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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. The first things the devs are going to say is "Phones aren't yet supported." However, it sounds like you're having no problems. Currently, save games are local to each device (they're working on "cloud save", but not yet). Purchases (should) sync across devices using the same Google Play login. So do gold totals. I purchased the Bundle on my Android tablet, and all the content was available on my (unsupported) Android phone.
  2. Oh, if you JUST want to see the Treasure (and unlockable-in-other-ways) cards, start at the opening splash screen (Continue, Story, Quest) and select the Gallery. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see the word "Treasure" with three buttons: On, Off, and Available (I find these labels counter-intuitive). "On" means to show all the typical card inventory PLUS the Treasure cards. "Off" means only show the typical card inventory (there's a setting in the game that lets you keep those cards from showing up during Quest mode). "Available" means JUST show Treasure cards. You'll still have to cycle through 7 to 9 different decks and with 6 different boon types in each deck, but it's much more wieldy than scanning through all the regular inventory looking for copper, silver, or gold borders.
  3. I actually had a similar problem with a bow. Bows can add to ANY combat check at another location. I was in Alpha Strike mode on a villain, so I had Lem cast Frigid Blast, Kyra threw a blessing and cast Eloquence (no problem), and Merisiel threw a blessing on as well... But when she applied her bow for the 1d4, all the dice changed to Lem doing melee combat (mostly d4s) and I had to have each character hit Undo and start from scratch.
  4. Aw yea... Valeros' Monkey-suited Nixon-pose brings ALL the Noble Brats to the yard...
  5. Huh. It looks like there are NO Deck 5 spells. There should be two Blizzards, two Disintegrates, and two Raise Deads.
  6. Pancakes, then souls, then waffles (and I'm pretty OK with waffles).
  7. Valeros is a Diplomacy monkey. Drop him in the locations with Allies and he'll get some explores.
  8. Playing Approach to Thistletop on Heroic mode. All monsters with the Goblin trait add 2d4 to their difficulty. Wildcard: Darkest Night. All banes have their difficulty to defeat increased by 3. Gogmurt showed up early at the Goblin Fortress (so that's 2d4+5 per check), maxed his fire damage, and cleaned the remainder of Merisiel's hand before she could even think about backstabbing. That whole session was brutal. Easy rolls were failed unusually often. Difficult rolls were also failed (by 1, often enough that I suspected a sentience at work) typically often. The copious d4s rolled for healing came up 1s WAY more than a quarter (or even three quarters) of the time. On the upside, nobody died when I timed out, but I'm not sure I manged to close a location. My roommate and fiancee were amused by my shouting and swearing.
  9. I've had the opposite experience. I got Merisiel and Kyra through the first three scenarios, then unlocked Lem. I had them babysit him through those same Scenarios, and he got a skill feat while they did not.
  10. Lem was my first unlock. He's the second character I played in the card game (specifically, Class Deck Lem, the scary one) after Merisiel (who, to be fair, was the only character in that group who didn't die). After my Guild-Lem died (skinny-dipping in the Abyssal River, trying to entice the hot Kyra twins in), I've been forcing myself to play someone else so I don't get hung on a theme. I've since played Fighters and Monks, Sorcerers and Druids, Barbarians and Bloodragers, Wizards and Paladins. But in the video game, he's been in every party since I unlocked him.
  11. Ok, so, build a party with a single new character, nickname him/her, arrange his deck, and then don't start a scenario (hit the Settings button and Quit Game). Then build a new party with the new guy and experienced characters. Qvoth: I believe your experienced characters will still have the same starting decks. The reason I believe this is, there's a bug that hangs the game with multiple iterations of your characters (two Kyras, two Merisiels) in a party. The workaround is to quit the game (losing any progress on the given scenario), delete the party, and rebuild the party with the same characters. I did that once, and the characters I added still had their decks.
  12. So, the vault limit doesn't limit what our characters can START with (everyone could have a Shalelu Andosana in their decks at the start of a Scenario). But as soon as you put her in a place out of a character's control (banish, left behind during deck-rebuild), whoosh! Extras are gone. So, looking for loopholes... If Kyra and Merisiel had adventured separately, and they each acquired a Shalelu, and then they adventured together, and during (or after) a Scenario, Kyra hands her Shlelu to Merisiel, will Merisiel be able to start with two copies of an otherwise unique card?
  13. Any chance you can provide a screenshot of what you're seeing? Also, any information on your device (Android/iOS, make/model, version of OS, etc) will help the devs help you.
  14. I know that helps on Android... Is that an iOS setting as well?
  15. Then you have a lot of haste and little other options! So you can supersaturate your vault with more of a card than exist in the Gallery by acquiring more than the usual total among several characters in different parties, and then putting those experienced characters together in a single party?
  16. As I understand it, unless you're in the middle of a Scenario, there's no real downside (correct me if I'm wrong) to deleting a party and creating a new one from a mix of those Experienced characters and some brand new ones.
  17. Honestly, it scared me the first time I saw it. I glanced over just as she encountered a monster and I'm all like, "WHOA!! What was THAT that just flashed across the screen?" My fiancee said, "That's Valeros' ability..." "Oooooooh right." It's kind of a no-win. If the handshake lasted a bit longer, the people who'd never seen it before would be happy, but everyone who was used to it would find the extra delay unpleasant.
  18. What if you remove her from the party, and add her to a party with Ezren, who ALSO has 4 haste cards from a DIFFERENT party?
  19. When I watched my fiancee play, when a character initiated a combat in the same location as Valeros, there was an immediate image of a hand-shaking icon, and a d4 appeared alongside her Strength die. She didn't have to do anything.
  20. Good call. I hope the first patch frees that save up for ya.
  21. Hrmm... One thing they've had people try (this is from memory, so you might we better served looking for a similar thread with instructions directly from a Dev) is to exit completely out of the app, make sure it's not running in the background (I don't know how you do that on an iWhatever). Then sign out of the Apple store thingy. Then power your tablet down. Then power it up. Then sign back into the Apple store thingy. Then go into the app and see what you see.
  22. Plus, noisy clerics get those wily monsters on their guard, while a single sneaky rogue can stab them while they're playing horribly addictive games on their tablets...
  23. If this is your first party, and you don't mind playing the tutorial again, you might try uninstalling and re-installing the app. It'll kill all your progress, but if that's just a few minutes of banging through the tutorial, it might be worth it.
  24. The good news is, Treasure and Gold should be stored on the playfab account created by your sign-in on either Google Play or the Apple App store. Whatever happens, as long as you can log into the appropriate store, you should have those. Progress on your characters and such are all stored locally, so if that's lost, you might have to start from scratch. Beyond that, I have no useful advice.
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