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Everything posted by Sacred_Path

  1. That's true for all fantasy (and gaming in general) though. I think there is room for trying to reach adult players even though there are orcs and dragons around I am not sure if that was a serious remark, to me it looks like a trolling attempt against religions and philosophers. Kinda ironic from someone with the name Sacred_Path Can't quite follow you there, I was simply remarking that "my fantasy is less escapist than your fantasy" is kind of a silly idea.
  2. In the r/w, civilizations have ravaged nature since the Bronze Age. With some of PE's inhabitants being at the level of Stone Age cultures, and others much more advanced, how will the environment be affected by the sentient species? Should there even be much of a "Dyrwood" left, considering the busy smithies and bustling fleets of Aedyr and Vailians? Will the approach to nature be a matter of contention among the different races? With two nature-dwelling classes, the druid and the ranger, will we get caught up in a struggle to preserve the landscape?
  3. Oh Forton, you whacked-out old coot. Your crazy antics baffle and delight us. Zen master you are not
  4. I voted other, because 1) it's a nice touch to have requirements for casting magic. It's that very primitive logic that you have to sacrifice something in order to gain something (extraordinary). 2) It's so entirely gimmicky and not by any means necessary. It just adds one more component you have to take into consideration as far as balance goes. How many reagents of type x can you find or buy, how expensive etc.
  5. Wounds, be they a loss in stamina or health, should definitely influence your fighting capacity. I don't need specific animations for that though
  6. I would say YES PLZ with cherries on top. Why should your party members be the only beings clever enough to pack both melee and ranged weapons?
  7. You need to whip them creative types into line, I say.
  8. I think this is interesting even with the resemblance between the races that are in the game now. Orlans seem to have a promising backstory.
  9. Guns are popular "simply" because they can pierce everyone's defenses. They're what made steel plate armor a relic of a bygone era. It wasn't until the development of synthetic fibers like kevlar that functional protection from firearms in the form of body armor came back. In the 1970s. Even then, that can only stop small-arms fire, and the impact is still roughly equivalent to being hit by a baseball bat swung by a major league hitter. Even if you're not dead, you're down for the count. http://www.sorcerers.net/forums/showthread.php?t=58186 Not a discussion as to how closely this is resembles reality in the Late Middle Ages.
  10. I like it when an abandoned keep has been taken over and converted by enemies who don't usually build fortifications. Especially at low levels this is thrilling, when walking round a corner can be your last move if you take a crossbow bolt to the head. I also like that your entire party has to be kind of stealthy because they can't yet deal with the entire group coming down on you at once.
  11. Forton is a troll character. Doesn't respond to loot, looks old and weary, is of questionable moral orientation, has weird romance options and cannot into European. Pretty plz.
  12. Since guns are popular simply because they can pierce a mage's defenses, it seems that wizards don't use their magic to power furnaces. They're still of the sitting-in-a-tower, cackling variety.
  13. I found the original Cadegund more aesthatically pleasing, I think it's the face/ jaw here that makes her look masculine. But this here endows her with some personality, unlike the original pretty-girl-with-gun sketch.
  14. Not exactly the same idea, but I'd like to see a mythology or monster lore skill finally done right, and that could be the ranger's domain (not exactly humble woodsman stuff though). But that would require some randomization in the monsters' attributes and resistances or else this skill is moot/ useful only once/ made redundant by online monster statistics
  15. I liked your Star Control example (I've never played it). I think it's a good idea the situation should deteriorate at some point if you take too long. But the other hook is that in PE, something extraordinary (possibly cataclysmic) has already happened. The consequences of this could slowly creep into other people's lives as well. It should have an effect on the world as time goes by. That wouldn't necessarily mean the main quest is timed, but it would add a dynamic to it (possibly affecting what ending you get).
  16. There should be some timed quests, absolutely. Exploration can be curbed, yes, but it can also depend on your skill, which is a very good thing. If you employ solid strategies and manage your party well, you will need to rest less frequently and thereby save time. That's an excellent thing in and of itself. This also makes you more careful as to when you cast spells and how many of them, instead of spamming magic missiles ad nauseum until you need to rest.
  17. Speaking of choices, I liked how in IWD2 paladins could often refuse to accept rewards (well they didn't have much choice IIRC). This option should be open to everyone. It would become even better if there were randomized outcomes (like 50% chance to raise your reputation)
  18. But it would make for a very majoor game if all the wizards had boring day jobs, rather than sitting in crystal towers plotting and laughing maniacally.
  19. I think wildshapes and favored enemies don't have much value except for DnD nostalgia. With the priest being closer to a paladin in PE, the druid could be the principal (de)buffer. I'd like to see abilities that improve archery or their movement/ stealth outdoors. I'd like the ranger to be primarily an outdoors scout. Some basic crafting using wood would be nice for the ranger to have too.
  20. That's true for all fantasy (and gaming in general) though. I think there is room for trying to reach adult players even though there are orcs and dragons around
  21. I'm not against crafting in general, but yes, don't let players sell anything they craft.
  22. Uh...I think everyone assumes they will be spread all over - why on earth would they not be? I was referring to the number of epic items in the game. The more there are, the more plausible it is to simply play through the game and collect what loot you come across rather than rushing to always the same few specific locations. Although I love Wizardry 8, it's an example of this done poorly. Run all the way to the first town to get an epic sword (for your level). Use said sword to grind a little, then rush to the next location to get powerful bard instrument. I do guess that "epic" should be understood in this sense - very powerful for the level you're likely on when you come across them.
  23. It sounds like a lot at first, but OTOH it might be preferrable to have epic items all over the gameworld, rather than the players rushing to the same specific locations just for the epic loot
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