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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. Heh. I actually worked his booth at a GenCon several years ago. Great family.
  2. I have a Nexus 10 that I'm hopin' will run it.
  3. Ranzak is a promo card for Skull & Shackles, so you might have to wait for that one.
  4. Lem, and... some other people. It is ALWAYS awesome not to have to worry about having the wrong kinda spellcaster when a spell comes up. That, plus blessings, plus non-animal allies, and Lem is a boon-grabbing MACHINE.
  5. That actually sounds fairly awesome. I will probably play the dickens out of the game, and if I get impatient, there's always cash.
  6. So you can, in theory, get the base game free, and play it ravenously and end up with a complete set? Or are the "gold" awards once-per-whatever-achievement things that won't stack up to pay for an entire Adventure Path?
  7. I would stop playing Fallout 4 to play PACG for Android. This may or may not have any relevance to the fact that I don't own Fallout 4.
  8. Personally, I'd rather have it right than soon. But soon would ALSO be awesome... B-)
  9. I'm having this problem on a Windows 7 box (Steam). I attached my only save file, and got "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file." I attached my output_log.txt, and got "This upload failed." There was a progress bar and EVERYTHING...
  10. Extensively pondering belly-button lint.

  11. I like the idea of certain things being completely out of my league when I'm a n00b, and dirt easy when I'm all buff. I went with "minimal". I know a guy who hated Oblivion because the scaling was so extreme, that he felt there was almost no point in leveling. I kinda see his point. I don't see the "NO SCALING" arguement as pedantic. Though, arguing that it's "realistic" might be kind of silly, since the counter-arguement could be made that, "Why do you think that while YOU'RE out levelling like a mad dog that THEY'RE sitting around doing nothing?"
  12. Personally, I'm generally against "leveling". I know it's a big deal from those games, but I've always prefered purely skill-based advancement. Use/practice a skill enough, it goes up. I know that's not an option here, and it's sure as HELL not gonna keep me from lovin' this game. I voted "don't care". Either one will be fun.
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