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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. Good point. From the characters I've encountered, these are the skills I've seen under Charisma: Arcane, Craft, Diplomacy, Divine, Knowledge, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. Think about some of those...
  2. This came up in another topic. "Melee" refers to two things in the game. One is the Melee skill. Sajan doesn't have it, so unless he rolls a d4 instead of his d10 Dexterity die (or even his Strength die), it doesn't apply. Melee is ALSO a common Trait among weapons. The only way to get to add the Melee trait to your combat check is to have a power that does so, or play a card that defines your combat check and which has the Melee trait (such as non-ranged weapons). So, with all that in mind, a character with no Melee skill and no Melee weapon isn't making a Melee combat check, by the strictest definition.
  3. Interesting question. Can you use it with other unarmed folks? A combat check gets the Melee trait from using a card that defines the check AND has the Melee trait, so, it's possible that this check never gets the Melee trait.
  4. Saxmaam mentioned specifically that s/he couldn't drag a card from the discard pile down to the dirt "bury" pile. Have you tried putting a finger on the card you want to bury, holding it there until you see it move a little, then dragging it down to the bury pile? (The interface doesn't offer an option to tap a card to get a "Bury" button, and complaints about that have been lodged.)
  5. Remember, "Elite" doesn't mean "Awesome". It means "Second-least lame."
  6. a) Probably b) If you opened the chest, you got them automatically. No further action is necessary on your part. They will be added to your "box" and encountered normally. c) I don't think there's another way to get the mask, but it's not that great a card, so, don't worry about it. If you start adventure 1 again (I don't know if you'll need fresh characters), you'll probably get Aldern again and can try keeping him for the appropriate Scenario where you can get the mask. d) Yes and no. When the app builds your vault for each Scenario, it will only include so many of a given card. But your experienced characters can come together from multiple parties, and thus could bring together multiples of otherwise unique cards. I'm unsure if the characters' card inventory actually affects the vault's inventory.
  7. It's a feature, there are others that differ, and I haven't seen a list (thought I would love to). B-)
  8. I love the smell of ozone in the morning...
  9. My attitude is a practical one. If you make a difference between "failing to acquire" and "failing a check to acquire" the devs have more control over the things that zap you for doing one of the other. "We want raise the stakes on deciding to make an acquire check" can be one options, and "We want people to HAVE to try to acquire everyting to keep from getting zapped" is another.
  10. At the Scenario-selection screen, there are two buttons on the lower right. One shows a humanoid outline and will allow you to look at your party's character "sheets". The other is a deck of cards, with one standing upright that has a stylized P on the back(/face). This will let you edit decks. If you're running all New characters, then you should have access to all the B (and C, if you've purchased the Character Add-on Deck) Basic cards to swap in and out.
  11. There was an oversight when they generated the first patch that didn't change the version number. There WAS a patch, it DID fix some stuff, and the NEXT patch will actually admit to being a new version of the software. B-)
  12. Ummm... Isn't that defined by the Adventure, itself? Bs for the first three, 1s for the next five, and 2s for the last five?
  13. Wow. Yeah. Class-deck Sajan's dodge (-1 or -3 to all combat damage) was AWESOME. For early on, I was much happier with increasing his Slashing Melee rolls (and later on, in Season of the Righteous, he didn't even need to ROLL for combats whose difficulty was less than 20 if he had a Slashing weapon), but bouncing a chunk of all combat damage off of his manly pecs? GOLD! The ONLY real reason I considered Temple Guardian role was to have that apply to ALL damage, and that was VERY nearly almost reason enough. But the Monk of the Four Winds seduced me, and I've only regretted it a little.
  14. I see both sides of this. Like y'all, I would expect the difficulty to be higher than what's on the card if the text on the card that the difficulty is going to be higher. (....yes, that almost makes sense.) On the other hand, if you encounter Explosive Runes, and the FIRST time you faced one in the B adventure, it was 8 or 10, but NOW it's 9 or 11, it helps to have some text that explains this.
  15. The cool thing about an app is, you can re-print cards on the fly. So when a Veteran bane's difficulty is raised by the Adventure Deck number (if any), they can actually change the difficulty in the "To Defeat" area of the card itself to reflect the new difficulty, rather than just showing the original difficulty and then having the updated difficulty up in the check choice area. Several people have found this counter-intuitive.
  16. I don't imagine they want people to be able to cull their boxes by hand to only have the boons they WANT.
  17. The bundle includes the C-deck (another 2000g, since you already included the 4 included characters). Also, aren't chests 500g per, not 4000g per?
  18. This has been on their list of things to do all along. No idea WHEN, but they definitely want to do this and are working on it.
  19. Swap Sajan for Lem and I have a party like that. Everyone has at least one Cure spell.
  20. As long as the Reveal and the Discard aren't for powers on the card, it's fine. If a card has two powers that say "Reveal for X, Discard for Y" you can't use both powers because (unless something says otherwise) you can't use to boons of the same type on the same check. But in this case, the Reveal is to "fuel" a power of Lini's, so you're not "playing" an ally on the check. Since "Reveal" means the card is still considered to be "in your hand", you can do with it anything that you can do with a card in your hand, including playing it for its power. Same with armors. If you have the Elven Breastplate and take three combat damage, you can reveal the Breastplate to reduce the damage from three to one, and then discard the Breastplate as a damage card.
  21. I gotta admit, I hate the spell Mending. I've had a grudge against it (and, to a barely lesser degree Guidance) since I forgot to edit a couple of characters' decks before starting and game and ended up with these instead of multiple Cures. If I see these, I go out of my way to lower my odds of acquiring them, just to lessen my irritation. Smart-game-strategy-wise, you're aboslutely right.
  22. This sounds familiar. I think I've run into this bug. I wanna say it's been reported, but I don't honestly recall.
  23. I don't think anyone's gotten a mouse to work. I'm pretty sure they're not supported. Search the forums for "mouse" and you'll find a topic or two on the subject.
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