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Everything posted by injurai

  1. In other words, her pose is fine. Her outfit is fine. Her obsession with corpses is... umm... well, I'll get back to you on that one.
  2. It's the hair cut and glasses. I'm convinced that is what is throwing everybody off. Ugh. Filth. Ban. This. Post.
  3. I suppose Obsidian could stop the slow leak of periscopes and whatnot, and instead include those all in meatier updates. I don't really care though personally. If it's what it takes to quell those that can't stand the slow trickle and further generates a larger and more meaningful boost of interest in the game across many forums. Then I suppose that would be the thing to do.
  4. Updates are not the product. You'll be fine, let Obsidian work and keep the backers up to date. You know... updates.
  5. burning lash looks great the 3D graphics will finely look comparable to the gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds, i'm excited!
  6. Anime is an appropriated English word that has been re-Anglicized back. Contextually, it's pretty easy to surmise what people actually mean.
  7. Ydwin is dope by all accounts. I wanted a pale elf, I wanted an animancer. Ydwin's premature fandom (which was that one guy who was only interested in the game because of her) and premature detractors (everyone else wasting their time on her design which has not even been shown in it's final 3D in-game incarnation) are beyond vexing.
  8. Or build a DPS front-line and stack your backline with buffers/debuffers/medics/cc. Pillars is one of the most flexible rpg systems I've played, you just have to learn it and plan your builds out. Looks like things are shaping up to be even more flexible and well communicated in deadfire.
  9. I'll point out. That. Three-Dimensional models. Do not look like. Two-dimensional drawings. And. Pillars of Eternity. Is not done in a Three-dimension. Anime. Style. So... We can conclude. That. Obsidian will ruin their artistic direction by putting in a 3D anime styled character into the game. Curse you Ydwin!!! Good night~
  10. They also won't get the combinitorial explosion of dialogue and situation writing that the relationship system will implement. Because remember, relationships are also between companions not just the watcher. Honestly, I'd expect side-kicks to come off more like companions from the first game. Maybe a tad less writing, but honestly it's not like you had all that much to talk with your companions about.
  11. I would be more than fine with this. Whatever net's them the best narrative design for the characters I say.
  12. Well, at least with Rekke he speaks a different languages. He's probably the one I'm most looking forward to becoming a full companion eventually. So he'll have that period where he is picking up the language.
  13. God, just leave them out of the main game and introduce them completely in the expansion... This is a mess. Isn't that exactly what that quote says? So mess avoided. Yay. No it's not. She'll be in the main game as a sidekick. Sidekicks aren't companions and don't eat into their writing resources. They are more like glorified mercenaries.
  14. God, just leave them out of the main game and introduce them completely in the expansion... This is a mess. Isn't that exactly what that quote says? So mess avoided. Yay.
  15. I'd rather not use the logo. I like having a theme that relates to the imagery of the logo. The storm. So cloudy dark particle effects and lightning. That would be cool. It's not too game breaking, it's rather dazzling, and it's a less blunt reference that will still be understood by fans. The affects could be applied to armor, weapons, or perhaps a summon/pet. You'll find the item on a black isle, that's good enough. It could have been imbued with some sort of power from a soul storm (Ocean Bîaŵac anyone?) Such details could be explained in the item's description.
  16. I hope at some point in-game, someone refers to Takehu as "your blue companion." @LLaney
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