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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I hope they do! I think I'd rather have Deadfire be smaller in scale and self-published than be a bit bigger and Paradox backed. I want to see Obsidian sail.
  2. From the very start I think most people knew there would be a 2. A that it would have a single-player campaign. EA alluded to as much when marketing the first game. They talked about wanting to have something out for the first movie. So they talked about how it was mp only and this allowed them to focus on delivering a really good mp game. Thing is, there were very few maps and they charged like ****. Thing is about BF campaigns, all they are are in map objectives with a story narrative. So it's no wonder they didn't show much. What they really need is Galactic Conquest...
  3. I love this song, and really this whole era for music.
  4. The "first" reveal of BG&E2 was so incredible. This in comparison was not. Even the "vague" in-game shots in the background of the conference looked uninteresting, not that I'm really going off of those at all. I get the CGI has some people hyped, but I just expect the game to ultimately be a let down given the wait.
  5. Yeah, something about that Detroit trailer really rubbed me the wrong way. First off I don't really like this virtuous rebel angle, but I can't imagine that Quantic would actually push a "demonize humanity" at large narrative. The problem is that all the actions were clearly tactical. Not much in the vein of enabling the player to pick a narrative direction based on discrimination of belief or philosophical views on artificial intelligence. So going off narrative alone, I can't say I'm impressed. I'd like to believe this game will try to approach difficulty open ended questions, but by that trailer alone it seems to have a very specific voice behind it. Which makes me think they are trying to tell a politically charged story on identity. But they are just swapping in androids in place of any disparaged class. It's like they are taking the concerns that surrounded DX:MD and making a whole game out of it. Too early to tell, but it's an odd trailer. Maybe it's just showing off a single character's viewpoint. If so he's looking to be a totally ass, and clearly didn't get the "humanity heuristic."
  6. I'm guessing they did AoE1 to test out their new tech, and to have something to give the fans. It's the only thing that they hadn't done anything for. They said to wait for Gamescon it seems there will be a big announcement for the series then. AoE4 or AoM2 me thinks.
  7. Why do they talk like retards? It's called accents and voice acting.
  8. For me God of War is by far the best thing of the whole conference. I'm surprised over no Sucker Punch or From Software.
  9. HL3 is always better. But I'm pretty sure OG Valve is dead. So whatever, HL3 will probably never happen in the way we want. I don't know if Source is even up to a premier single-player experience when IdTech6 and Frostbite are so far ahead technology wise.
  10. Skull & Bones is solid decision by Ubi. BG&E2 was the biggest surprise, but I don't like what I'm hearing... Ancel seems to have moved onto WiLD anyways. His first passion project has been co-opted by corporate it seems. As of now AC:O is the title from them that I most expect to really love. But BGE2 could surprise I guess... Just the whole reveal felt very "off"
  11. I still don't understand why Microsoft had to gut their PC division when most of it's games didn't infringe on the Xbox's market. I'm hoping AoE4 or AoM2 is whatever ends up announced at Gamescon.
  12. Age of Empires: Definitive Edition Microsoft is redeemed!
  13. The trend continues. Everything at Bethesda looks good except Bethesda themselves.
  14. Not everyone at Obsidian directly works on the game. Anyways having milestones like E3 can actually help move the development along. Deadlines are funny that way.
  15. Yeah. I still think Diablo 2 is one of the games that best did enchanting/crafting.
  16. Isn't the whole point of enchanting to boost non-unique, non-soulbound weapons to play the "elastic jack-of-all-tradesy cover your bases" role? Otherwise the special items will just out class them. I see uniques as suggestion cool builds, but then enchanting is there for you to build your own.
  17. Anthem reveal was seriously impressive, but I've seen enough games that try to sell that style of game and they never turn out like that. Destiny, The Division. Even bespoke single player open world RPGs don't have that sort of super dense perfectly dynamic set pieces. Not to mention this game has to be 2 years out still. Also, I really dislike this sort of "demoing in-game chat / player role-playing / pseudo-VO" that is used for these types of games. It makes the whole gameplay loop feel very forced. Why not just let your game either be gamey, or show off proper narrative work. Instead of having to pipe it in from a would be player. The game won't come with a soothsaying roleplaying girl to squad up with.
  18. The public expo floor maybe. But it technically started on Saturday. Just as it does every year.
  19. Speaking of "hide" I hide cloaks a long time ago in PoE1 and have no clue where the option to turn them back on is. I thought it was on the paperdoll. Unless my game is bugged.
  20. It sounds to me they just don't want you to upgrade a standard item all the way up to superb. Just find the same item but exquisite then enchant it just the same. I don't really see the big deal in that.
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