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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. First, Lem is Male. Second, he has to be very careful with Combat when he's on his own. He can do a few combat spells and have a crossbow, to be sure, AND he can carry Cure spells. But especially starting out, he's less likely to be able to recharge his cures unless he's very lucky or adds blessings (or Troubadors) to his Recharge check.
  2. The person who encountered the card has to take at least ONE check, but otherwise, the other folks at the location can, indeed, pitch in.
  3. Lately I've been having a similar problem. I just hold my finger on the card until I see it move slightly, and then drag it appropriately.
  4. Not in the base game, but if there is a Wildcard rule or higher-difficulty rule that does it, anything could happen. However, the roll to see how many cards you heal is NOT (much to everyone's sadness) a Check, so it can't be enhanced by powers or boons or whatnot, and neither can it be affected by rules that affect Checks.
  5. is that a hero? He's an ally. He can give any kind of check the Fire trait. Which is REALLY cool if you also have the Blessing of Zarongel, which adds 2 dice to any check with the Fire trait. B-)
  6. Here's the text from the AP card in the card game: After you begin The Hook Mountain Massacre, whenever you banish a bane with the Basic trait, remove it from the game; whenever you you banish a boon with the Basic trait, you may remove it from the game. After you begin Sins of the Saviors, do the same for cards with the Elite trait." So, if they follow that pattern, Basic Banes will auto-remove after the first time they are banished. (Note that closing a location causes all cards in the location deck to be Banished, but completing a scenario causes all cards left over (be they in location decks or leftover from rebuilding decks) to be returned to the box (which doesn't trigger "Banished" actions).
  7. ...which means you don't get access to them again except by encountering them randomly.
  8. It's true. I'm always somewhat startled when I click a blessing and it offers a "Recharge" button rather than a "Discard" button. I'm all like, "Score!" However, when it comes to remember to check to see if a Blessing of the Gods would do you some EXTRA good, you're probably on your own.
  9. I picked up Lem first, because he's who I WANTED to play. I wasn't thinking about strategy so much as FUN. If I'm gonna grind, I'm gonna love doing it. Then I saw that the Bundle came with promo cards like Poog of Zarongel and caved and spent the $25
  10. First, loot is never going to be encountered in a location deck, at all, ever. It only appears as a Scenario/Adventure/Adventure Path reward. If you don't take one, or have to banish it, it's not stored anywhere that you can get it back. Second, interesting question. The number of copies of a given loot card is fixed (usually one each, and yes, I know that there are two sihedron medallions, but one's deck 1, and one's deck 2). So, if you somehow lose your Medusa Mask to the Vault, and then pick up a random new character and take him/her through Angel in the Tower, will that character get all the Loot cards that weren't already claimed as options? Interesting workaround. I'll have to give it a try.
  11. I Alpha-struck a Villain that I didn't notice had two checks to defeat. The second check didn't go so well...
  12. It's the same purple Icon they use to hand a card to another person, I think. But it's not in the upper right where the turn-phase selection buttons are... It's top center in the skill selection/detail area.
  13. As for #4, in the physical game, there's a rule in the rulebook that says, "If a roll affects multiple checks or targets, roll once for each check/target.
  14. Sounds easy to abuse, but maybe something that worked up until the dice were rolled?
  15. Is it at all possible you were using a character who was not (yet) proficient with weapons, and he/she was using a weapon that adds 4 to the difficulty when wielded by a character who isn't proficient?
  16. The Goblin Cutpurse shows a different Scenario rule (When you defeat a monster, roll 1d6 - on a 1, take 1 fire damage).
  17. Ooooooh. So because Father Z has the Divine trait, you were revealing him for Kyra's heal ability, and somehow it instead triggered HIS bury-to-heal ability instead.
  18. Be careful what you buy from a dollar store...
  19. Yes! I noticed this one, but forgot which card it was (and didn't think to grab a screen shot).
  20. Were you trying to tap the card and get a "Bury" button, or did you try dragging the card down to the pile of dirt next to the discard pile? If you didn't try the second one, give that a shot. Not every action has a tap-and-button interface (yet). So if you don't see buttons and need to: recharge or shuffle something into your deck - Drag it to your deck in the lower right. discard - drag it to the discard pile on the lower left. bury - drag it to the pile of dirt just to the right of your discard pile. banish - Drag it up to the top of the screen, just to the right of the location box (a loop of red-highlighted chain may appear as a target). encounter (like a barrier that sits on the top of a location deck) - drag it to the top far right of the screen, just below the turn-phase buttons. draw - drag it into the middle of your hand... I may be forgetting something.
  21. This will NOT be the case when Class Deck Sajan and his Acrobatics-based-combat weapons are released.
  22. Actually, I replay scenarios in the physical game fairly regularly. The trick is, you can never get a scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path reward more than once with the same character. But sometimes you're beefing up your deck for something big, and sometimes you're babysittling someone who hasn't played that scenario yet.
  23. THAT'S HORRIBLE!!!! You should NEVER send Harsk to the Temple when you have Kyra in the party! (Seriously, I hope your problem gets fixed quickly!)
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