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Found 4 results

  1. Just purchased the game on Nintendo Switch. Main character is Druid with Stag Spiritshift. The Spiritshift ability was working fine for several hours, but now isn't working under any condition. I can't select it manually in the radial menu - the option is there but it simply won't activate. Also, with Spiritshift AI enabled, the character still won't switch when engaged. This is happening through many encounters, different save files, multiple locations. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions on how to fix it?
  2. Hey so am planning on playing a Druid as my main char Anyway was wondering whats the best spiritshift to choose I found this site which lists all the Spiritshifts There is: Bear - has a frighten effect Boar - Stamina regen Cat - fast attacks Stag - Defense Wolf - knockdown which form do you think is the most powerful?
  3. My human druid with stag spiritshift always has Stag Defense's attribute boosts active, even when not in stag form out of combat. The character was made on release day and I was hoping 1.03 might fix it, but it did not. I started a new human druid on 1.03, but that did not recreate the problem (the druid lost Stag Defense when he changed back to human form). It's a minor bug, but am I the only one who has it? Is there any way I can fix it, short of starting over? Thanks.
  4. Hey so I was planning on playing as a Druid, and I had a poll here: Best Druid Spiritshift? Which asked you guys whats the best spiritshift to choose But apparently people are saying that I should go with another class so I might roll a Ranger instead so am doing a similar poll to find out whats the best ranger animal companion Again, this site has a good overview of all the animal companions, I put summary below. The choices are: Antelope - has good defense Bear - has damage reduction Boar - can do lots more damage towards the end of a battle Lion - can do a terrify status effect Stag - has a melee AoE Wolf - Has a good movement speed Cant decide which one to choose. Am thinking either: Wolf, since it moves fast and will engage the target sooner Bear, since it will last a long time in battle, long enough for me to resolve it Though am open to other possiblities Anyway vote on which animal companion you guys think is best!
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