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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. Another user found this to be a temporary bug. I think he had to restart the app. My first guess is a communication glitch between clients (y'all) and the playfab server. Check here.
  2. Another user found this to be a temporary bug. I think he had to restart the app. Check here.
  3. Another user found this to be a temporary bug. I think he had to restart the app. Check here.
  4. There were two other topics about folks having this exact problem. Glad to hear it's temporary.
  5. The Wand of Enervation is a Loot that is awarded by completing Into the Mountains. That SHOULD be the LAST scenario, not the first, though.
  6. I opened 60-odd chests pre-patch, got one legendary (Amulet of Inescapable Location).
  7. I've also completed Here Comes the Flood by all cards being gone from all locations. The Scenario is (as near as I can tell under the "Most Recently Attempted Scenario" marker) marked completed, but I can't move forward.
  8. You're supposed to be having a Holiday weekend and not on the forums. RELAX!
  9. That character is never going to be able to get that skill feat. If you want a fully-stocked Lem, you're going to have to build a new one from scratch. The fix made sure this won't happen again, but it can't fix the characters who've already suffered it.
  10. So you're saying the image isn't.. the wight size?
  11. I aboslutely give him combat spells. If he gets a decent ranged weapon (DBLC+1 is still my fave), then that makes a good fallback (or go-to for undead). But, in order: 1. Yes, that's correct. Everyone has a Favored Card Type, and they re-draw their opening hands until they get a card of that type. Lem is one of the few who can CHOOSE. 2. I took a spell. I've found that if I choose Weapon as his Favored Card Type every time, I always have it in hand. More spells gives him a better chance to have a spell in HAND, so he'll be able to pick a spell out of his discard pile if needed. 3. I start him with 2 cures, but when I start finding good spells (Augury, etc) I swap one of them out. 4. Depends on how you've armed him. The Deathbane Light Crossbow (+1!) doesn't NEED proficiency, and it's a solid choice for a few Adventures. However, it gives him the chance to pull a one-time Harsk-like fire support if he has it. It also makes him a touch more versitile with weapons he acquires in play. If I've found myself stalled due to Weapon Proficiency more than I've found myself using Bard Song and having folks miss checks by one, I go with Proficiency. Otherwise, I do the opposite.
  12. Just so's y'all know, this topic isn't here for reporting bugs. It's here to inform you what information to include when you create a new topic to report your bugs.
  13. I work tomorrow. Dangers of working in a 24/7 shop... But at least I don't have to work Monday.
  14. The patch was unable to go into your saved games and un-check completions, which is the core of the problem. So, yes, those characters will never get those rewards. You'll need to start new characters to get a complete character.
  15. I'm assuming the sudden lack of response is because folks are doing just that. I've only played one run-through of The Ogres, and my dice rolls were mostly horrible. Despite having gobs of dice, Mommy got me the first two encounters with her. Snuck it out on the last turn, with Lem using his DBLC+1 (getting ANY spells into his hand was becoming a problem) and a pile of blessings and such.
  16. The only problem with the base mechanic is that they wanted you to have the ability to mix and match characters from multiple different playthrough-parties in any given scenario. So keeping the "removed from game" list is impossible, since two different characters from two different games with two different removal lists can play together.
  17. Did the character holding that card have a Scar Mask in their hand, instead? I believe that's the right one...
  18. Yap the Pixie is NOT black-border. It's merely a Deck 3 Ally. Either that, or I unlocked it, too.
  19. That's a known bug, getting fixed in the upcoming patch.
  20. Wow. You're doing WAY better than I am. I've opened about 2/3rds that many, and I only have ONE Legendary... 23 Epics, though.
  21. As for 3, some are already in the game in other sets/suppliments, and some don't exist anywhere else.
  22. The LAST time they narrowed it down to 1/3rd of the week, circumstances kept them from meeting that promise. They've already promised This Week, and given the nature of the beast, it's unrealistic to expect anything more specific than that.
  23. The "Elite" trait just means "slightly less lame than Basic". In the physical game, when you begin Adventure 3 of any path, you start removing cards Basic cards from the game as you encounter them and would banish them (Mandatory for banes, optional for boons). When you begin Adventure 5 of any path, you do the same with Elites. So, they're the cullables that wait a little longer.
  24. That's the same on you use with New characters to build their decks from ADB Basic cards. I found it the first time I started with Merisiel and Kyra, and promptly forgot how I got to it. The next two parties I built started with their default (crappy) decks. So, I feel your pain.
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