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Everything posted by Lephys

  1. I'm glad you caught onto the obvious point of my post: the number 15. Jolly good! 8D
  2. Maybe you'll roll a few twenties between now and release.
  3. Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could purchase gilded sinks for your stronghold, for exorbitant amounts of money?
  4. It'd be kind of neat if things like the bounties were spruced up a bit via scripted interactions. Maybe it's always going to be a combat encounter, but you can choose to follow them for a while, or wait 'til nightfall, etc. Scripted Interactions are probably one of the most (functionally) versatile things in the game. You could alter the starting factors of a given combat encounter, based on whatever you'd like. Tie in specific character knowledge/lore to combat encounter approaches, etc.
  5. I think the final version is supposed to have a "cooldown" period when you break engagement (and get attacked with an attack of opportunity), so that you can't be IMMEDIATELY re-engaged by infinite people for every millisecond of your existence. Also, I think the longer-reach weapons no longer give you a larger engagement area, as that was causing too many problems. Also, a successful Interrupt is supposed to cleanly disengage now (let you leave the Engagement Radius without sparking a free attack from the person engaging you).
  6. "... And I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you modaling kids!" is what your defeated adversaries will be saying. 8P
  7. So true. I mean, if you create a new Ranger, and go to select some abilities, and see that Level 1 ability X now does 30 damage instead of 15, and that Class Talent Y is now twice as good, you have to assume the other 11 levels of Ranger-dom got no love whatsoever.
  8. ^ Ohhhh. It's possible the Slacker Backer options were different. I didn't think about that.
  9. If you added on an $8 pledge when you finalized your pledge in the pledge manager (it would've said something about the Obsidian Order of Eternity), then you get a title. 8P There was a survey in the pledge management process that asked what you wanted as a title. However, that survey seems to only go straight to Obsidian for game-making purposes (acknowledgement of the OOoE peeps in-game, etc.), and not to the forum mod team here. Which is why we have this thread that we hope everyone sees, 'cause its stickied. So, anywho, if you pledged an extra $8, you qualify.
  10. This is the first tier I see on the Kickstarter page that has a physical copy of the game. It's a $65 tier: The $50 tier is digital-only, so if you get a physical copy, that wasn't the tier you pledged. And everything below that is digital-only, methinks. And everything above that that includes a physical copy also includes at least 1 digital copy. I hope that just means you do have a digital copy heading your way. It's possible I've missed something, though.
  11. Only the nexest of weeks shall bring forth a new build. u_u... This week was not nexty enough.
  12. Yeah, I didn't know all the specifics, as I am but a fledgling when it comes to game development, but I realize it's not easy at all. That's why I don't hold it against any dev team that puts out a game with hair only ranging from short to less-short. It's just one of those things... in a perfect world, it would be so great to have customizeable luscious locks. For what it's worth, I really like the variety you guys have put into the hairstyles in this game.
  13. I think it's a bit lawyer-y to simply say "That's Sawyer's favorite!". He's talked about it many times, in detail, and always mentions specific things he likes a lot in it, while either thinking other things are "meh" or disliking them. What he likes and dislikes about it tells a lot more than "does he hate or like an entire ruleset revision?"
  14. I dunno... I have a feeling that a decent bit of Witcher 3 (and games like it) hatred is more just "I'm so resentful that this is getting made but my preferred style of RPG isn't!". I really don't think it's The Witcher 3's or DA:I's faults that more PoE's aren't being made. And they're not bad games just because they're not the greatest in all respects/facets. I don't think everything has to be judged on the exact same scale. Not even RPGs (there's plenty of room for variance in them). So, yeah, I get such games not being people's cup o' tea, but... it seems like they tend to take an awful lot of flak sheerly because of what they aren't, rather than for what they are.
  15. What if, instead of having both the little metalwork-looking diamonds AND tiny drapes, you JUST had drapes with a triangular point at their bottom, kind of pointing downward toward each weapon set? And just put the numbers on the drapes, and have the drapes be the clickable weapon-set-selection buttons? Just a thought. *shrug* It seems like diamonds and drapes are competing for that space, is all.
  16. I'm not trying to be silly here, but if a fist is a weapon, then how does the game know you're using 1H style simply because you have only one "weapon" equipped, and not sword-and-fist dual-wield style? o_o
  17. Don't you just ADORE surprises? 8D
  18. In other words, you've got 99 problems but a Crit ain't one? 6_u
  19. That's true. I mean, you could probably just make invisible 3D props. But, the collision wouldn't be as precise as if you went through the trouble of getting collision data from the 2D environment image.
  20. The next comedic RPG that gets made needs to have the muppet Animal as the only Ranger companion. "Hey guys, this is my Animal companion." "Muh-NAH-muh-NAH!"
  21. It just should've been better thought out from the get-go. Ideally. I realize that's easy to say when you're not working with a team of X people and a limited budget, trying to build this game from the ground up in a new engine. But, "engaged" should've been a status that could be applied. Maybe even with durations, etc. Then, have things that could break it (the proposed Interrupt changes are a good start). Maybe just "while engaged, you take extra damage from flanking attacks (on account of you being too tied up to deal with them). And if you simply try to jog off, you get a free attack against you (just by the guy who's engaged with you... and you can only be engaged by one person at a time). That, and mere proximity shouldn't ever have beget engagement. You could have it be a passive, on-hit effect, at least in some circumstances (certain classes, weapons, talents, etc.), but have it require a Hit or greater (Graze or Miss doesn't count, 'cause that means you're in no position to hinder that person if you can't even hit them at the time). There's no reason you should run up to someone, miss them, but get a free Attack of Opportunity when they take 2 steps. Annnnnnywho. I think Engagement's at least seeing some improvements. We'll see what happens in the final release build, . I don't think it'll be glorious, but it might be far less bothersome than it has been.
  22. This is something that I think the Roguelike genre gets right, a lot of times. Like the randomization of ship battles and encounters in FTL, for example. It's not just completely random -- it corresponds to the sector you're in, the type of node you're in (nebula, clear space, asteroid field), and several other things. In PoE, it'd be pretty cool if there were random encounters whilst traveling, in the form of scripted interactions. Sometimes that would lead to a battle, sometimes not. And, even if much of the encounters is "random," (or really, a better word is just "non-specific," since you're likely drawing from a set pool of encounter parameters -- maybe their equipment is somewhat random or something, but you're not going to get a group of Elven priests who show up and try to rob you like Highwaymen, etc.), much of it is not, and at least indirectly pertains to the goings-on of the narrative at hand.
  23. It's too bad there's not some kind of reptile companion. Like a big lizard, or a large snake.
  24. I might have to check this one out. I haven't caught any of the last few months' worth of videos/previews. Basically, I've seen no video footage since the zombie-exploding-into-6-awkward-pieces trailer. 8P
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