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Everything posted by Sacred_Path

  1. and you haven't seen the collector's edition yet. Btw I thought the Avellone comment referred to "mouths are dirty", a brilliant piece of rhetoric that settles it all Nice, I'm a backer for the Retail Collector's Edition. Long nights of fun will be had then. Be sure to make a Let's Play video
  2. I always killed them right away to steal their stuff, maybe they had no time to become attached to anyone. Didn't everyone do that?
  3. and you haven't seen the collector's edition yet. Btw I thought the Avellone comment referred to "mouths are dirty", a brilliant piece of rhetoric that settles it all
  4. Your companions should definitely have their own romances/ steal yours. Then they could be all "lol u mad?"
  5. The problem consists only in the story/ premise. I'm not asking for an easy introduction, but for a believable plot. If your character gets killed by rats, he shouldn't be some king's first choice for a dangerous mission, or a bodyguard. Example: After you had done the introductory quests and fought your way to Kuldahar, when you were about lvl 3 and you could stand a chance against enemies like Yetis, it would have been a good time for your characters to be hired as guards in an area where such monsters exists. There was no ingame reason that would have predicted you'd only have to deal with a few goblins on the way.
  6. HELLO Daggerfall. I'm mostly against that. If you cannot control the time at which you'd arrive in a wilderness area, you'd be rewarded for dumb luck if you get there during the day. If you can control it, it would mostly just make grinding easier, probably. You could be forced to sometimes be outside during the night, but I don't think that it should make a huge difference (as the daytime would have to be significantly safer). When I was a kid I loved Ultima VII's day/ night system, with NPC schedules etc. Nowadays I think that's mostly a nuisance. Looking for an NPC? Tough luck, they could be anywhere at night. Arriving during the daytime when you needed someone to be healed would again reward dumb luck. And if you're playing agaist the clock, waiting around for the shops to open is just another inconvenience.
  7. This never happened to me although I used the murder option extensively. I know it was an advertised feature but it never happened. I also never had problems with recruiting new characters. Maybe it got lost in porting the game from the Amiga? edit: as far as PE goes, I'd vote against something like that. You won't have a gazillion companions to choose from in PE like you did in Ishar.
  8. It gets worse if you begin the game as a clueless wimp whose boots are clearly too big for him. - Lands of Lore1: you are the king's champion for no apparent reason - Wizardry 8: you're hired as bodyguards but you can't fight a rat without dying - Icewind Dale 1: you're hired as caravan guards when there are yetis and **** in the mountains who can kill you with a mean stare - practically every single Ultima This will probably not happen in PE but I just want to make sure that idea doesn't get lost along the way.
  9. After Ripley, the lone tough alien/ zombie/ whatever fighting chick has become a trope I'd say. Kind of annoying when I watch it now. And internet memes don't have the longevity of some pop culture stuff like a line from Star Wars. They're not traded down to the 'next generation' and therefore they probably don't get that it's a meme, so no harm done.
  10. But all aspects of the game do age. Graphics, sound, combat mechanics, quest design, even the story (unless it's totally original and never gets copied). That can be charming or at least a non-issue. Now the 4th wall is a different issue, it comes down to personal taste I guess. I find it hard to play the old Ultimas just for the fact that the world is so unoriginal. Back then, that probably was less of an issue.
  11. Ah. I need something a bit more obvious. Like this: A wild Derpdragon appears! Your mom's a derpdragon. Is this real life? "Come on bro, I've got tiger blood!", you shout. Our princess is in another castle because youre doin it rong. Derpdragon hits you in the ass and leg o god its heavan. You kill it with fire. It's super effective! #Winning. A princess appears, but how is babby formed? Buttsecks because she cannot into contraception. Raep time.
  12. Ultima? The Guardian is all about inherent evil. You can tell because he's red
  13. I don't get any of these (except the ring one). But then I'm livng in backwards post-communist Europe
  14. You can LARP it of course. Or you can just ignore that layer of the game, which is what I do. Why did these people join together in the first place? Either they liked each other, or they had some pressing concerns that forced them to accept companions. Either way, is it interesting to know about it in detail? Let's look at the other options: - become bestest friends: Sure, nothing establishes bonds like cracking orc skulls together. It's possible, but do you need dialogue (which would certainly be totally interesting) to get the idea? Would you also welcome dialogue options like, "you're a meanie and we're not friends anymore?" - fall in lurve. Sure, wading through the innards of your enemies in the flickering torch light sparks romances in the dozens. Especially between people who were randomly thrown into a travelling group. Not saying that it couldn't happen, but every new member being a potential love interest is just silly. And I'm not even saying anything about the writing that has until now gone into such romances in CRPGs (spoiler: it's abysmal). So yeah the most realistic scenario is that these people who have fallen on hard times and must fight for their lives every day just need to let off some steam. Maybe they're also cuddling beneath their blankets afterwards. It's just that gameplay wise, I gain nothing by being made aware of it.
  15. I'm torn here. The only reasonable (appropriate, realistic) choice here is sex, since we're talking about a bunch of hardasses on the road. I can totally see my barbarian shagging the rogue in a closet, or my halfling jacking off the half-orc after dinner. But do I need to be notified of it happening? Hell no. That goes for other base bodily functions (pissing, farting) as well.
  16. I cannot into poll. And for the love of god, no multi- or prestige classes. Classes are an old-fashioned concept, but I can live with that. Just give me enough choices via traits or feats to tweak them. OTOH wild and ridiculous multi-classing just takes the entire point out of a rigid class system. It's DnD's policy of "abortions for one group, American flags for the other" that led to this mess.
  17. Games with **** combat and an interesting story get played once, max. Character building and combat is what makes me come back to a game. Therefore, I don't have major problems with generic settings, clichéd stories and shallow dialogue. It's better if those can be avoided, but no biggie. I liked BG2, but I've only played through it twice and couldn't stay with it for 10 years like some people have. The only tactical depth consisted in what spells you chose to cast, that's not enough to keep me hooked. Lack of randomization also didn't help.
  18. Yes, pretty much this. Also, a (cheap) way would be to make more class abilities offensive in nature.
  19. Your paladin has just detected fail. Smite it with the fury of a thousand gods, orly? Cool story bro, now you're forever alone. Awsume game is awsume.
  20. can I be a narrative designer, pretty plz?
  21. Why would it be hard for the game to delete your only save? I'm thinking about things like savegame corruption, getting stuck in the environment (less of a problem in this game, moreso in i.e. Wiz8), or getting stuck due to some other random bug (I remember an issue with doors and stairs in ToEE). Which will not result in deletion of your save, ironically.
  22. By popular demand, in PE, spells will not fail, there will be no trolls and your number of kills cannot go over 9000. Thanks
  23. I'd like their charisma to rest on understandable motivations, goals you can empathize with but you don't agree on the means they use to achieve them. Or, I'd also like to see an antagonist that has all the qualities of a hero/ respected leader but you just happen to stand on different sides. Then you could try to negotiate a truce, play both sides for profit or do the paladin-y thing and just follow through with enforcing your side's interests (for god and country!).
  24. I'm against them putting something in the game that is only gimmicky and has no real value on its own. That's for easter eggs, not normal content. But if they poke some fun at contemporary tropes, I'm all for it (within limits).
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