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Everything posted by dirigible

  1. There's a bed in Defiance bay that gives a whopping +4 intelligence. Why would I ever want to sleep in my castle which I built when a bed in a random inn gives better benefits? Come on, Obsidian.
  2. Conan the Barbarian was a pretty clever individual. He was good at sneaking and had thoroughly decent "lore". And he was still a Barbarian. On the other hand, it's not hard to imagine a Wizard with very low lore. He spends all day in his ivory tower studying magic, and knows nothing of the outside world.
  3. Ehhh... not really. The historical time period closes to this game's setting is the 1400s-1500s. Full plate is around, guns are around, people are still using swords and bows, there are big floppy feathery hats and brightly colored vests and pantaloons. The industrial revolution would be about 300 years in the future.
  4. Am I missing something or is this item really not very good? The only time I can see it paying off is versus something like the Adra Dragon, provided you're spam-healing the monk. Even then, it would take 10 wounds (!) to get a measly 4 or 5 extra damage per hit. And that's assuming you aren't going to use your wounds on anything else.
  5. Someone with supernatural fighting ability, probably. In a game where you have wizards and psychics and people who literally fight by singing a song, monks are the part that seems unrealistic?
  6. Yeah that didn't work for me, either. It just died.
  7. So in this quest, a sky dragon has taken over a temple of Hylea in order to raise its hatchling. You can talk with the dragon, but there's almost no point. Despite there being multiple ways to question the dragon's judgement or suggest it should leave, it will invariably attack you unless you just agree with it completely. Given the fact that Hylia would clearly value the dragon's life (since Hylia is the goddess of flying creatures and motherhood), AND the fact that Hylia clearly cares about her priests who were driven from the temple (she gave you a vision to help them), there is absolutely no way to broker any kind of truce. This just feels like lazy writing/quest design. Am I alone in this? Anyone feel the same way?
  8. says the guy who wants this game to be exactly like baldur's gate...
  9. This system was not designed for multiclassing. Devs could probably shoehorn it in, but that's exactly what it would feel like: a shoehorned in gimmick that doesn't belong.
  10. I don't recall seeing advertisements for Baldur's Gate 2 on tv.
  11. Something else to keep in mind: The extra AOE is completely useless in a lot of situations. Extra damage/healing and faster action speed are NEVER useless.
  12. Baldur's Gate 2 wasn't - as far as I know - meant to be the end of a series (like ME3 was). It was just a sequel which expanded on the previous game. Meaning that it's max score would be a 9 (-1 for being a sequel to a major franchise).
  13. Here's how to find the actual score for a game: Was the game a sequel to a major franchise? Subtract 1 point from the reviewer score. Did the game have a huge marketing campaign? Subtract 1 point from the reviewer score. Was the game the final installment of a major series (eg mass effect 3)? Subtract 1 point from the reviewer score. Was the game 'artsy' at the expense of gameplay? Subtract 1 point from the reviewer score. Was the game a niche genre, or made by an unknown company? Add 1 point to the reviewer score. Now you have a more accurate score for the game.
  14. Chanter is the summoning class. There's also a handful of items which can be used in combat to summon a creature.
  15. OP, it probably isn't working that way. The Ranger's Mark ability ALSO says that it adds +20 damage (for both the ranger and their pet). This is a lie. I can't figure out how much damage it adds, but it sure isn't a flat +20. It might be +20%.
  16. Rather than whine about review scores, I'm gonna second this comment. Larian handling the combat/game mechanics and Obsidian handling the plot/writing would create a god-tier game. Only problem, I think their sensibilities might be too different.
  17. I think you can set one trap per character. So if you want to have 6 traps down, then give all 6 of your characters some Mechanics skill.
  18. I figure someone else must have noticed this, but applying several overlapping debuffs breaks, quite often. Apply a prone debuff to an enemy. Before that debuff expires, apply a petrify debuff to the same enemy. Result: After prone wears off, the enemy will stand up and start attacking you, despite showing the petrify debuff as still active. This also happens if you apply a prone debuff twice. Instead of the newer prone overriding the duration of the older prone, the enemy will simply stand up and start attacking again (despite being under the effect of the second prone).
  19. People already explode if you hit them hard enough. Also read "The last hours of Jonas".
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